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Adult Fantasy Book-Only Subscription


**Updated May 24 2022**

This product is currently sold out. Please sign up to the NEW waitlist below, if you would like to be notified when spots become available.

If you are in the US or Canada: Sign up to this waitlist ❯
If you are in the UK, Europe or Rest of World: Sign up to this waitlist ❯

We are so excited about this new product line and we are thrilled to confirm it will launch in MARCH 2022! We will be revealing the theme for the March box in February and we cannot wait for you to see the fantastic books that we have lined up for you throughout the rest of the year.

We’ve included some additional information below about this exciting new product line, which we hope will answer many of your questions.

  • What is the Adult Book-Only subscription?
    Every month will have a theme and inside the box there will be one newly released hardcover Adult fantasy book (there will be NO items). This is NOT part of our monthly YA Subscription Box and the books will be completely different.
  • What constitutes as Adult Fantasy?
    The books included in this subscription will always be those categorised as Adult by the publishing industry. All featured books are traditionally published.
  • Will these editions be exclusive to FairyLoot?
    Yes, every book will have customisations that are exclusive to FairyLoot – you can expect all of the beautiful finishes that you have come to know and love from us!
  • Will the books be signed?
    We endeavour to have them all signed and they usually will be, however, there might be some instances where this is not possible.
  • What will this subscription be priced at?
    It will be priced at $28 USD / Β£20 GBP + shipping and VAT (if applicable).
  • How much will shipping cost?
    Shipping costs will be around $6.90 USD / Β£3.95 GBP. International shipping rates can be found here.
  • Do you ship worldwide?
    Yes, we ship to most places around the world. You can find the list of countries that we ship to here.
  • What kind of subscription plan options will there be?
    There will only be a monthly option, which will renew every month.
  • When will these ship?
    They will ship towards the end of each respective month.
  • Is it possible to skip a month?
    Yes! It is always possible to skip a month for any of our subscription plans – just reach out to our team and they will be able to help.
  • Will the featured book be revealed?
    No, it will not be. Every month there will be a theme where we will provide a description for the book of the month as well as the exclusive customisations.
  • If you are subscribed to the Adult Book-Only subscription, will you get Early Access to FairyLoot special edition sales?
    Yes! You will get Early Access to all of the same special edition sales as the YA monthly subscription box.
  • Can you be signed up to both the Adult Book-Only subscription and the YA monthly subscription box?
    Yes, you can be signed up to both at the same time! You will be billed for each subscription separately, and they will ship separately.
  • Is it possible to ship the Adult Book-Only subscription with the YA monthly subscription box?
    No, it is not. They are separate products and they will ship separately in different boxes.
  • Is it possible to switch between the Adult Book-Only subscription and the YA monthly subscription box?
    The short answer is no, you cannot. You CAN be subscribed to both products, but our team will be unable to switch your subscription between the two. You can cancel your current subscription to sign up to the other (and vice versa) anytime. However, please note that spots for each product are limited, so if there is a waiting list you would need to re-join the waiting list. We would recommend you stick to one product (or both, if you love YA and Adult fantasy as much as we do!) once you have decided what works best best for you.

Original Reveal Text:

We have very exciting news: in early 2022 we will launch our ADULT BOOK-ONLY Subscription, a new product line for lovers of Adult Fantasy!

This new subscription product will be totally separate from our YA Subscription Box and it will be a monthly book-only subscription focusing on new and exciting Adult Fantasy titles. We’ll be working with the best publishing houses to bring you beautiful exclusive signed editions with special finishes that you have come to know and love from FairyLoot.

Additional Information:

  • The Adult Book-Only Subscription will be launching in early 2022.
  • The books will always be hardcover editions of a newly released Adult Fantasy title.
  • It will be priced at $28 USD / Β£20 GBP + shipping and VAT (if applicable).
  • They will ship worldwide to most countries from our UK Fairy Trove and the US Fairy Trove.
  • This is NOT part of our monthly YA Subscription Box and the books will be different.
  • You can be subscribed to both the YA Subscription Box and the Adult Book-Only Subscription at the same time.
  • Being subscribed to either subscription plan will give you Early Access to all Fairy Trove special editions.

If this sounds like a subscription that you would love, you can sign up to the waiting list HERE and we will email you with more information in the coming weeks.



  • Megan Brungard

    Now coming from the US trove also!? This makes me so happy! Thank you! I can’t wait to officially sign up!

  • Yasmin Naif mohamed

    Adult fantasy, special edition and always hardcover?!! Subscribed…. πŸ™‚

  • Toni Patsias

    Looking forward to this so much! Especially if it means that one day there will maybe be a special ed of a Ilona Andrews or Patricia Briggs book. *swoon*

  • Carissa Tsang

    Ah, yes! I’ve been looking for an adult fantasy subscription! I know the books tend to be larger and heftier, so if the swag is reduced, that’s still ok. Special editions and author content is what drives me. I can’t wait for this.

  • habourne

    I am so exited about this, I signed up for the waitlist but am not sure how to be sure its the one for the US?

  • camilasmmartins

    Can’t wait to see It!!
    Wish you would send to Brazil so I could purchased ;-;
    (Drama Queen On)
    I will just wait on the sidelines, seeing from afar, until my day comes…
    Sob sob sob
    (Hahahaha XD)

  • anaisgernais

    This makes me so happy. I will be broke if I subscribe to this box and keep the YA subscription but I can’t miss this opportunity!


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