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The Darkness Within Us Readalong: Day 2!


Lovely photo by @betterwithabookinmyhand!

Hi fairy friends!

Welcome back to day 2 of our readalong of The Darkness Within Us. I hope you’re all loving the book so far!

Today we’re reading from Chapter 6 to the end of Chapter 11. Let’s go!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for The Darkness Within Us by Tricia Levenseller, from Chapter 6 to Chapter 11. Please only read on if you’ve finished this section!


Chrysantha’s things are moved back to the Duchess’s suite and she’s back where she started. Stuck at the whims of men.

She trusts Kyros, so asks him to find her a private investigator and be discreet about it. She’s going to get to the bottom of this! Whilst Kyros takes care of that, she writes to her father. She keeps her tone confused and simple, part of her act, but undoubtedly drops Vander in it!

She’s quite shocked to realise she finds Eryx attractive! I guess all it took was a few days for her to calm down and see him. She’s not giving up though, she calls him out. He has no things in the Duke’s rooms, it doesn’t look slept in. He’s quite adamant that he does, all he needs is one cedar chest. Chrysantha hits him where it hurts and tells him there’s no way he can be a proper nobleman with only one chest of things.

Eryx is doing the finances and his questions mean she kind of has to tell him of Sandros. Rather than being apalled that she would want a mistress, more than anything he seems confused that she would need one? He seems to believe people should be falling at her feet. Anyway, that won’t stop him being petty. I’d expect nothing less!

She called him an orphan, so he’s taking away her stipend. Tit for tat and all that! Chrysantha is not as annoyed about that as she is about learning that he’s fired half the staff though. That’s why I like her! As arrogant as she may seem, she does care a lot for others!

Okkkk, something real suspicious is going on here! She sees red and throws a paperweight at him and he moves incredibly quickly to catch it? This is some Edward Cullen type thing right here. Super speed? How did he catch that?!

Not only that, he’s impossible to tail, it doesn’t look as though he’s even staying in his rooms and a nobleman’s gone missing? Detective hats on fairies, we gotta find out what’s happening here!

With her funds on hold, she can’t pay the PI she told Kyros to track down, so she’s going to have to do it herself. She goes through his things, finding the letter from Vander and OH BOY did he underestimate her!!! There’s more though… Eryx is being blackmailed. πŸ‘€

Something isn’t adding up, I need to know what he did to this man that would warrant Eryx accepting the blackmail? I’m presuming this is why he’s here!

Chrysantha, knowing now that Eryx needs help, hits him with a proposition. She’ll put in a good word for him with her soon to be brother-in-law, the Shadow King in return, he’ll give her three hundred necos and hire five staff back. Fair!

If he’s going to meet the King though, he needs some new suits! They visit the tailor, and the cobbler and get Eryx thoroughly kitted out as a nobleman.

When she returns, it just so happens that her proposition for Eryx isn’t the only one being thrown about today. Kyros has a… slightly different kind of offer for her. He is lovely though, they’re good friends too so Chrysantha decides to consider it, she thinks she could be happy with him.

Her elocution lessons with Eryx begin and they don’t go entirely as planned. Naturally, Chrysantha winds him up, it involves her kicking over his chair and his eyes light up amber… πŸ‘€He picks her up and it’s honestly all a little bit flirty??? He’s suddenly telling her how she can protect herself from men, as if he cares of her wellbeing? Mixed signals Eryx, I’m so confused!

She leaves and eavesdrops on Eryx telling Argus and Dyson that he just lost himself a little bit, that it’s kind of hard not to when her eyes are mesmerising and she’s so beautiful. In that moment… Chrysantha realises she wants him!

Chrysantha is a bit freaked out and decides to ignore Eryx, finding Kyros instead. She’s testing the waters a little bit and tells Kyros to use her given name, we all know how important names can be!

Eryx is not making efforts to avoid Chrystantha, he finds her and apologises. He suddenly seems quite different, protective almost. I like this Eryx!

She’s thrown off by his attempts to apologise, but the lessons continue… as do her attempts to get to the bottom of his secrets!

Chrysantha tries to follow him, but he just seems to disappear. She retreats to the library and ends up falling asleep and she dreams of him! He’s not quite the same though… he has horns. She brushes her hands through his hair, waking him. Eryx is really confused but Chrysantha continues to mention it’s her dream and she’s not scared of him. She opens up and tells him how she has to be what men wants to she doesn’t joke, she keeps her anger inside and hides her real temperemant.

Somehow though… I’m starting to think this isn’t actually a dream?

Ohhh, things are really stepping up, fairies!

Do you think that was actually a dream?

What do you think Eryx secret is?

Are you seeing something progressing between them, or do you think she’ll go for Kyros?

I’m so excited to see what’ll happen tomorrow, see you then!






  • sarahbears9511

    I think Eryx definitely has some kind of magical abilities, why should the Shadow King be the only person in this world with abilities? Chrysantha proves to be very resourceful and caring of her staff. I know she purposely tries to annoy Eryx, but in turn, I also find her to be annoying. I’m still team Eryx, I really like him as a character. I’m intrigued with the change in his eyes and I can’t wait to see how these two will further push each other’s buttons.

    • Lindsay Powell

      Very true! And yes, Chrysantha is so angsty and can be quite annoying – Eryn has the patience of a saint at times πŸ˜‚ I really like him. I can’t picture them as 18 and 19 year olds though, they’re giving me at least 23y/o.

  • Bex

    I think it was a dreamlike state for both of them because she woke back up in the library but it was real. I originally was thinking Eryx was a vampire but now I think he’s some kind of demon… looking forward to finding out his secrets with Chrysantha!
    The relationship with Kyros seems more of just a good friend to Chrysantha, if there would have been something more between them it would’ve already happened. Unlike Kyros, Eryx is getting to know the real Chrysantha from the start and it seems something is growing between the two of them. I’m team Eryx!

  • Seeri

    I think Eryx is definitely growing on me, while Chrysantha feels a bit childish after these chapters. And no, it most definitely wasn’t just a dream, and I’m curious to see if Eryx will act based on the things Chrysantha told accidentally thinking it was just a dream. But Chrysantha is most surely falling for Eryx. I think she might go for Kyros but then realize that she only wants Eryx. Very excited to continue reading!

  • Lea Niven-Smith

    I am soooo curious to see where this is heading! I had a few suspicions about Eryx, originally I thought he was a vampire and that was why he was vanishing so easily but now…. What abilities does he have, can he somehow transport? I also really love the banter that is emerging between our two main characters but I am still wholly suspicious of Kyros, i can’t help but think he is too good to be true?

    • Isla

      I am also SO curious to see where this is heading, and loving the interactions between Chrysantha and Eryx, more please!

  • Marie-Anne S

    I’m pretty sure it’s not a dream and I do like their conversation then, it’s more genuine, without pretense. Can’t wait to see their encounter in the morning when he knows she was there but she has no idea it was not a dream. XD Btw what was this place and how did she manage to come there ??
    I like the fact that they both change and start becoming more courteous with each other. I was growing tired of them, Chrysantha being sometimes annoying (even though I love her for sticking up for herself and her intelligence) and Eryx being so disrespectful and patronizing. But now, I like them more and want to see more of their confrontation.
    I have no idea what Eryx is hiding, except clearly his outside appearance, but I’m so looking forward to read and learn more.

  • Kyanna Jackson

    I wonder if the dream was actually real and she has found his secret but doesn’t realize it because she thinks she is dreaming. I’m so interested in this book already! I love the idea of her with Kyros but I’m really starting to think after the lessons that her and Eryx will be so cute. If they can just get over their stubbornness.

  • Tiffany Salangsang

    I don’t think it was a dream! Eryx is definitely hiding that he’s a beast of some kind – he needs his two friends ready to hold him back. I’m excited to see what happens, in the love triangle. This might be a far-fetched theory, but I think Kyros is related to Eryx somehow? Maybe he’s a shapeshifter? Either way, excited to read on.

    What do you think Eryx secret is?

    Are you seeing something progressing between them, or do you think she’ll go for Kyros?

    I’m so excited to see what’ll happen tomorrow, see you then!

  • ladymeg

    Do you think that was actually a dream?
    I think it was a shared dream and I can’t wait for some of their shared secrets to come to light.

    What do you think Eryx secret is?
    I was thinking it might be something like he’s a werewolf but I’m not sure that’s a thing in this world. Something similar then, with his two “valets” tasked with making sure he doesn’t lose control.

    Are you seeing something progressing between them, or do you think she’ll go for Kyros?
    I can see it…I would have liked her with Kyros but they’re good as friends too. Or maybe we’ll be SUPER progressive and she’ll have both.

  • Theroselectory

    I think Eryx is definitely not human. I’m thinking vampire 🀞

    Oh I love how things are heating up! I hope she doesn’t go for Kyros as it will complicate matters. Also i kinda miss Sandros haha.

    Looking forward to day 3!

  • Kelsey Seifert

    That was definitely not just a dream!! I need to know more about Eryx and his backstory ASAP. I am also starting to really like him. I am bummed for poor Kyros, though. He seems like a genuinely great guy and I fear that Chrysantha may break his heart.

  • XennMix

    “Nesting like an irritable badger”…my favourite phrase so far! I love that C has such a dark sense of humour…and a reader, sleuthing through prose! She has such darkness and anger simmering beneath the surface, nothing that she says about misogyny is necessarily wrong, but the weight she gives her views indicate a deep hurt…and then there is Eryk nursing hurt of his own, gravitating towards her perhaps because of it. Dreams, desires and deceptions from both of them, driven by deep wounds…I am now team both hoping they both get the healing they need!

  • Philly Chung

    Okayyy, things are moving quickly! I love a good fast, paced story.
    I think it’s a dream, but also not? Like a dreamscape and that is where Eryx is going when he disappears. That being said, I think Eryx is something else. Not entirely human. This is a world where the King can wield shadow magic. So Eryx may be something else to that extent? Kyros is nice. I think Kyros is the safe pick. But Chrysantha isn’t the safe choosing type of girl. I mean she dealt with Hadrian Demos for months! Things are heating up between her and Eryx. They are definitely going to push each other to their limits and I’m excited to see where things go.

  • danica.brnot

    I think that he is a creature of some sorts and that the dream was not a dream becuse Eryx was really shoked. But more importantly what kind of creature is he I first tougjt vampire but vampires dont have horns and a tail hmmm

    I knew they were gonna start catching feelings for eich other hehe I nean so much bickering between them that tension jzst needs the right moment to ignite the spark.
    Blackmail hmm who was he before he started pretending to be the heir hehe I still dont belive that he is unless his mother was disowned by her father and thats why they were poor hmm
    I love how smart Chrysantha is at tricking Eryx into getting the money man are so gullible. And I also love how kind she is to others just becuse she wants to be free to do what she wants and have the feedom of money and choice I mean how is she sopuse to get that in this man driven world where women dont have power but to be selfish
    This book really is so good

  • Rachel

    Ahh I’m loving this book! I don’t think it was a dream it definitely seemed far too real. I think Eryx could be a vampire? Or some other supernatural creature? I really like Kyros he seems like a lovely guy but the moment Eryx picked her up😍😍 I love them

    • Meggan H

      Since there is no other magic in this book, it just seems so out of place for him to have this strange monstrous true form. How has he hidden it for so long?

  • Kennedy G

    Do you think that was actually a dream? No, i feel like Chrysantha went into some type of dream world maybe and was able to see Eryx’s true form

    What do you think Eryx secret is? That he as some type of magic. What that is at the moment i’m not sure but something, maybe a shape shifter?

    Are you seeing something progressing between them, or do you think she’ll go for Kyros? I think she’ll go to Kyros and realize that its not for her and then go to Eryx

    Loving this so far, cant wait for the next section

  • claire.ramson87

    I definitely think Eryx is not all that he appears to be, he has that two friends with him all the time. They will likely know his secrets or they may also be the same as him. I think that Chrysantha is able to communicate with him somehow when she is dreaming and thats why he acted so shocked to see her. She will definitely be able to dig up any dirt on him, she seems to be very string willed and resourceful.

    I think she will go for Eryx as he is more dangerous than Kyros, although I really like his character. He seems like a genuinely nice person that is always looking out for her.

  • Kristy Chui

    Kyros seems like a sweetheart, but Chrysantha is going for Eryx instead. Something is progressing and I want to see it play out. I want her to discover who he really is and what mystical powers he could be hiding. The Shadow King can’t be the only person with powers, so Eryx probably has something. Argus and Dyson probably already knows too, and they seem very protective of him so I think it’s hinting to something, don’t know what yet.

  • Lisa Spanu (@lisashelves)

    1. Do you think that was actually a dream?
    I think it was a dream, but that they were somehow able to connect to each other and thus made it possible for Chrysantha to visit Eryx while both are asleep

    2. What do you think Eryx secret is?
    He most have some kind of power, especially since I believe we saw his true form in the dream, so horns and a tail. Maybe some kind of demon?

    3. Are you seeing something progressing between them, or do you think she’ll go for Kyros?
    I think she’ll go for Kyros at the start, thinking that he will give her the live she wants. I also believe the tension and feelings between her and Eryx will grow and she’ll go for him in the end, because he can give her more

  • elenasofiaj

    It obviously wasn’t a dream, but I wonder if it was like a mental place where she reached him or if it is a magical place where he sleeps and that’s why Chrysantha cannot find his things in his supposed room.
    It is easy to guess that Eryx is not human but, considering that I haven’t red the previous book of the series, I don’t have the faintest idea of what he could possibly be. Some kind of demon maybe?
    Regarding the love story I don’t think Kyros has any chances. She is attracted to Eryx even if she hates him, and she never noticed Kyros before he made his proposal. So I can definitely say that things won’t go as Kyros wants, and this breaks my heart a little because it’s clear that he is a nice guy completely devoted to Chrysantha.

    • Meggan H

      See I also gave bot read the shadow king book and I wonder if it might give us more context in this book.


    Do you think that was actually a dream?
    I didn’t think it was a dream. Eryx was acting to suspicious. Had he not been acting weird I would have not thought twice about the dream.

    What do you think Eryx secret is?
    I thought he was somehow connected to Kallias. However, I wasn’t sure how they were connected.

    Are you seeing something progressing between them, or do you think she’ll go for Kyros?
    The letter from Tricia mentioned this was a true enemies to lovers story so I didn’t think Kyros stood a chance.

  • Lindsay Powell

    These last few chapters have made me love Eryx! I definitely don’t think that was a dream πŸ‘€ there’s something supernatural about him (Edward Cullen reflexes for sure lol). I think Chrysantha will sleep with Kyros, but I’m hoping Eryx is endgame!

  • Meggan H

    I thought that Eryx was either a wolf or a vampire. Now I dan’t know What he is, It was not a dream because he was so adament about her leaving I thought maye he shape shifted and slept in the woodsbut now it seems like he could be from a bock since she was reading one when the tell asleep? Obriansy she’s not going to and up with Kegos because she’s dearly falling for Eynx and he is talling for her. Maybe he wants to be alone in the manor because he is tired of hiding in a human form.

  • the_Nerd_Huntress

    Eryx’s amber eyes made me think of a werewolf… until the horns from the dream. I am not sure what kind of shapeshifting powers he will end up having… maybe a minotaur?

    In any case I found him detestable until now, but he starts to grow on me… and obviously this dream was not quite a dream…

    In any case, I am in for the tension starting to settle between them!

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