
A Tempest of Tea Readalong: Day 2!


Stunning photo by @onetruedaydreamer!

Hello fairies!

Happy Tuesday and welcome to day 2 of our readalong of A Tempest of Tea by Hafsah FaizalI’m so excited to be reading this one with you, I hope you all love it!

That was quite the action packed start yesterday, wasn’t it? 

 I hope you’re all having a fun time reading so far!

Today we’re reading from chapter 8 to the end of chapter 14. Let’s do this!

When you’ve finished today’s section, catch up with me in the comments down below so we can discuss the beginning of the book. Happy reading!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for A Tempest of Tea by Hafsah Faizal from Chapter 8 to Chapter 14. Please only read on if you have finished this section!

We start off today’s first chapter with a new character POV and I’m instantly captivated for so many reasons! She is currently confined to an estate under house arrest for forgery. Interestingggg. What’s your initial opinion of this new character?

What’s even more interesting is that her adoptive mother is the founder of the East Jeevant Company and is, by default, a highly valued member of society – as well as being a cog in the colonial machine, as the Ram continues to colonise country after country.

We learn that Flick’s forgery started from a good place but then escalated from there until it became a sort of business; fulfilling her days whilst her mother was too busy for her.

It also turns out that her shop was located near Spindrift.

Eventually her forgery becomes public knowledge leading to her current predicament of being under house arrest, until the Horned Guard arrive to arrest her.

As she gets into the carriage she hears a familiar voice say “Watch your head there, love” and guess who that familiar voice belongs to? The one and only Jin! It turns out they are aquatinted from previous dealings in regards to her forgery and Jin has a proposition for her.

Jin is SO funny I literally can’t with this man. “You’ll have to put in a little more work to see me undressed, love.” He is so unserious all the time, it makes his character so likeable! I also adore that he keeps calling her love. I wonder if we can expect a romance between these two? 👀

Flick accepts Jin’s proposition: she will do a forgery job for them and in return he will make it look like she is in her prison cell when she is in fact, not.

The way Flick describes the tea room at Spindrift! 😍 It is criminal that I can only go there in my imagination. It sounds so cosy and the perfect spot for a cuppa.

I adoreee this quote: “Arthie Casimir was a maestro commanding the room. A queen at her throne. The hangman at the gallows.” – the power she holds!!!!

When we switch back to Arthie’s POV, we get to learn a little more about her backstory. An Ettenian ship had come to her homeland of Ceylan and subsequently colonised the land as well as murdering her parents right in front of her.

Arthie once again proves her legend status with this quote: “He was giving her flowers while she was planning his funeral.” But Laith giving her flowers?! I’m giggling and kicking my feet whilst also being a little suspicious. Could he have a little crush on our main character? What do you think?

Guys, I’m screamingggggg. Laith called Arthie ‘habibti’ which translates to ‘my love’. Arthie has no idea what it means and believes it to be an insult. I hope you’re all screaming with me?!

Flick arrives at Matteo’s and there she is joined by Arthie, Laith and Jin. We also get introduced to my new favourite character of the entire book (who isn’t even human) – Laith’s kitten! 🥺 

Between the flowers, ‘habibti‘ and Flick noticing how intently Laith is always watching Arthie – could my ship be sailing in the right direction after all?

But wait… could that be another ship on the horizon? Because I love Matteo and Arthies feisty relationship. Plus the fact he calls her darling a lot makes me swoon. Which ship are you boarding fairies? 👀

It’s revealed to Flick that Matteo is a vampire when Arthie tells her “After he declared his love for me, I had him shot in the heart.” If that’s not girlboss energy I don’t know what is…

Flick and Matteo both learn of the plan to break into the Arthereum and retrieve the ledger and eventually agree to it. Matteo agrees if he is allowed to go with them as he has someone he wants to see. Hmmm, I wonder who this person may be.

During today’s chapters, we also learn a bit more about Laith: he is Arawiyan and comes from a kingdom that was surrounded by an impenetrable forest. I wonder what his true motives are for being in Ettenia… Do you have any theories yet?

They come up with a plan to break into the Arthereum during the charity event. Flick will forge markers necessary to trick their way into the event whilst Jin also helps with getting the markers to pass the vaults. There are so many things that could go wrong before they even get to the event, I am SO nervous! And things get even more nerve-racking when it’s revealed that the man who has the ledger is the head of the Arthereum.

Does chapter 14 have anyone else convinced that Jin and Flick 100% like each other? They are so cute!

For Flick to forge the markers they need a sample of one of the sister’s handwriting (who are in charge of the vaults and of course are vampires). They break into their house not knowing that one of the sisters is home. Jin tells Flick to jump out the window whilst he goes to distract the vampire.

Well, today’s reading ended very intensely and now I’m a bag of nerves. Will they manage to escape? Ahhhh I can’t wait to find out!

Do you think Laith and Matteo both have a thing for Arthie? Could we have a potential love triangle? What do you think?

What are your thoughts on our newly introduced character Flick?

Who’s your favourite character so far?

Do you have any theories about the Ram and the ledger?

See you tomorrow for another day of reading!





  • Lisa Spanu (@lisashelves)

    1. What are your thoughts on our newly introduced character Flick?
    I’m really liking her. She’s an interesting character and I especially like her in contrast to Arthie and Jin. She seems more innocent at first glance.

    2. Who’s your favourite character so far?
    Hard to pick between Arthie and Jin! Currently leaning more towards Arthie tho

    3. Do you have any theories about the Ram and the ledger?
    It’s hard to truly know, but I do think the ledger has something damning in it that could bring the Ram down and it must have something to do with vampires.

    • Jodie

      Yes, she adds another interesting dynamic to the mix and I find her quite adorable! 💜

  • Dewi Sari

    Whenever Matteo speaks, all I can hear is Neil Newbon’s Astarion from BG3. Gives me the same sort vibe 🤣.
    As for Flick, such an interesting character as she’s quite different than the rest, yet similar.
    That ledger better be worth it with all this planning and scheming.

  • Tasha

    Do you think Laith and Matteo both have a thing for Arthie? Could we have a potential love triangle? What do you think? – More Matteo than Laith I think so far. I do love how Laith has his own cat though.

    What are your thoughts on our newly introduced character Flick? – I like Flick but don’t like the how she is planning on snitching on the team to get back into her mothers good graces. Hopefully she will change her mind.

    Who’s your favourite character so far?- honestly no one has stood out as very likeable to me so far. I think maybe Arthie is a half vampire though as she needed a miracle to survive?

    Do you have any theories about the Ram and the ledger? – none at all but I do think Ram is someone who we have met already – maybe Laith or Jins parents?

  • Katie

    These chapters flew by. I don’t know what’s being set up in lots of ways but that’s ok,I’m just going with it.

  • j.iris

    I had her just for 5 chapters and I already love love love Flick. She’s so fun and adorable, and her interactions with Jin are just *chef’s kiss*. She’s certainly my favourite character now that we have the whole team together, and I hope we get more chapters from her POV.

    It’s fun seeing all the characters interact with each other; as for Laith and Matteo, I really hope not a love triangle, I’m not really a fan of those, and Arthie strikes me more as the ‘no time for romance’ business type of gal. Though I must confess I do love her banter with Matteo.

    The plan to enter the Athereum was my favourite scene this section, with all its intricate details, and I can’t wait to see how are they gonna pull it off, especially with that chapter ending.

  • Andy Calladine

    I’m a sucker for heist stories so I’m loving it so far. I’m also a fan of morally grey characters. No one else is going to help lift, feed, clothe our 2 main characters Arthie and Jin so they’re helping themselves.

    • Jodie

      Totally agree! So happy to hear you’re loving it so far! 💜

  • Erica

    Favourite character so far is definitely Jin!
    I hope there is no love triangle, I’m unsure who I would pick at this point. I like them both 🤔.
    Flick seems okay but I really hope she doesn’t betray them.

    I am definitely still getting a lot of Six of Crows vibes. Matteo being surprised about their ruthlessness with blowing things up totally reminded me of Matthias.

  • Rachel

    I do see a potential triangle but so far I prefer Laith so holding out for him and Arthie!
    I love Flick – I think she might be my favourite character! Either her or Jin and them together are my favourite parts😍
    I have no idea about the ram so far🤔 need to wait and see

  • sparks2much

    I definitely think there could be a spark between Laith and Arthie. I really loved Flick’s character at first, but her naïveté is starting to get to me.

    No ideas on the Ram and the ledger yet. We’ll have to see!

  • Amy Kosta

    Definitely think that Laith and Arthie have a thing for each other! I’m not sure if the attraction between Matteo and Arthie will lead to something more romantic or not yet though!

    I think Flick is very sweet but she may be a bit too naive for my liking. I do think her and Jin would make such a cute couple though and I love that he’s normally a ladies man but gets flustered around her!

    Jin is definitely my favourite character! I like his attitude and charm!

    No theories at all on the Ram and the ledger yet!

  • TupaKitty_Reads

    A Lady forger? I like it! Flick’s mom runs the EJC that wiped out Arthie’s homeland/family?! Laith is a new foreigner. Interesting. Laith & Matteo seem to both be flirting with Arthie while Jin & Flick seem to have a long-standing mutual pining thing going on. I feel like, of the 3 recruits to Arthie’s crew, Flick would be most likely to betray them – more than the foreigner “High Captain of the Horned Guard,” more than the vampire aristocrat. I’m really enjoying the banter. Flick may be a love interest of Jin, but she’s my least favorite character of the bunch. She has a lot of growing up to do (character growth).
    Daily Q&A:
    1.) Do you think Laith and Matteo both have a thing for Arthie? Could we have a potential love triangle? What do you think?
    2.) What are your thoughts on our newly introduced character Flick?
    3.) Who’s your favourite character so far?
    4.) Do you have any theories about the Ram and the ledger?
    1.) It definitely sounds like both are flirting with her & even getting jealous of the other. I could see a Love Triangle happening, but I’m a “why choose” kinda gal, so I’m holding out hope for more. Lol.
    2.) Despite her interest in Jin, I’m not a fan of hers & can actually see her being a bigger threat to the Casimirs & their plans than the not-exiled vampire & the foreigner Horned Guard.
    3.) I need a bit more on Laith & Matteo before I can claims favorites (they have potential), but I’m loving the Arthie/Jin dynamic.
    4.) I’m still wondering if it’s related to the Wolf of White Roaring &/or the vampire disappearances.


    Do you think Laith and Matteo both have a thing for Arthie? Could we have a potential love triangle? What do you think?
    I think Matteo is just flirting. Especially since he gave them the wrong information.

    What are your thoughts on our newly introduced character Flick?
    I like flick. I am curious to learn more about her and especially how she will help with this scheme.

    Who’s your favourite character so far?
    I think Arthie is my fav. Shes pretty bad ass.

    Do you have any theories about the Ram and the ledger?
    I think the ledger is fake and a set up for this group.

  • Vi

    What are your thoughts on our newly introduced character Flick?
    I really like her!

    Who’s your favourite character so far?
    It’s definitely Jin <3

    Do you have any theories about the Ram and the ledger?
    I fear we are missing some very important details here. And I don't trust Laith.

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