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Long Live Evil Readalong: Day 1!


Gorgeous photo by @nedareads!

Hi fairy friends!

A very happy Monday to you all and welcome to day 1 of the August Adult Book-Only readalong!Β  We’re going to be reading Long Live Evil by Sarah Rees Brennan and I’m looking forward to reading this with you all!

Before we start, how are you all doing? I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are ready to dive into this new fantasy world with me!

Since today is day 1, we’ll be reading from the beginning to the end of chapter 7.

When you’ve finished today’s section, catch up with me in the comments down below so we can discuss the beginning of the book. Happy reading!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for Long Live Evil by Sarah Rees BrennanΒ from the beginning to the end of Chapter 7. Please only read on if you have finished reading this section!

I’m going to preface this readalong by saying I LOVE me a little bit of evil! This title sounds promising, the book sounds intriguing and I’m ready for some morally grey shenanigans!

We start with an excerpt from Alice and Rae’s favourite book, Time of Iron! Alice is reading it to Rae since it’s their favourite book BUT, Rae’s never actually read book one. Have you ever lied and said you’ve read a book when you haven’t? πŸ‘€ I was definitely guilty of that in university!

Rae is sick, like really sick, and when they argue because it seems like Rae’s not paying attention, she asks her sister if she’s ever wondered why she doesn’t want to reach the end of a book series where everyone dies. Poor Rae, poor Alice too though.

They make up and Alice leaves with the promise that she’ll return tomorrow. When Rae wakes up from her sleep… something’s off. There’s a random woman in her hospital room.

This person very kindly tells Rae that she’s a goner. Don’t soften anything on our account! Rae already knows she’s on limited time though. The woman offers her a deal… to go to Eyam. As in, the fictional world from Time of Iron. I have two thoughts here, my first is… how? My second is… didn’t we already deduce Time of Iron is a book where everyone dies at the end? I don’t feel like this prognosis is good… πŸ˜…

Rae can go to Eyam, find the Flower of Life and Death and save herself in both worlds. Ok, a loop hole I guess… Rae agrees and when she wakes again, she’s in Lady Rahela’s body aaaaand Lady Rahela is due to be executed tomorrow. Rae find that creepy woman from your room again! She never mentioned that!!! She owes us answers!!

We’re now in a book… within a book, which I have to admit, I do love! Don’t love the idea of Rae being thrown in the drowning pit with iron shoes on though? That’s petrifying!

Welp, being thrown into this world really seems to be proving Rae didn’t do the required reading, hey? πŸ˜‚ Key, her guard, and Emer, her maid are definitely suspicious of her change in demeanour and lapses in memory. Rae decides that since these people are entirely fictional, and this story isn’t real, she might as well throw caution to the wind and go full villain. She leans into Rahela’s wicked step-sister character encouraging Key and Emer to join her as her evil minions. “Choose wrong. Choose evil” No but all of this is making me cackle!

I have actual tears in my eyes as she tells them she’s got the amnesia and they’re going to have to help her out. I’m not entirely sure either of them are buying it… anyway… This, is Rae’s villain origin story! πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯

Rae has LOTS of jokes, but they’re landing flat in this world that has no idea what the references are, poor gal!

Key attacks a guard to make way for Rae and the real blood seems to shock her. She has it in her head these people aren’t real but… can’t argue with real blood!

She pleads her case to the King and tells him she had a vision. She’s a vessel for a prophecy!

He’s not totally buying it though, can’t really blame him! He tells her he wants proof… and proof she gives him. She’s clever, I’ll give her that! She knows these stories already so telling prophecies whilst being inside the book is a good cover!

Emer isn’t totally happy to see Rahela return – she’s plunged the court into chaos too!

In her bid for evil, Rae decides she wants the Golden Cobra on her team. Go big or go home I guess!

Despite Key saying he likes Rahela, he does tell Emer he doesn’t plan to actually uphold his oath. What a sneaky little devil. And sneakier still, he pays a visit to the Golden Cobra who’s with the Last Hope (a moment for these nicknames – they’re so cool!) and he wants to become a spy for the Cobra? He tells him of his ties with Rahela and that she’s been declared a true prophet. My my, an oathbreaker indeed!

When Rae finally gets an audience with the Cobra the next day, he’s listening to club music. That’s a big of a red flag, no? πŸ‘€

OH SHE’S CLEVER! She already sussed out that Key is spying for the Cobra. Can’t outdo her!

She wants to make a deal of sorts with the Cobra. A trade, she’ll give him some important info to get him on her side. The Cobra wants everyone out but they’re a little reluctant. So he makes a deal of his own, everyone leaves and they can leave the door cracked open. The Corba will whisper a secret and if Rae is interested enough, she can choose to close the door. Two schemers, I like it!

I am shook though… when he asks her where she’s from and declares he’s a New York City boy himself. What a mic drop moment!

What a way to start the book! I’m obsessed with all the villain energy right now.

Do you have a favourite character so far?
Do we think there are more people in this book from the human realm? Seems convenient we already know of two!
Any theories so far and what will happen?

So excited to keep reading this with you fairies! See you tomorrow! πŸ₯°





  • catie.kaston

    Loving this book so far. It’s a fun read. What I would do to be inside my favorite novel, just hoping I won’t be a villain, lol. My fave so far is Key – I’m curious what’s in it for him besides the money and fun. Seems like there’s more to his story.
    Not sure about any more character from human realm but I think Emer will betray Rae and Cobra will sacrifice himself for Rae.

    • Shannon

      Ooooh an interesting theory! Glad you’re liking it so far πŸ₯°

  • Megan Oliver

    I love the cobra, he’s hilarious and I did not see that twist coming! Rae seems to be having fun and embrassing herself here in this new world more than she ever could when she was in her world. I think she might end up like the Cobra and embrassing her new life there whether she gets the flower or not

    • Shannon

      She’s definitely able to let lose a little more, although I’m a bit worried about how convinced she is these people aren’t real! πŸ’œ

  • Seeri

    This book just got a lot more interesting! I wasn’t sure I would like this from the start. Rae is doing things that are just stupid in my opinion and acting very reckless (which to be fair, I would probably do too if given the chance to go to my favourite book realm, but still) But now that we know that she isn’t alone in the realm, I’m super interested to see how the story will continue going forward. My favourite character so far has to be Emer!

    • Shannon

      I think it definitely shows a lot that the Cobra is also seen as being a little ridiculous, part of me thinks she seems more silly because the ‘characters’ in Time of Iron are aLL so serious! πŸ–€

  • manu.lisci

    Rae, Key and Cobra are so much fun and I’m loving their dynamics so far!

    The author must have put so much soul into this series, since her bio says she’s a stage four cancer survivor. I bet Rae means so much to her!
    I love her message at the beginning as well. “To love a villain is to love your own soul unleashed”.

    Rae is so real when she said “I don’t want to fix the guy, I want to watch the murder show”haha

    Also, I wander how much Sarah Rees Brennan got influenced by isekai manga and novels! I’m very excited to know where this is going because something is telling me that Rae’s plans won’t go the way she’s planning.

    Also, I didn’t expect the twist about Cobra!

    • Shannon

      Rae’s story really hits so much harder knowing all Sarah went through! Agree though, these characters are SO much fun!! πŸ₯°

  • Licia Carlesi

    Very excited for another read-along, and I find this book so intriguing because I’m a fan of isekai manga and anime. Also I live in Ireland and met the author at the launch here in Dublin so I’m invested already.
    Wow what a start and such a plot twist early on with the Cobra! I wonder how long he’s been inside the book himself and if his aim is also the Flower of Life, which would complicate their alliance. He seems a powerful figure so how can she compete?
    Lots of characters introduced, I think I like Key the most so far, I think there’s more to him and there’s something he’s not saying. Also curious as to why Rae didn’t remember him, that leaves things open as far as his plot… We didn’t really get to see much of the King.
    I was taken aback by how quickly Rae adapted to the situation, I thought it would take longer for her to accept or believe it and to get used to it. She seems fun, so young at 20 years old for what she’s been through.

  • tomaskristinak

    Oh I loved how it started, it captured me straight away.

    I don’t have favourite character yet, but maybe Rae for now.
    I was expecting some of the characters to be from the real world, so I got excited by Cobra’s reveal. I’m curious if there’s more people, almost like Hunger Games, only one can win πŸ™ˆ
    I can’t wait to find out more, this book got me so excited and I have no idea what to expect.

    • Shannon

      I’m always SO bad at guessing plot twists that I really didn’t see it coming at all πŸ˜‚

      • tomaskristinak

        I think that’s amazing, always surprised by the story πŸ₯°

  • Alysha Sherratt

    That is where we are pausing it! Really!
    I am loving Emer and can’t wait to see how her character develops.
    Rae says that everyone pretty much dies in the book and the woman in the hospital says nobody has survived. I’m wondering if all there is a link

    • Shannon

      I’m sorry πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ (I’m not sorry)

  • Marilag Angway

    You can’t leave me in the lurch like that, Cobra! I need to know who he is immediately! But seriously, I don’t think I’ve laughed so much over a book lately. Rae is absolutely certifiable and she is hands down my favorite character. Because nobody actually chooses the Beauty Dipped in Blood. That said, I haven’t disliked a character so far, and as much as I like and am intrigued by Key, I cannot WAIT for grumpykins Lord Marius to interact with Rae some more. I can see him turning to the path THAT ROCKS, and despite Key being the most untrustworthy of the lot, I feel like it’ll be Emer who might actually be the weakest link.

    • Shannon

      Honestly same! I feel like I could get abs from all the laughing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • karen.holmes.w

    Joining today as yesterday was my birthday! I read the book at night but couldn’t come and comment.
    Loved these first chapters, I love the energy it gets and how promissing evil doing seems in them.I love Rae, she’s a fighty and feisty character and I hope she doesn’t die in the end.
    I think we might find a few more people from real life, but maybe not all of them will be power figures, some might be secondary characters?

  • Sof

    I’m really liking the beginning and the premise of the book! I love the vibes and the main character’s personality so far. I wonder how she’ll change the series of events of the story she knows and if her telling people what is going to happen will affect further events and suddenly make her predictions untrue. I also wonder about Rae’s story arch. Will she want to go back to her old life, or will she end up like living in this world more? If she does come to this conclusion, will she have any regrets on her pervious actions? Overall, I’m very excited for see where this story goes, and I love how we already have another person in the same situation as Rae!

  • Tammy @crimsonrosereads

    I’m absolutely loving Rae!! And I’m sad about all the details of living a life full of sickness and suffering that Sarah must have endured included in her descriptions. I’m truly rooting for her to find The Flower of Life and Death and save herself in both worlds.
    I’m enjoying her audacious behavior and I really enjoyed the twist at the end of chapter seven. I’m thinking Alice will find her way in to become the step-sister that the Emperor prefers.
    I’m listening to the audiobook and the narrator is giving a flawless performance. Due to work and school, I’ll be behind on the schedule but I’ll check in when I reach the designated stops!

  • Alex Shaffer

    Do you have a favourite character so far? There’s a lot of characters in this book. I’m kind of having trouble keeping track of them all. I think I like Cobra so far. But, we still need to learn more about him. Especially with the ending of the last chapter.
    Do we think there are more people in this book from the human realm? Seems convenient we already know of two! I’m sure there are. This remind me of an insert yourself fan fiction. I kind of like it- but it’s definitely a little strange. I can tell that the author had fun writing it. And that makes me happy.
    Any theories so far and what will happen? I’m not quite sure yet. I’ll admit, I’m having a little trouble finding the plot. We want to find the life or death flower, right? Because Raw doesn’t want to die? There’s just a lot of info in this first section. Hopefully things calm down in the next section.

  • Lisa Spanu (@lisashelves)

    1. Do you have a favourite character so far?
    Not really at the moment. I’m not really a big fan of the main character at the moment and we haven’t really seen a lot from others.

    2. Do we think there are more people in this book from the human realm? Seems convenient we already know of two!

    3. Any theories so far and what will happen?
    I don’t really know but I think it’s smart she acts as a prophet since she does sort of know what will happen. I do wonder how the story will change with her character surviving longer than in the original storyline

  • Erica

    I am enjoying the book so far but am completely lost in what is happening in the actual book that the sisters like. What’s up with Rahela & Lia, why did one frame the other? I feel like Rae with her amnesia, it’s all a little confusing. The book within a book is such a fun concept though!
    I like Key the most so far, I love that he is totally game with all Rae’s villainous ways. There are definitely going to be more people from the real world, I was surprised about the Cobra.

  • Kyanna Jackson

    What an interesting start! So far I’m really curious to learn more about Key. If there are two from the human realm already, there should be more right? I can’t wait to keep reading!

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