Adrienne Young

Adrienne Young is the New York Times, Sunday Times, USA Today, Indie list, and international bestselling author of the Sky and Sea duology , the Fable series, and Spells for Forgetting. Her books have been published in over twenty-five countries around the world and Fable had the honor of being selected as a Reese’s Bookclub YA Pick. Young is also the creator of the continuously sold out Writing With the Soul workshop, the Fable Grant, the Storyteller’s Retreat, #findmywritingcommunity, and numerous initiatives to support women and youth storytellers. Her first nonfiction project is The Storyteller’s Workbook, in collaboration with artist and author Isabel Ibañez. When she’s not writing, you can find Adrienne on her yoga mat, on a walk in the woods, or planning her next travel adventure. She lives and writes in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.

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