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The Night Ends With Fire Readalong: Day 3!


Lovely photo by @bewareofthereader!

Hi fairies!

I hope that you’re all lovingΒ The Night Ends With Fire by K. X. Song so far! We left Ren in a pretty precarious position… I’m nervous to see what’ll happen!

Before we start reading, we have our secret giveaway! What’s that? Oh, just a chance to get your next FairyLoot Adult Book-Only box for free as a reward for reading! Doesn’t really get better than that! And your chances are so good too! We don’t really announce this anywhere else as we truly want the person from the readalong to win! If you’d like to try your luck, all you need to do is follow these steps!

  1. Take a photo of our edition of The Night Ends With Fire
  2. Include the hashtag #FairyNightEnds (very important!)
  3. Do all of this by the end of September 6th
  4. Mention down below in your comment that you have entered and include your Instagram handle (also super important!)

Good luck!

Today we’ll be reading from Chapter 23 to the end of Chapter 35, let’s jump in!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for The Night Ends With Fire by K. X. Song from Chapter 23 to Chapter 35. Please only read on if you have finished this section!


Qinglong saved her from plummeting to her death… but the same can’t be said for Zilong. 😭

Initially thinking this is all a dream, Ren soon realises it’s not. Qinglong tells her 10,000 men will die before the day is up. This is brutal! She’s trapped in the spirit realm and can’t even help!

So Chancellor Sima possessed the phoenix seal? Is that why Ximing poses such danger?

Ren somehow needs to track down and get the pieces of the seal before Sima does… how though???

She has to learn to harness her power but, I don’t know, I feel like Qinglong is pretty vague! Harness your power and find the seal before someone else does isn’t exactly a full proof blue print, is it?

It takes her three whole days to travel back. Three hours travelling and I’m done! She must be exhausted!!

Sky thought she was dead. Ren is very much alive but with the fever brewing… she might not be for long. She experiences blips of consciousness and if I’m right… Sky is tending to her. If I’m right… Sky knows. Let’s pray I’m wrong. I just don’t know if I can fully trust him not to freak out, yanno?

She experiences more spirit dreams too. Taiyang is on the enemy side. It is a little ironic how steadfast she is that they’re being used. Pot kettle, Ren, you’re very much being used to find the jade as well…

The only upside of that dream is that I think (???) she knows where to go to find the seal now.

When she wakes up she’s VERY confused and realises she is not in her tent. She’s in Sky’s tent. It doesn’t seem to register to her that Sky might know her secret though.

No one else seems to know her secret, so maybe we can trust Sky? He is NOT happy though… He tells her she has to leave and then they spar? I mean… you do you. Ren vows she won’t give up until she’s won. That’s our vengeful girl!!!

Ren tells him they need to set out for the seal immediately, not the whole company though. She thinks she’s going alone. Like Sky would let that happen, especially now! No, they’re going together, along with Sparrow and Tao.

Funny… considering Sky hates her now, he has a funny way of showing it. He saves Ren from the bandits. I’m gonna throw a theory out there that even though Sky liked Meilin when he met her, he maybe has a bigger soft spot for Ren and now he’s all kinds of conflicted to know they’re one and the same AND that rather than being annoyed Ren is Meilin, he’s more hurt that someone he trusted duped him. What do we think?

Ren is joined at the tavern by a manicured male. He’s looking for the jade and when Ren asks if he’s had any luck… he says he has now he’s found Ren. Oh dear!

The man is called Lei, presumably, unless like Ren, he’s given a pseudonym. A lot of good that did her though when Sky interrupts and calls her Ren.

Sky didn’t like the look of him. I mean, he didn’t need to… he was talking to Ren, not him. Let her live!!!!!

Ren knows exactly where the jade is, although Sky’s furious to find out she went for a walk alone. “You can lash me later for my disobedience.” Oh. That had to hurt!

She’s very willing to sacrifice herself for the jade and almost falls to her death (seeing a running theme here, Ren) trying to get it. She’s saved by Sky (running theme…) and they end up, well, very close. πŸ‘€

THAT IS, until they’re surrounded by Ximing soldiers, with Lei at their head. I feel like Ren should’ve seen that coming really. She basically just caught the jade for them.

After being blindfolded and drugged, they’re now chained up and about to be interrogated. Before she’s taken, Sky tells her she can’t allow them to find out about her.

She isn’t really able to answer anything they’ve asked anyway, and when she returns she realises by her shackles alone they either know or heavily suspect what she is. Sparrow turned her in.

Sky apologises for how he acted when he found out her secret, he says he wished he had more time to try again with her. Aw. That’s sweet.

Things don’t stay sweet for long though, she’s taken to see Lei… a Ximing prince.

He acknowledges two things:
1. she’s a threat
2. she’s not well

She’ll be cuffed… but Lei wants her staying in the rooms adjoining hers. Interesting!

What would you have done in Sparrow’s situation?
How do we feel about Lei so far? For further context, he’s the guy on the back endpaper and he is certainly NOT hard on the eyes! 😍
Any theories on what will happen next?

I feel… on edge. Very on edge!

I’m SO SCARED for Ren!





  • Licia Carlesi

    Well first let me say that as soon as I saw the back endpaper I’ve been waiting for this character 🀭 I thought the stranger in the tavern might be the Ximing Prince based on how he was described as beautiful and spoiled. I’m very intrigued by Lei and his allegiance I suspect he’s also the pale long-haired man that Meilin spotted once or twice and the one who destroyed Sima’s jade. In any case I think there’s more to him so I’m excited to find out more. I find Sky a little disappointing, his reaction to finding out about Ren/Meilin was not great. I find the violence and torture off-putting as well πŸ€• Sparrow… why…

    • Seeri

      I agree with you about the Sky’s reaction! definitely not the best way to handle things.

    • Licia Carlesi

      Hello, me again just to say that I’ve posted the photo and my Instagram is @Licia27

  • Seeri

    I had to finish this book after yesterday’s chapters because no way I was going to stop reading at that point. I’m so sad that Zilong didn’t survive, I thought he was one of the best man in the squad and would have loved to see more about him rather than Sparrow and Tao. I was also super annoyed at Sky’s reaction to finding out about Meilin (as mentioned already in the comments here) not a man I like. Lei however is super interesting at this point.

    // entered the giveaway @lyrasbookdiary

  • karen.holmes.w

    I love the endpapers and how beautiful everyone is. Lei seems an intriguing and very intersting character but I can’t stop making the Disney Mulan comparisons and some things feel a bit blured just now.
    Sparrow is dissappointing and Sky a bit too. I wish it was easier to accept she is a woman but it was funny to see them fight instead of talk things out.
    I am very intrigued by Lei (I might even keep reading!)
    Already posted on instagram, my handle is @karenholmeswriter

  • Dennis Hoenel

    This section was just … wow. So much is happening in there! And what a turning point! I actually thought that they could retrieve the Jade shard before Sima and would have to face other challenges like how to get rid of it, but now they have entirely different problems! I can also understand why Sparrow can’t stand the torture and tries to draw the attention back to Ren, but at that point my mouth fell open because i didn’t believe he would give in so easily! Additionally, I was really surprised by Lei… I knew that there was (is) supposed to be a love triangle but I expected Sparrow to be the third person, next to Sky…. However, prince Lei definitely is an interesting competitor! I am really excited for what is coming next πŸ™‚

    (P.s. I have entered the giveaway – my Instagram handle is @fairylouisa06)

  • jan

    Entered on instagram @tweetybugshouse. Loving this book

  • Tiffany Salangsang

    I’ve been wondering who that character on the back was! At first I thought it might be Winter, since he seems to have magic, too. I’m glad her identity was finally confirmed with Sky; I’m enjoying his “I-hate-that-I care-for-her-even-though-she-lied-to-me” agnst. LOL

    With the introduction of Lei, I’m really interested to see where the story goes! I think he has magic, too, and maybe senses the power.

  • esthrane

    I have entered the giveaway πŸ₯° my instagram handle is @lizreadsbooks13. Really liking the book so far!

    • esthrane

      Just finished this section! The readalong is going a bit slower for me this time. If Lei is the man on the endpapers at the back of the book, I really hope that he is the 3rd person in the love triangle omggg 😍

  • sakurablossom95- 黄淑怑

    Entered! Instagram handle @sakurablossom95

  • ajustonemorechaptergirl

    Oof, I finished this whole book so I won’t spoil anything (it was too good to put down). I was intrigued by Lei and his decision to take them in rather than get rid of them, and I believe he’s very intrigued by Meilin as well.

    I’ve entered the giveaway and my handle is @ajustonemorechaptergirl πŸ’™

  • Richelle

    ZILONG 😭😭😭 I had a bad feeling that something bad would happen…
    Gosh that was such a rollercoater. Sky found out! And he wants to protect her πŸ₯Ή I loved seeing them in action undercover though and being so close to success was heartbreaking.
    Hmm…Lei seems pretty greedy – can we give him to Qinglong to consume?

  • Yanaika BonjΓ©

    I can’t be the only one that’s still hoping that Zilong turns up alright, right? πŸ™
    I’m verrrrrry excited about Lei.
    (My handle is private – I guess I can’t enter the giveaway like this?)

    • Shannon

      Unfortunately we wouldn’t be able to see your entry! So sorry about that! πŸ’œ

      • Yanaika BonjΓ©

        That makes perfect sense. I made a public handle, so I’m entering with @yanaikareads πŸ˜€

  • Bex

    I believe Sky really cares for Meilin but he’s still processing Ren and Meilin being the same person. I hope he can get past his beliefs of how he was raised, understand and accept why she did what she did and still stand by her. I can’t believe Sparrow broke but this makes me think if he were to find out more of Ren’s secrets it might not go so well. Even though Ren is very close with him she needs to be careful.
    Hopefully Meilin isn’t blinded by Lei’s charm. I don’t trust him, he knows something about Ren and magic but how much does he know and what are his plans??
    I have entered the giveaway my IG handle is @bexxmf

  • Margo

    I just finished these chapters and I’m scared for Ren too! I wonder what will happen with Lei but I also want Ren to get away and come back to Sky! Hopefully that’s what will happen! πŸ˜…
    I think Sparrow couldn’t do anything, poor guy he was tortured and it just slipped from his mouth that’s it’s Rens fault…
    I really like the book, I can’t stop reading πŸ€—

  • Margo

    It’s me again. I’ve posted the photo @margo_reading_corner

  • Erica


    I am such a wimp, I would cave under torture just like Sparrow.
    If Lei is the one on the endpapers, that definitely means he is the other love interest! I feel like he was the who took the jade from Sima and is a traitor but not for a bad reason. He is going to end up good!

  • SeaFox.Adventures

    Obviously, I’d hope not to break, but I haven’t been tortured, so I don’t know . . . [That is what you’re referring to with Sparrow, right?]
    I’m torn on Lei. People who are so quick to temperment changes always make me wary, but if he respects her more than Sky does . . . πŸ‘€
    So many theories, but I’m guessing Lei is either a second love interest or it’s possible that working with him will end up leading her to the “vision of her future” she wants! That would be a fun twist! 😏


    I will enter the photo contest. My ig name is @mangapenguin

    What would you have done in Sparrow’s situation?
    I would like to think I would be strong enough to endure the torture and not say anything but I think Sparrow didn’t realize what was done until it was too late. I think they were blinded by the pain. This team worked on being soldiers but they never practiced how to make it through torture if they were captured.
    How do we feel about Lei so far? For further context, he’s the guy on the back endpaper and he is certainly NOT hard on the eyes! 😍
    Thank you for putting him in here. Okay so I love Sky but Lei isn’t hard on the eyes. I’m not rooting for Lei at the moment but who knows maybe we get throuple.
    Any theories on what will happen next?
    I think we are going to learn what Lei is doing and why he wants all the Jade for real. I think now that he knows Ren is dangerous we will see more of them together for various reasons.

  • Vibolroth Sambath

    I really enjoy how action packed this book is so far!
    I entered the Instagram giveaway. My handle is bookbug_thundercat

  • Morgan Blake

    I’ve just entered the giveaway, thanks for the chance! My IG is @reds.reading

  • leexboba95

    Just started reading this.
    Entered as well on my handle @ sarahbookishreads

  • kimberlysingh132

    This edition is gorgeous. I’m almost done with this book.
    Entered the giveaway, my Instagram handle is kimmy_tbr

  • Larisa

    I got back here after already finishing the book, but I’ll just say that I’m not happy with this or many other Sparrows actions. Lei is the character I’m the most curious about and the artwork is extremely beautiful!
    I just joined the giveaway on Instagram and my Instagram handle is @larisas.bookshelf 🫢🏻

  • edenmatthews13

    Entered the giveaway! ☺️


  • Alyssa Sundar

    I’ve entered. My ig username _aly_sun. Thanks for the opportunity!

  • holly

    O-M-G! Sparrow, are you sure you’re tough enough to be a soldier?? Seriously?? Obviously, can’t say if I would have folded, but I certainly would have lasted longer than Sparrow!
    Oooh! Lei… I am very interested in this guy. I love that he’s featured on the back endpaper, too! I cannot look away!
    Lei will use Meilin to find the last shard. I’m thinking Lei has similar abilities, especially since Meilin said fire was one of his elemental threads. Sky needs to sort himself out!

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