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The Darkness Within Us Readalong: Day 1!


Beautiful photo by @tranquilreads!

Hi fairy friends!

Happy Monday to you all and welcome to day 1 of our readalong of The Darkness Within Us by Tricia Levenseller. I’m so excited to be reading this one with you, I hope you all love it!

Before we get into the book, how are you all doing? I hope you had a wonderful weekend and got lots of reading done!

Since today is day 1, we’ll be reading from the beginning to the end of Chapter 5. It’s time to get comfy and cosy with our book and get started!

When you’ve finished today’s section, catch up with me in the comments down below so we can discuss the beginning of the book. Happy reading!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for The Darkness Within Us by Tricia Levenseller from the beginning to the end of Chapter 5. Please only read on if you have finished reading this section!


Anyone that knows me, knows I love a good opening line, and WHAT an opener we have here! β€œMy husband is taking too long to die.” Ok, Tricia Levenseller, I’m intrigued!

Chrysantha’s husband is a gross old man. They married because he paid her father seven thousand necos for her. Oh, ew. Big ew!Β 

He’s powerful though, the Duke of Pholios, so once he’s gone, Chrysantha will inherit everything. That’s the only thing getting her through.

Kyros, part of their staff, sounds quite nice though! I like him already. Chrysantha has received a letter from her little sister and DUN DUN DUNNNN. It’s Alessandra. Now, this is a standalone so you don’t need to be familiar with Alessandra already, but those who are, are you as glad as I am that she’s making an appearance? I LOVED The Shadows Between Us and if Alessandra is anything to go by, Chrysantha is going to be a force to be reckoned with.

Alessandra is inviting her sister to her wedding to the Shadow King. The sisters seem to be in some kind of unseen competition and this news makes Chrysantha think she’s lost. She snaps and… smothers her husband!

The weeks go by with Chrysantha feigning mourning, playing with Kyros’ son Nicos, shopping and deciding to redecorate her newly inherited abode. She decides there and then that she won’t marry again. She’ll take a lover instead and make herself untouchable. Even then though, Chrysantha doesn’t feel good enough as she finds out Alessandra is now capable of making laws.

Things go from bad to worse when she’s told her funds are maxed out and there’s a problem with her solicitor. Vander tells her she’s overspent her monthly allotment. She didn’t even know she HAD an allotment, so she plays dirty. Oh, I do love a female MC with a backbone. She’s not taking this!

She asks Vander if his wife knows about the clubs he frequents and pretty much shuts him down with her threats. I don’t know though… I can’t see this being over!

She continues to defy norms, she wants a lover, and power. Her maid suggests doing what the men do and ahem sample some gentleman. Our gal Chrysantha likes that idea!

She spends two months sampling and decides Sandros is a favourite but… she returns one day to find someone IN her bed and… it’s not Sandros.

Whoever this is seems as shocked as she is. He – Eryx – claims that the late duke was his grandfather… and he is now the Duke of Pholios. Oh Eryx, you don’t know what you’re getting into! Chrysantha won’t take this!

Naturally, she doesn’t believe it, but he has the Pholios seal? So Vander definitely has some questions to answer…

Chrysantha is not the simple minded woman Vander initially thought her to be. She calls him out to be a fool for confirming the new will was updated before the duke died (obviously) and if it’s undated, how can he be sure that’s the most recent? I mean, she has a point…

This all sounds sketchy! Chrystantha threatens to hire a private investigator but Eryx doesn’t back off. His birth certificate may show his father isn’t in the picture, but it does also show that he’s not lying… 

Eyrx gets EVERYTHING and Chrysantha gets… an allowance. Eryx is already making plans to kick her out but he doesn’t know how stubborn she is, she won’t go easy!

He tries to give her an out – twice – and asks if the marriage is consummated and both times she stubbornly tells him and Vander that it was.

Although, Eryx is seemingly looking quite stubborn too. Has Chrysantha met her match?

What an opening section!

I already love Chrysantha’s attitude and I’m sure Eryx’s arrival is going to cause some drama!

Are you team Eryx or team Chrysantha?
Do you believe he’s telling the truth or could it still be a forgery?
Any theories on what will happen? πŸ‘€

I’m so excited to read more of this with you all tomorrow, fairies!





  • Theroselectory

    Omg I am loving this! I love when books start out with a bang and this certainly has! I cant wait to see what further antics Chrysantha gets up to! I am definitely in her team!

    It does seem suspicious that no one seems to know that the Duke had a child especially one he’s willing to leave his estate to.

    I can’t wait to dive deeper tomorrow!

    • Jodie

      We are so happy to hear that! There’s nothing better than when a character has you hooked from the very first moment, and Chrysantha certainly did that! πŸ‘€

  • sarahbears9511

    I’m team Eryx. I think it’s great that Chrysantha is taking her life into her own hands. She doesn’t seem to be going power hungry with all that she has gained, she treats her staff well. But there is something about her personality that I just don’t love, I find Eryx’s character to be more enjoyable. I think Eryx’s claim is legitimate, how else could he have the seal?

  • Bex

    I haven’t decided if I’m team Eryx or Chrysantha because I’m torn on whether I like Chrysantha but I do enjoy her character and her giving Eryx a hard time. I have a feeling Eryx trying to claim his rights isn’t going to be her only big obstacle. Nico might mention what he saw her do, not knowing it was wrong and that might be more difficult for her to get out of.

  • Seeri

    I’m definitely interested in where the story is going! After being thrown straight into the deep end I felt for a moment, that things happened way too quickly but now after Eryx is also in the play, I hope things will slow down a bit. I think he’s telling the truth but also that Chrysantha will do anything to keep herself in power. That being said I’m definitely team Chrysantha. Can’t wait to read more!

  • Lea Niven-Smith

    What an opener! I think I’m Team Eryx. I believe his claim to be legitimate but my theory is that her sister’s rules changes have far more to do with this than it may seem from the outset?!

    Could they all have been in cahoots? Could Pholios be bitter about how little Chrysantha gave him? What if one of the staff is in on it? I want to love Kyros but I’m too suspicious of everything. What an amazing first five chapters!

    • Isla

      It really was such an opening to the book! We’re so happy that you loved the first section!

  • Graciela | @for_graceful_books

    What a start! Loved the first line and the Vampire Diary quote in the dedication.

    While I am def team Chrysantha, being she is kind and generous to staff and damn did she work to be a widow, she gives me Nesta vibes and I am not a Nesta fan. Now I am curious about Alessandra’s story which I haven’t read.

    Looking forward to tomorrow’s section!
    Happy reading everyone πŸ“–

  • Kennedy G

    Im really enjoying this one so far. I reread the first book in the β€œseries” last week and didnt love it as much a second time around so i was nervous to start this one, however its better than expected.

    I love all the side characters that weve been introduced to and i really like the banter that weve seen between Eryx and Chrysantha so far.

    Are you team Eryx or team Chrysantha? Id say Chrysantha so far
    Do you believe he’s telling the truth or could it still be a forgery? I think hes telling the truth
    Any theories on what will happen? πŸ‘€ none so far

    • Jodie

      We’re happy to hear you’re enjoying it so far! Yessss, the banter has been 10/10! πŸ‘πŸ’œ

  • Marie-Anne Senechal-Chevallier

    100% team Chrysanthea !! I love how clever and resourceful she is ! Not a huge fan of Eryx for now but I admit I’m pretty curious about him ! I believe he’s telling the truth (even though it’s really odd that no one knows about him) but there’s something fishy here… Why does he want to have her gone so much ??? What is happening ? Can’t wait to read more πŸ™‚

  • Kyanna Jackson

    Wow! What a great kick off! I cannot wait to see where this goes. There seems to be too many slight instances where his claim seems very off. If that is true, I have no doubt that Chrysantha will figure it out! I have a sneaking suspicion though that despite her disinterest in falling in love, something is going to happen between her and Eryx. But we shall see what happens!

  • Emily

    I think Eryx is telling the truth that he is the Duke’s grandson, but there is definitely still something fishy going on with him and he’s hiding something. I can’t wait to read more and see more of Chrysantha and Eryx’s interactions!

  • Kristy Chui

    Team Chrysantha for sure! Although I’m intrigued by Eryx, it’s all a little too convenient. Him being able to just walk (break) into the estate, having the ring, and Vander not mentioning anything! Our girl is also on a mission, so excited to see her wreak havoc and I’m curious how her relationship with Alessandra is going to play out.

  • Marie-Eve BΓ©langer

    What a start ! Loved it soooo much ! I love a strong FMC, however, I’m still undecided on which team I wish to be. That being said, I feel like Eryx is not saying the whole truth. He give me the chill (but I love it) and I feel like is hiding a big secret. I’m excited to see how their relationship will progress and I hope will have a lot of banter !


    Are you team Eryx or team Chrysantha?
    I think I am team Chrysantha. She’s pretty morally grey and very self absorbed but not in a bad way. More like she wants to pull a Taylor swift and say f the patriarchy in her own way. And currently Eryx is standing in her way.

    Do you believe he’s telling the truth or could it still be a forgery?
    I think it’s forgery. It seems too convenient. I think it’s suspected she killed him early and that this was his way of tricking her if that was the case.

    Any theories on what will happen? πŸ‘€
    I have a feeling we will see the king and Alessandra. I don’t remember their story but I’m curious how horribly that will go just seeing the resentment Chrysantha has.

  • Tiffany Ambrose

    I completely resonate with your thoughts on the opening line; it had me giggling from the first sentence. It immediately made me think that wishing for someone’s demise is because he’s probably really old and thoroughly unpleasant, so those suspicions were spot on. That said, I did find myself cringing for Chrysantha on occasion. Her portrayal as overly jealous of her sister feels quite off-putting to me. I sincerely hope there’s more depth to her character beyond just superficial envy.

  • ladymeg

    Are you team Eryx or team Chrysantha?
    Team Kyros. Apparently I was not in the mood for enemies to lovers and just wanted a happy lil fantasyland with the kind, handsome butler. XD I’m sure I’ll get over it.

    Do you believe he’s telling the truth or could it still be a forgery?
    I think it’s both. I think Eryx is who he says but the new will is a scam.

    Any theories on what will happen? πŸ‘€
    A whole lot of rage on both sides hahaha.

    • Kelsey Seifert

      I also apparently wasn’t in the mood for enemies to lovers because I immediately just wanted a happy little family for her and Kryos! Ha!

  • claire.ramson87

    That opening scene really was unexpected. I haven’t read Shadows between Us so I’m not sure how much Chrysanthas was in that and what her characteristics were like in that book. I have found her to be really bratty so far, however if you were married to that old sleazeball then maybe you would behave that way also.

    I’m team Eryx as he seems to be legitimate. I think its unusual that he has just turned up but he has the seal so how could be not be a relative.

    I definitely think that Eryx is going to have a very hard time with Chrysantha around. She is not going to want to walk away from her freedom.

    • Meggan H

      I think he could have stolen the ring since Chrysantha said that she thought her husband had his ring on before he died

  • spudko.vik

    I definitely love the fact that book starts with quote from Vampire diaries but honestly so far it’s first book when I do t like the main character. Like all of that competition with her sister, the way how she blames her own decisions and results on her, that jealousy – I don’t think it’s healthy. One thing is being strong and willing to do what it takes to secure your own future but that’s not it. If you’re truly happy and don’t need more that your freedom you would be so jealous of your sister happiness especially if you admit that you were deliberately tried first to steal your fathers love from her, than got rejected by the king and don’t actually need that type of social life. Her situation is result her own decisions she pushed herself into this specific marriage and blaming her sister for getting married without suffering like she did ? – nope that’s not okπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

    I’m kinda team Eryx for now. Yeah I think that the story kinda weird and hard to say if he actually a duke’s grandson but I think so

  • Rachel

    Team Chrysantha! I love her already. Really like reading a book about a strong women. Eryx is definitely hiding something but I’m not sure what. I think it could be true that he is the Duke’s grandson but I don’t believe the rest of what’s going on.

    • Jodie

      Yesss! It makes it SO much more intriguing! Chrysantha’s feisty personality is so fun too! πŸ–€

  • Kelsey Seifert

    I LOVED The Shadows Between Us and so far I am also loving The Darkness Within Us. Chrysantha is definitely a force to be reckoned with! Eryx is super sketchy and I have a feeling there is more to him than what we have seen so far. What is the deal with his eyes potentially changing color? And there is something off with his two “goons.” They are obviously pretty informal with him and do not appear to be trained as they do not act like normal servants or bodyguards would. It is all around suspicious… I can’t wait to see what is next for Chrysantha!

    • Meggan H

      Good point about his eyes changing color! I want to think there is magic is this book similar to the book a couple months ago. I also wonder if he has a spell on him that is changing his appearance

  • the_Nerd_Huntress

    Aaah I am trying to catch up, mid of Shadows Between Us – joining here soon too!

  • Meggan H

    I am team Chrysantha because we love a strong woman! When I initially started this book I was confused because it seemed like a sequel to The Shadow King and i thought I was missing out on information. However, everything was explained once Chrysantha Received the letter from her sister. I was SHOCKED when she ended up killing her husband not even 10 pages into the story! I was enjoying her going and making a life for herself until Eryx arrived. It seems like he isnt the actual grandson and even if he was it wouldn’t make a difference because he is RUINING everything!

  • danica.brnot

    Omg Fairyloot I love you but I dont think that I have ever loved a book in the box from the start as I do this one its so good

    I am team Chrysantha girl power and all. I dont think his claim is true but will see but mostly I can’t wait how she will make his life super difficult until they fall in love lets be honest they will hehe This is going to ve such a good book sge is even more clever than Alessandra and I loved that book.

    Bring on the war between them uuuu I cant wait!!!

  • Tiffany Salangsang

    I am team Eryx X Chrysantha! which is my prediction. I think Eryx is as much of a schemer as Chrysantha – I think they both have an equal claim to the inheritance. I think they will eventually respect each other’s schemes and work together/fall for each other.

    Very entertaining so far, like watching a soap opera.

  • XennMix

    Oh yes, this is just the perfect start! And the characters are great so far…I love Crysantha’s first temper and warmth towards others, and can’t wait to see how she uses her wit and wiles to keep what she has fought for! Eryx is going to be a challenge, and there is too much intrigue to tell whether he is a scam artist or not yet…this is going to be a lightning ready for me, just so I can see the sparks fly!

  • Philly Chung

    Tricia Levenseller is a QUEEN when it comes to opening lines.
    I’m team Chrysantha, but we all know, they will eventually fall for each other – enemies to lovers trope is gold. I believe Eryx is telling the truth of his lineage, but I also believe the “updated will” is a forgery. I think Chrysantha will finally be her true self all the time now, and as a Stathos woman, she’s going to get what she wants in the end. Her acting simpleton days are over. I also hope Vander gets what he deserves, he seems sooo shady!

  • Lisa Spanu (@lisashelves)

    1. Are you team Eryx or team Chrysantha?

    2. Do you believe he’s telling the truth or could it still be a forgery?
    I think it is a forgery

    3. Any theories on what will happen? πŸ‘€
    Im really enjoying this!! Also can’t wait for the (hopefully) romance between the two!

  • Lindsay Powell

    Chrysantha is a force to be reckoned with! Somehow I do believe that Eryn is a high born bastard, but the fact that no one spoke of him before is really suspicious! I’m team marry-one-another-so-you-both-own-this-place πŸ˜‚

  • elenasofiaj

    I am obviously team Chrysantha!! Eryx smells way too fishy! I do believe that the old Duke was his relative, but I highly doubt that the will was changed last minute without Chrysantha noticing anything!
    Poor Chrysantha was finally living her best life and this dude has come from out of the woods just to be a nuisance!
    I think Eryx seized the duchy because he needs the title to get something, but I will need to read the rest to see if I am right.
    Anyway I belive in Chrysantha and I think she will prevail in the end!

  • the_Nerd_Huntress

    I finished The Shadows Between Us yesterday and am directly starting with The Darkness Within Us to catch up on the readalong! I expected more fantasy but now that I do expect romance only I am fully onboard!

    And what an opening it is, indeed!

    I am not sure if I am happy that Chrysantha is actually very clever or if I would have found the story of a simpleton woman even more entertaining, but the rivalry between the two sisters continue and their complicated relationship is of the most interesting. So sad that siblings so often nurture jealousy for each other.
    One aspect I do enjoy in this second novella again is definittely the feminist aspect! A brothel for women in Regency time – damn that is juicy
    And good job Alessandra on passing all those pro-women laws so early on!

    I bet there will be a romance developing between Eryx and Chrysantha as they will try to sceme against each other – who does not like a good enemies to lovers story.

    To continue!

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