Gorgeous photo by @thecrazyreader
Hi Fairy Friends!
Welcome back to day 2 of our readalong of Threads That Bind. I hope youβre all loving the book so far and are ready for some investigating.
Today weβre reading from chapter 8 to the end of chapter 14. Letβs go!
Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for Threads That Bind by Kika Hatzopoulou, from chapters 8 to 14. Please only read on if youβve finished this section!
They search Saint-Yves’s office and find the file on the case – the Silts Stranglings… Ominous!
They find a link in the form of Horatio Long, but Io also finds something unexpected. Thais is back in the city, and in an expensive area, unexpected for sure! It’s surprising that she left in the first place considering she always told Io and Ava they’re stronger together and since she’s the one who has a home thread… Suspicious.

They end up being chased out by officers, Edei is shot in the crossfire. The officers chasing them are led by none other than Rosa, Io’s best friend. In her anger Io cuts one of Rosa’s threads. Is it their thread? I’m assuming so since Io says she only has 35 now but for the moment Io can still use Rosa’s thread to track her and arrange a meeting.
The levels of betrayal here. Astonishing. Ava knew Thais is back, she’s even seen and spoken to her. She seems to blame Io for her leaving but based on Io’s memories, it was all Thais? She was annoyed Io wouldn’t do what she wanted to help them make money.

Bianca’s located Horatio and since Edei is out of action, Nico is going with her. Interesting, though, that Edei has spoken to Nico about keeping her safe. Especially since he still has a girlfriend, maybe he’s just doing his job?
Either way, I’m a big fan of Nico! He seems great and he’s very helpful in working with Io to get Horatio to give them information about the women… or so we think. Io is momentarily drawn away from Nico to garner more information and things go awry amongst the mist when another wraith with a severed life thread appears, even more so when Horatio speaks and Io realises he’s grace-born and there’s absolutely nothing she can do to avoid being drawn into this.
Io is clever in her fight and chooses to take it slow, edging away in an attempt to escape his thrall. It’s not Horatio she needs to worry so much about any more though, the wraith is back to take care of him! Play dumb Io, don’t attract any attention!

WHO is sending these wraiths though? She says she was made to know his crimes? What does that even mean?

Horatio’s disposed of… but the wraith turns her attention on Io. She says she can see the taint of her crime on her too. Before she can act on it though, a shot rings out and someone is holding Io, cradling her face, helping her up from the mud and telling her ‘I’ve got you’… spoiler alert, it’s not Nico. I am SCREAMING right now. Actual giddy screams. IT’S EDEI HE FELT THE TUG ON THEIR THREAD.
I’m conflicted. I feel bad for Sumiya, she has no idea her partner is fated to another. I feel bad for Io, feeling the guilt of knowing they’re connected and not being able to bring herself to cut the thread. Io thinks she’s doing something wrong but she didn’t choose to be fated to him, she didn’t choose to work with him. What are your feelings, fairies?
Either way, it must be hard for Io being in the home Edei shares with his girlfriend, hearing how he followed her across the world and supported her after their exile. Who knows? Maybe Io and Edei are destined to just have a strong friendship.

Anyway, Io knows what she needs to do now. They’re going to see the Nine.
The Nine sound eerily petrifying, as do their contracts. What’s scarier is that as Io and Edei are introduced, they seem to know Io right off the bat…
Do you have any suspicions yet who’s behind the Silts Stranglings?
How do you feel about Edei and Io?
Do you think Io should tell Edei about the thread and cut it?
If someone knew they were attached to you by fate, would you want to know?
I am SO conflicted over this section. I’m loving Edei and Io’s dynamic but this fate thread business is sus. Edei deserves to know… but I feel sorry for Sumiya. I am also incredibly nervous to see where this meeting with the Nine takes us. See you tomorrow to find out!

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Edei seems smitten with IO already. I’m loving the tension π I do think she should tell him about the life thread but don’t cut it!
I have absolutely no clue who is behind the stranglings. I kind of think somehow Thais is upto something but don’t know what.
I would definitely want to know if someone I knew was attached to me by fate.
1) Do you have any suspicions yet whoβs behind the Silts Stranglings?
My new theory after this section is that the Order of the Fury (Furies?) could be behind it. The fact that these wraiths are being made to kill people as an act of justice, and the Furies whole job was getting bad other-born back into line. Plus there are so many events referenced that happened 12 years ago (the Riots that wiped out the Fury, Io’s parent’s death, Horatio’s failed hits) that I think the timing is important.
2) How do you feel about Edei and Io? Do you think Io should tell Edei about the thread and cut it?
They make such a good team! I kind of don’t want Io to tell Edei because not only will it make things awkward, but it puts him in a really bad position with his girlfriend. If Io tells him to force him to end his relationship with his girlfriend or there’s cheating I’m going to be mad.
3) If someone knew they were attached to you by fate, would you want to know?
Nope! It adds so much pressure to everything. You’d constantly be wondering if it’s a real connection or something you’re participating in because you think you’re supposed to.
That last chapter is definitely taking this from an other-world fantasy to a real world dystopian, huh? Thats exciting! In terms of characters I love Nico a whole lot, he’s so cute, but unless that boy picks up a love interest soon he has doom flags pinned all over him and I’m gonna be mad about it. Edei also seems really sweet – very gentle in a way i find male love interests often aren’t so its refreshing.
We’re all agreed that the riots and the rooster’s silence surrounding them has to tie to whats happening in the current mystery, right? Also, i was trying to think what it was reminded me of – it’s kind of like Lore meets Ace of Shades, i think!
Overall I’m still enjoying it a lot, and having to fight the temptation to continue already.
Do you have any suspicions yet whoβs behind the Silts Stranglings?
Not really. Right now my feeling is we haven’t met any specific ‘person’ behind it, but like I said I think it’ll have something to do with the Riots.
How do you feel about Edei and Io?
They’re really sweet, but I dunno how I feel about Io leaping hard on the fact the thread has to be romantic when the narrative already explicitly said that fate threads don’t have to be.
Do you think Io should tell Edei about the thread and cut it?
I dunno if i think she should cut it; as much as im sure from a writing stand point it IS romantic, Io has no way of knowing that in the narrative and she especially shouldn’t need to cut it if there’s a chance its an innocuous connection. That said, i don’t think she should tell Edei about it unless it actually starts effecting him in a way that’ll endanger or make him miserable.
If someone knew they were attached to you by fate, would you want to know?
Ehhh, depends if they were gonna be a butthead about it and insist it meant i had to be in a romantic relationship with them lmao. If i was in Io’s position and knew i had a fate thread attached to someone in a relationship, I think i’d figure if it was meant to be romantic then it’d happen that way eventually no matter what obstacles seemed to exist in the beginning, because that’s what fate is, and if its not a romantic fate then i’d not have been responsible for breaking up a happy relationship by meddling, yknow?
1) I donβt have any strong suspicions yet, but Iβm leaning away from Saint-Yves. It just feels too obvious! In a murder mystery, the most obvious choice never turns out to be the killer!
2) I adore Edei and Io! They work so well together and compliment each other super well. He knew she needed him and raced to her side right away! Even though he doesnβt know about the fate thread, he can still feel that itβs pulling them together. Itβs so cute!
3) I donβt think cutting the thread will make much of a difference, to be honest. Even if theyβre not pulled together by fate, Io and Edei can still fall in love and form their own thread. I would want to know, if I was Edei, but I can understand Ioβs reasons for not telling him. Heβs in a relationship with another girl. It isnβt fair to wedge herself in between them.
4) I would want to know! Io draws comfort from the fact that her destiny is already laid out. She doesnβt have to figure out what her heart wants or who the right guy is. Fate tells her sheβs destined for Edei, and she believes it. I think I would be comforted too. Love can be such a stressful thing, and I have had my fair share of falling in love too easily only to have my heart broken again and again. To know that Iβm destined for someone would be such a relief. Let fate handle the hard parts, and Iβm just along for the ride.
I’m loving this so far, don’t want to put it down! I love greek mythology and i’m really liking this new take on it, the setting and the characters being descendents of greek gods reminds me of Lore by Alexandra Bracken which i loved. The chimerini are a really cool element, i’ve always loved the chimeara in greek mythology. My favourite amimals are bats and crocodiles so i was just imagining a little mashup of those which sounds horrifyingly cute.
For theories, Bec @Booktineus mentioned yesterday they thought Thais might have something to do with the stranglings. I’m thinking along the same lines after finding out she’s living in the richer part of town, makes sense that she might be the other-born girlfriend of the commissioner? And the fact that she only came back a few months ago and thr stranglings only began recently, and she’s kept quiet about being back as though she’s hiding.
I’m also conflicted about Edei and Io. I love them as a pair but would HATE if anything happened to ruin Edei’s relationship with Sumiya. I hope they stay friends. I think Io should tell Edei about the fate thread and they should decide together whether to cut it, that seems the fairest option. I would definitely want to know if I was attached to someone by a fate thread.
Can’t wait to see what happens next!!
So upset for IO and Ava that Thais was back – want to know what threat Thais asked IO to cut that caused their fight.
I <3 Edei. IO's crush is cute, but I'm glad they "don't kiss other people's boyfriends"
I think IO should tell the truth, and they can decide together whether to cut the line. I don't think she should keep something that big a secret. I would want to know. The truth hurts, but I believe withholding it will hurt more later.
I donβt have any fully flushed out theories on who is behind the Silts Stranglings but I wonder if Thais is somehow involvedβ¦
Definitely starting to feel some tension between Edei and Io! Iβm conflicted on whether or not she should tell him about the thread but Iβm leaning more toward not telling him and cutting it to see if theyβre actually meant to be together.
If someone was attached to me by a fate thread Iβm not sure Iβd actually want to know!
Do you have any suspicions yet whoβs behind the Silts Stranglings?
Not one specific person but maybe itβs the reason why Thais left or who she has moved in with?
How do you feel about Edei and Io?
Do you think Io should tell Edei about the thread and cut it?
I think she should tell him. He will find out eventually and it would be better to tell him now rather than later I think. She shouldnβt cut it – I would personally let things play out and see where it goes.
If someone knew they were attached to you by fate, would you want to know?
Yes – I wouldnβt necessarily act upon it but I would like to know π
Goodevening everyone!
I was a little bit shocked that Thais is back in the city for THREE MONTHS. Where was this girl and what kind of business is she doing now? I have so much questions. I am SURE she has a big roll in the story.
Rosa Santos got her introduction in the story. Io her best friend. I am curious about the meeting she will have with Io.
Edei had felt the tug of the thread. Is this the start for a deeper connection between him and Io? I really want to, but I feel bad for Sumiya.
1) Do you have any suspicions yet whoβs behind the Silts Stranglings?
I do have some suspicions. Maybe its Thais? I am not sure yet but my eyes are on something big from her.
2) How do you feel about Edei and Io?
3) Do you think Io should tell Edei about the thread and cut it?
Yes she should tell him. Edei deserve to know the truth.
4) If someone knew they were attached to you by fate, would you want to know?
Yes i want to know it. I don’t like suprises.
”Go find what you don’t like and change it. You know you can change it, right, little idiot? Be better. Makes this world better.
I feel like the Silts Stranglings somehow have to be connected to Io… I wonder if one of her sisters did it or something because I wonder if Io’s crime that the wraiths are feeling on her are connected to the stranglings. And it’s weird that Io named them wraiths according to the police but didn’t remember it later that she called them that. Overall, I think there are many ways the revelation of who the strangler is has so much potential for anything really.
Okay, I’m really torn about the fated thread between them. I like there chemistry, and it doesn’t feel forced really. The fact Io is fighting the connection is great and that she is respecting his relationship is also good. Mostly, I’m enjoying how their relationship is progressing.
As for if Io should tell Edei…it’s complicated for sure. How would she bring it up, and how is she expecting him to react? While I do think he deserves to know – as it does affect him and I would also personally like to know if I were him – she should wait until they can spend sometime away from each other. Since she never met him before, if I were her I’d wait until the investigation is over. But the most ideal way Io should have done it, was tell him way before this, gave him time and space to wrap his mind around it, and then be force to do this investigation together.
I’m excited to see where it goes from here!
Do you have any suspicions yet whoβs behind the Silts Stranglings?
I still have no idea! But that could be to do with the fact that I’m currently reading two very similar books and have a lot going on at the moment so I’m not retaining enough info to come up with theories! To be honest, it’s not great that someone is half-murdering people to turn them into wraiths but they seem to be preying on people who have done horrible things and have a criminal past so maybe it’s someone who’s trying to ‘clean up’ Alante.
How do you feel about Edei and Io?
I love them together! As friends definitely and maybe something more! But he obviously loves his girlfriend as he followed her to a new home, so it would be unfair of me to wish for them to split up just so he can be with Io.
Do you think Io should tell Edei about the thread and cut it?
Yes I think so, just because it’s clear that she’s developing feelings for him and he’s happy in his relationship. Obviously a fate thread doesn’t have to mean a romantic fate but Io is starting to feel that way towards him. I just hope cutting the thread doesn’t mean they can’t be friends!
If someone knew they were attached to you by fate, would you want to know?
I wouldn’t want to know now, but I feel like if I’d known in the past I would have made some very different decisions!
No suspicions yet! I feel like all the suspicion on the Nine is a bit too early, and if it does turn out to be them, I don’t think it’s all of the members. There’s still a possibility that there are hidden Furies who still exist, or someone from Nanzy who have infiltrated Alante and is wreaking a bit of chaos. I wonder if Thais will figure into this mystery.
I like that Edei and Io are becoming fast friends, because their exchanges are kinda cute. I do think that before even deciding to cut the fate-thread, Io should come clean and discuss the possibility of severing the thread before actually doing so. It would help if Edei also has a say. That said, the idea of a thread growing back is an interesting one, and I’m thinking Io and Edei’s fate-thread will eventually get cut. But this doesn’t automatically exclude them from growing a friendship or even a love between themselves that’s more gradual and natural.
Knowing that my fate was attached to someone would sting a bit, because then a lot of doubt of my decisions will go back to whether I made those decisions myself, or because I’m attached to someone. I would still like to know, though, because that would help form said decisions.
I’m looking forward to this meeting with the Nine!
1. Do you have any suspicions yet whoβs behind the Silts Stranglings?
Still no clue, but I think it may have something to do with her sister coming back, maybe? I really don’t know, but I am very intrigued.
2. How do you feel about Edei and Io?
I love their dynamic and the tension but I can’t enjoy it knowing he has I girlfriend. I need the situation to change before I ship them as a romantic partner because I feel really bad for Sumiya, which sounds like a lovely person, at least through the eyes of Edie.
3. Do you think Io should tell Edei about the thread and cut it?
One hundred percent yes. She definitely should, especially now that she knows he fills the pull of it and doesn’t know what or why it is. They should decide together what to do next because it involves both of them, not just Io.
– If someone knew they were attached to you by fate, would you want to know?
Yes, without a doubt, I would like to know. I mean, the comfort it would bring, the hope, the peace of mind, of knowing that someone out there is connected to you, I think I would be amazing.
I have a sinking feeling Thais and the Commissioner Luc Saint-Yves are working together and somehow behind the wraiths. I want to be wrong so so wrong. These women are basically purging the city of corrupted people, protecting the city one would say, and Thais did say she βearnedβ her city thread to Io all those years ago. Bet she is still working to be worthy of it.
I think Edei is sweet from what little we have seen of him so far. I want to know how/why he became Biancaβs number two and she was willing to pay any expense to keep him alive after being shot. There is no way he is simply good, he has to be an other-born as well.
I am on the fence if Io should tell him about the fate thread though. Neither of them intentionally made the thread, they both deserve to know about it. How do you bring that up though to someone you just met?!?! Its even more awkward that he is in a committed relationship.
If someone knew I was attached to them I think I would want to know. What if you are happy in your life already? Its a mess honestly but a glorious one that I’m excited to see implode at some point in the story.
I don’t really have a theory yet on who is behind the wraiths.
Edei hasn’t actually said that Samiya is his girlfriend. Maybe they a platonic. I don’t really want a love triangle.
I feel like there are going to be a lot of big reveals about what happened 12 years ago before the end of this book.
Do you have any suspicions yet whoβs behind the Silts Stranglings?
Iβm not sure, I think there will be something to do with the riots involved in the mystery, and maybe something involving Thais as well, itβs strange that sheβs been back in the city and hasnβt told her sisters!
How do you feel about Edei and Io?
Theyβre very cute! They definitely has a connection already, although it could still be platonic despite Ioβs crush and his relationship seems quite strong.
Do you think Io should tell Edei about the thread and cut it?
I think she should tell him, but not necessarily cut it! Although I do think she will end up cutting it eventually
If someone knew they were attached to you by fate, would you want to know?
Yes, absolutely!
It hurts my heart that Io had such a huge crush but Edei is completely unaware. When we switched to part two I thought the POV changed as well and I thought we were going to get Edeiβs thoughts. I wonder if he is other-born and doesnβt know or just is very good at hiding it! Since sometimes Io feels like he is reading her mind
1) My only guess is someone very important/powerful, if they were involved in getting those records hidden from the public.
2) They’re super adorable together but I too feel uncomfortable since he already has a girlfriend. It just feels like a tragedy waiting to happen.
3) If they just keep working as partners I think it’s fine if he doesn’t know, but if they progress any farther I think it would be more fair to tell him than to not. I’m not sure about cutting it…that’s a tough one.
4) Yes! I’m nosy like that LOL.
I am still getting the hang of the worldbuilding, but I think Thais is involved somehow with the stranglings. Maybe it is related to the riots and their parents’ deaths.
I adore Io and Edei. He obviously cares for her too. However, they both need to move forward with integrity. No love triangle please.
I think Io should tell Edei about their fate thread and not cut it without him knowing. That way they both have all the information and can decide the best action to take.
If someone knew they were attached to me by fate, I would absolutely want to know.
I donβt think itβs anyone weβve been introduced to yet but Thais is in mind when thinking about this because sheβs been in the silts for months now and we havenβt fully met her yet.
I love Io and Edei being together, theyβre so cute π₯°
She should tell him soon cause Iβm these stories thereβs always miscommunication that never ends well no matter how much good intention one of them has but I donβt she should cut their thread cause Iβm scared it wonβt grow back.
YES! If someone knows about our fate thread they need to tell me now cause I have been waiting years to be in a relationship π©
I have no clue who is the mastermind behind the killings.
I hate love triangles. And I’m really conflicted about it. I don’t think Io should sever the thread without telling him about it but I also think she shouldn’t tell him unless the situations changes.
I really don’t know if I would like to know about fate thread. Yes if I was single but I feel that if I were in a happy relationship it would be pretty selfish to tell me about it and probably ruin my relationship. I wouldn’t tell and would keep it as my own burden. Unless it turned out be other then love related.
I’m enjoying this book so much already, it’s so different from other fantasy books I’ve read so far. But why oh why is Thais back and not telling her sisters about it or seeing them? She seems super sketchy. She’ll probably play some kind of a role later in the book. So far she sounds so annoying when she was telling Io what to do and not compromising at all. She of course had good qualities as well but still, I’m not liking her very much right now.
Honestly I have no inkling who could be behind the stranglings. There is a lot of new information added in every chapter that it is difficult to suspect anybody. But in the last chapter when Edei was talking about his friend and the contract she had with the Nine made me suspicious about the Nine, they seem a weird bunch who could be behind it.
So far Io and Edei seem very sweet together. As long as Edei is in a relationship I truly hope Io and Edei both won’t act on their attraction or anything. Of course I hope they will end up together because their connection honestly feels so strong but if the relationship gets deeper Edei should also be honest with his girlfriend about it.
I think that Io should definitely tell Edei about the thread. It would’ve been too weird to do it right then when they first met but now that they’ve got to know each other a bit more and especially when Edei said he felt like he had known Io for way longer than two days, she should’ve told him. Or should now do it as soon as possible. Nothing good comes out of hiding such a thing because these things tend to come to light anyway. I don’t think though that she should cut it… at least not yet. I mean if Edei knows the truth and he doesn’t want anything to do with Io and the thread then yes, she should cut it. It should still be a mutual decision because I do believe the thread between them is there for a reason. It doesn’t have to be a romantic one in the end so there are many possibilities.
If someone knew they were attached to me by fate, I would definitely want to know. I am just so curious about everything and want to know everything immediately so yes, no doubt. Especially because the thread doesn’t have to be romantic, it could be any kind of a connection.
I’m loving this book so far! I can’t put it down.
I think Thaid has something to do with the wraiths. Her relationship with Io seems toxic to me. Why would she put the responsibility of her leaving on Io’s shoulders? She was only 15 at the time.
I’m also suspicious about Ava to be honest. Twice already Io felt treason about her. She had spoken to her fate-threat without mentioning it to Io, and it sounds like she is more than first name basis with Edei, he knew so much about Io beforehand… And now Ava knew Thais had come back to the city and didn’t mention it to Io… Suspicious…
About Edei x Io… Well I may have misinterpreted, but Io saw a silver ring on the coffee table… Looks like a broken engagement to me. Here’s hoping Edei and Samiya’s relationship hasn’t been doing well lately and they have broken things off before Io’s arrival.
Please let me hope π
I felt so bad for Io! She is being betrayed left and right! I really hope that Rose and Thais have a good explanation for how they are behaving!!
Also I’m so angry about Thais! As an older sister myself I feel like it’s my sacred duty to care and protect my baby siblings (they are adults but forever babies in my heart), so I really don’t like how Thais behaved towards poor Io…
Nico instead is my baby, he’s so much fun and I love him from now and forever!
I don’t have the faintest idea about whoβs behind the Silts Stranglings, but honestly I’m starting to feel a little uncomfortable about Edei and Io. It’s crystal clear that Edei is head over heals over Sumiya, and I don’t like the idea that one should destroy someone’s happiness in order to be happy. I think Io should tell Edei about the thread, and then they should decide together what to do, because is a situation that involves both of them, so both of them should have a say in what to do with their thread.
So if someone knew they were attached to me by fate I definitely would want to know.
Do you have any suspicions yet whoβs behind the Silts Stranglings? Maybe Thais in some way? I was suspecting Bianca for a bit but I donβt think itβs her
How do you feel about Edei and Io? I really think they work good as a team and I enjoy their scenes together but Iβm just worried about cheating happening since Edei does already have a girlfriend
Do you think Io should tell Edei about the thread and cut it?
I think she should describe that it doesnβt have to be a romantic thread and let him decide if he wants her to cut it
If someone knew they were attached to you by fate, would you want to know? I guess, but Iβd also like time to figure out what that attachment meant to me on my own terms
I’m still enjoying this. I think I’ve gotten used to the style – I was struggling to read at my usual speed to begin with but I also think that may have been because I’ve had a really busy week at work and not as much reading time as usual.
I think that as some have said above Thais could be involved, and that the timing of the events is significant. I don’t know why it would be 12 years on but yeah, it all feels connected.
Are we about to get a prophecy? Also is it possible Io’s parents survived? I dunno… I’m expecting these kind of twists.
Do you have any suspicions yet whoβs behind the Silts Stranglings?
I donβt really have an idea yet. But, I think the oldest sister will know somethingβ¦which is why she left and then returned but never made contact with the other two sisters.
How do you feel about Edei and Io?
Iβll admit, Iβm not super attached to either of them. Iβm hoping itβll change. I definitely think it was insta-love on Ioβs part because of the fate-thread. This is just my opinion though. I can go either way on insta-love.
Do you think Io should tell Edei about the thread and cut it?
I definitely think that Io should tell Edei. Itβs dishonest and he can already tell that something is off. Omitting the truth is still lying. As for cutting it, that is something that would need to be discussed between them. As it affects the both of them. But, knowing the YA genre, sheβll probably cut it without telling him.
If someone knew they were attached to you by fate, would you want to know?
Yes, I would want to know. This plays into the whole honesty thing and open communication. Which is really important to me.
I canβt put down this book, it’s sooo good!!
I really donβt have a clue whoβs behind the Silts Stranglings, I kind of think that Thais is involved somehow with the stranglings but at the same time I think it has something to do with the riots involved in the mystery. I feel conflicted with Edei and Io, he has a girlfriend and I’m really against cheating. I feel like Io is not going to try to kiss him or something when he’s with his girlfriend but still, its feels weird. I still donβt think Io should sever the thread without telling him about it, maybe they just need communication about the topic. Of course I hope they will end up together because their connection honestly feels so strong but if the relationship gets deeper Edei should also be honest with his girlfriend about it. If someone knew they were attached to me by fate, I would definitely want to know. Itβs a messy topic honestly but a glorious one that Iβm excited to see at some point in the story. Another reason that I would like to know is because the thread doesnβt have to be romantic, it could be any kind of a connection. Maybe a friend for life π
Do you have any suspicions yet whoβs behind the Silts Stranglings?
I don’t have any idea now but I have a feeling it is going to be surprising for Io.
How do you feel about Edei and Io?
I like Edei and Io, I think he might suspect more than he lets on about their thread, he seems attached really quickly without any sense of confusion about why he is so attached to her.
Do you think Io should tell Edei about the thread and cut it?
I think she should tell him about it later. I was thinking that people who can’t see the threads probably have the same thing happen all the time, where they are fated to someone who might currently have a partner, and that isn’t their fault, they don’t know any better! I think the only way it gets tricky is if Io were to abuse her thread with Edei, but she seems to be really respectful and guilty about it around Samiya so I don’t think she will use it in that way, but who knows later on?
He might get upset that she knew from the beginning though, that’s usually how it goes but he will come around. I am also curious if Samiya is just a good friend, has he ever called her his girlfriend? He would do anything for her, but that doesn’t mean they are dating!
If someone knew they were attached to you by fate, would you want to know?
I think that I would not want to know until I had started to get to know them, I don’t want to be approached by a stranger and told that, it just would be awkward, but if I already know them I think it would be nice to know. But I am not in Edei’s relationship situation either, so I am not sure.