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Bonded by Thorns Readalong: Day 1!


Stunning photo by @dailybookrecs!

Hi fairy friends!

Happy Monday, I hope you all have a good day! Welcome to day 1 of the August Romantasy readalong of Bonded by Thorns by Elizabeth Helen. I’m so excited to be reading this with you all!

Before we start, how are you all doing? I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are ready to dive into this new fantasy world with me!

Since today is day 1, we’ll be reading from the beginning to the end of chapter 13.

When you’ve finished today’s section, catch up with me in the comments down below so we can discuss the beginning of the book. Happy reading!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers forΒ Bonded by Thorns by Elizabeth HelenΒ from the beginning to the end of Chapter 13. Please only read on if you have finished reading this section!

Oh fairies, I already think we’ll like Rosalina! She’s travelled the entire world… through the pages of books. Sound familiar? I know we’re all guilty of the same!

She works in the local bookstore. I feel for her though, it seems both her and her father have become the laughing stock of the town, no one’s very nice to her. Her father is on a mission to track down the faerie folk, he’s convinced they stole his wife, but no one believes him – they all think him mad. Rosalina is quite alone, her ex Lucas left her for the city, she doesn’t seem to have many friends if any at all and her father is always gone.

Even worse, her boss thinks romance is drivel??? Um, try reading a romance first before you judge!

Just as she finds out someone’s destroyed her little library (seriously, hate this town so far) she’s about to be hit by a car, too. Does this girl have no luck???

Her ex-boyfriend has reappeared after city life didn’t work out the way he planned. He kinda demands she meet him for dinner tomorrow? I don’t know Lucas, but so far, don’t like him very much!

Ok, yeah, I hate this guy. Not only did he gaslight her but he also hurt her? And now he’s back calling this their party and proposing? Ditch him, Rosalina!

They’re interrupted by one of the towns folk and I’d be grateful for the disruption… but they’ve found Rosalina’s fathers jacket. That doesn’t give me good feelings!! Something’s wrong!

They follow Thomas to where he found the jacket and subsequently follow a trail of fresh blood, yeah something’s definitely wrong!! They fall into some kind of otherworld? They’re surrounded by goblins!

George – Rosalina’s papa – made it to the fae realm after all. They’re not so welcoming though… especially not when he innocently takes a rose for his daughter and he’s accused of stealing and put in the dungeons???

The goblins mention Keldarion and then things start to go a bit awry… not that we were in a great position before but…

Lucas fires at them and he and Rosalina try to make an escape. Something snatches her ankle and she’s separated from Lucas. Now, if I could give Rosalina a piece of advice in this moment, it’d be that I think fate just stepped in and saved her from Lucas… just saying. πŸ‘€

She’s landed in what seems to be the fae realm??? She’s not greeted by her dad though, but by a young fae man.

True to the story’s Beauty and the Beast origins, Rosalina switches places with her father! He’ll get to return to the human world unharmed and she’s going straight to the dungeons.

…Or is she? πŸ‘€ Either she has magic or the castle is sentient and answers to her wish that the window was bigger to allow her to escape. Running, Rosalina believes she’s free… until she bumps into a Knight that she calls a tin man. Sorry, I’m cackling at that! πŸ˜‚

Waiiiit, he’s a Prince too??? How many are there around here?

The white haired girl dobs Rosalina in and tells Prince Ezryn that she’s Keldarion’s prisoner. He doesn’t seem too happy about that though? In the next chapter, he confront Kel about keeping human prisoners and tells him he’s given her a room and Astrid is tending to her. Does Ezryn have a little crush… does Kel??? Do they ALL??? DO I HAVE A CRUSH????

No longer incarcerated, or at least not in the dungeons, Astrid and Marigold fill her in about where she actually is. Rosalina is in The Enchanted Vale. That would be such a good name for an animal crossing island. Someone take notes!!

There are four faerie realms, but the castle and the land they’re currently occupying is very sick. So far, I like Marigold and Astrid! Aside from Astrid dobbing her in, they seem nice!

They take her to the hot springs so she can bathe, taking all of their clothes to clean then whilst she basks in the warmth and relaxation of the water… but it’s not long before Rosalina realises she’s not alone… πŸ‘€ A fae man is in the springs with her.

What a fun start!!!

What do you think of Rosalina so far?
Do we think the fae male in the springs is someone we’ve already met, or a newbie?
Are you as glad as I am that Lucas has been yeeted off page for the time being? πŸ‘€

I can’t wait to read more with you tomorrow, fairies!





  • Seeri

    I think this had a very slow start and so far I’m not sure what to think about Rosalina. I’m sad that people around her seem to hate her for some reason, but I don’t really understand the reason?? for what can I see there is no reason for her boss to be that mean or people to destroy her little library? that made me almost want to stop reading. I’m super happy that Lucas is nowhere to be seen at the moment, because truth be told I ccannot stand that man. Like what you mean that guy just thinks Rosalina will forever be there for him even though he goes to university to do god knows what with god knows how many women? plus the proposal… don’t even get me started… / rant over πŸ˜€ anyway I’m super interested to see what tomorrows chapters will bring forward

  • SagasLibrary

    I have never read a Beauty and the Beast retelling, so I was so excited to start this one!

    I had no idea what I expected from this book, but I was really surprised that it didn’t start in a fantasy world, it was cool to see her go from the β€œreal” world into a fantasy/magical world!
    I’m dying to know more about Rosalinda, and all the fae princes of course, especially the Tin can one LOL. Praying that Lucas is dead in a ditch somewhere πŸ™

    I’m super pumped to continue this, it definitely seems like a book I would enjoy!😍

  • Zanda

    I’m not sure how I feel about Rosalina yet. She has a lot of potential to be a great main character, but I haven’t seen enough of her yet to get a proper opinion.

    I’m assuming the fae male in the springs is one of the others that Keldarion talked about. He said something about Ezryn going to the spring realms to provoke the goblins, so I’m assuming Ezryn is the one who saved Rosalina.

    I am so glad Lucas is gone!! I hate characters like him! I know he’ll be back though, since he seems to be the Gaston of this Beauty and the Beast retelling. This book better end with him falling to his death though! I’m already sick of him and we’re only 50 pages in!!

  • Zanda

    Oops ignore the 50 pages in, for some reason I thought we were going to chapter 10 instead of 13 πŸ˜‚

  • Zanda

    Wait I’m confused the readalong schedule says chapter 13, but this page says to chapter 9

    • Shannon

      Oops! That’s a typo on my part – reading to chapter 13! πŸ’œ

  • Aukjevanmontfort

    So.. the ex’s name is Lucas Poussin, yet he marked her with an “S”… Interesting.

    • nicole.e.hofer

      Yes I was wondering that to! What is with the S??

  • Morgan Blake

    Ok y’all I’m obsessed already, this is exactly my kind of book! Loving the beauty and the beast parallels and omg I love the castle!! Every description we get is so dreamy. Love the princes we’ve met so far, excited to see how different her relationship will be with all of them! I do like Rosalina, she seems like a sweetie but she’s also got some spunk to her. So excited to read more!

  • ladymeg

    What do you think of Rosalina so far?
    I like her but not how she lets people like Lucas treat her.

    Do we think the fae male in the springs is someone we’ve already met, or a newbie?
    Newbie? I feel like a number of names have been mentioned but I don’t understand who’s who.

    Are you as glad as I am that Lucas has been yeeted off page for the time being? πŸ‘€
    I knew that jerk was going to run off and leave her to die ugh.


    What do you think of Rosalina so far?
    I am liking Rosalina. She is a little timid at times especially when it came to Lucas. But she is also sassy. There have been a few times while reading I’m thinking to myself dang girl! Show them!
    Do we think the fae male in the springs is someone we’ve already met, or a newbie?
    I bet he’s the man from the jail cell. πŸ˜…
    Are you as glad as I am that Lucas has been yeeted off page for the time being? πŸ‘€
    Yes! I know he’s supposed to be β€œGaston” but omg he was horrible. Gaston had his issues but he never carved his name into Belles arm! I really hate Lucas. Not excited to have him come back unless he needs up on the wrong side of the princes.

  • Lisa Spanu (@lisashelves)

    1. What do you think of Rosalina so far?
    I don’t really know what to think of her right now. She came across as silent and timid to me in the real world. What I mostly don’t understand is why she is bullied that much in the town… not really a fan of that
    2. Do we think the fae male in the springs is someone we’ve already met, or a newbie?
    I think it is a newbie. She is in the summer part right now I believe so it might be the summer Prince
    3. Are you as glad as I am that Lucas has been yeeted off page for the time being? πŸ‘€
    Yes, he seems like a real asshole with an ego to big for his body

  • dnjreads

    I’m liking Rosalina so far. I do think she needs to grow a backbone with Lucas and tell him no.

    I think he’s a newbie and probably one of the princes.

    Yeah I’m not liking him, I do have a feeling he’s going to pop back in and cause a problem though.

  • Alex Shaffer

    Woooo. Only 1 day behind. I’ll admit. I’m not sure about Rosalina. I kind of wish we got to know who she was as a person a little more before we entered the world of fae.

    This is definitely a new one. Haha. I’m not sure which one I like yet. It’s still too early.
    Are you as glad as I am that Lucas has been yeeted off page for the time being? πŸ‘€yes, however I want to know Rosalina as a character. I feel that time with Lucas would help us learn more about her. But he’s a terrible person.

  • TupaKitty_Reads

    Love the Beauty & the Beast references. Ugh. Insta-hate Gaston, I mean, Lucas. Beast character, Keldarion, is interesting: white hair/coat, ice blue eyes, & icy powers. Who are the other princes? Eric, Philip, Charming, or new characters in their own right? Who saved her in the gully, calling her Princess with his black hair & violet eyes (a prince or someone else)? Who is the Fae chained up in the tower dungeon with brown hair & golden eyes (Farron, maybe)? She has some kind of magical powers here since she used them to climb out of the tower. So, Prince Ezryn is the “tin can” man, Prince of the Spring Realm. Is Astrid (Winter Realm like Keldarion) the Wardrobe? Lol. The Prince of Thorns (Caspian?) rules the Below where the goblins & hounds are coming from & is responsible for the creeping giant briars. I guess Marigold is the Mrs. Potts then & the only staff that isn’t afraid of Keldarion despite being from the Spring Realm (she’s also got some darker kinks & isn’t afraid to voice them which is awesome). They had a guest 25 years ago (same time Papa says her mom got taken by the Fae). From the map: Suntide Keep us obviously in the Summer Realm, I’m thinking Keep Hammergarden is in the Spring Realm, Keep Wolfhelm us in the Winter Realm, & Keep Oakheart is in the Autumn Realm (I might have Spring & Autumn mixed up). The Fae Queen disappeared 500 years ago & left a Sworn Protector of the Realms (Astrid cut herself off after mentioning this, so it’s probably another secret). An unknown Fae male is in the hot springs where she’s bathing – the same 1 Astrid called out earlier to ensure was NOT there?

    • TupaKitty_Reads

      Daily Q&A:
      1.) What do you think of Rosalina so far?
      2.) Do we think the fae male in the springs is someone we’ve already met, or a newbie?
      3.) Are you as glad as I am that Lucas has been yeeted off page for the time being? πŸ‘€
      1.) Funny, relatable, intelligent, & there’s more that meets the eye (more than she knows, even). She is also painfully obtuse, I mean, this whole Lucas situation is so toxic cringe.
      2.) She didn’t seem to recognize him, so it’s not Keldarion or the imprisoned Fae man (who might still be a prince). She wouldn’t know what Ezryn looks like, but he also doesn’t seem like he’d do this. The other prince(s) are a possibility, & we’re not sure if the man that saved her from the goblins is a Prince or someone else.
      3.) YES! He’s a character that I’ve already had a violent reaction to. πŸ–•πŸΌ

  • Erica

    I like Rosalina so far & I can’t wait to get to know her more.
    I think the fae male is another prince of the castle.
    Lucas sucks!! Who carves their name into someone else? Yuck!
    I am curious about if the house is actually sentient and why it listened to Rosalina. Is she the princess of the castle?

  • Vex Brabazon

    Rosalina is someone I can relate to, but some of her thought process can be a little odd at times. She obviously loves her father and has some complex history with Lucas, but I wonder what kind of history that makes her stay with him. I am so glad that Lucas is gone – hopefully for the rest of the book.
    And I do have an inkling of who this fae is in the hot springs, and that we’ll probably be seeing him a lot more

  • kaythesuperstar

    What do you think of Rosalina so far?
    I like her. The references she’s made throughout are kinda funny but also pull me out of the story a little bit.
    Do we think the fae male in the springs is someone we’ve already met, or a newbie?
    I think it might be another prince since there should be 4.
    Are you as glad as I am that Lucas has been yeeted off page for the time being? πŸ‘€
    Yes oh my gosh I was so mad when she talked about him carving his name into her arm. Freaking biggest red flag EVER!

  • nicole.e.hofer

    I really like it so far! Beauty and the Beast is one of my fav stories and I love a good retelling!! I like Rosalina so far but she needs to not think about Lucas anymore, I can already tell I hate him and omg him jiggling her thighs?? No thanks. On to day two!

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