Legendary Readalong Day 2


Beautiful photo by @xenatine

Hi friends!

Thank you so much for joining us yesterday, some of you even waited for today to carry on! I love that <3

Yesterday we left off just after we got to the main gate and were so rudely refused to get in. From your comments it seems we all either live for Dante or just don’t get the appeal. Which one are you?

But enough of that, let’s see what today has in store for us!

Today we’re getting to chapters 8-14!

PleaseΒ be warned, the following will include spoilers for Legendary for chapters 1-14 by Stephanie Garber. Read only if you’ve finished those chapters!


In comes Dante!

Love how there’s such a tension between Dante and Tella, that even when she knows she needs someone from the inside to help, and Dante surely could, she still curses under her breath. Stubborn MCs be stubborn!

Dante tells lies about Tella being engaged to the heir to the crown, which get her a room in a golden tower (very niiiice) but from other people’s reaction that seems like quite a lie there. Not sure that a lovely suite with a view is enough to justify that!

Dante, you sneak little turd, you.

Tella: “She felt mostly certain tonight would go as planned


Oh no, guys! Armando has spoken to Scarlet before Tella did. I wonder what that means for Julian? Can’t be good for either.

This time the Caraval warns that the game… is not a game at all!

Do you believe that? Or is it part of the game to say it’s not a game? Do you know what I mean?



Do I? πŸ˜€

And it says that the fates came out to play. Although Tella is sceptical I feel like Caraval is only honest once and that’s before you enter it. I think it must be fairly real then!

Oh snap Jacks is the friend she was suppose to meet! I mean the fact that he’s the heir I saw coming but also the friend?? That’s cool! Me likey.

Okay but. Can we. Can we speak about the kiss scene at the ball?

She keeps mentioning his cold hands and I KNEW he wasn’t alive but it’s such a cool twits that he’s a fate? What is Jacks not? An heir, a fate, the “friend” with the favour…Is he Legend? Everyone is Legend.

But that surely means that he, a fate, came out to “play” before the game even started. What do you think that means?

Tella supposed to act as if she’s his fiancΓ© until Caraval ends when they will let people know it wasn’t true.

I feel like he’ll fall in love with her though.

She’ll be the person who makes his heart beat again. But then maybe she will use being his weakness to her own end. What do you think will happen here with them?

And on top of all this, Tella now knows her mother is trapped in a card, same as the fates. Who put her there? Was it Jacks?

We got the first clue and say bye to jacks. Off we go.

I loveΒ how Tella thinks, people say it’s a kiss worth dying for but it’s only because they haven’t died before. Such a cool line.

Phew, we gotΒ so much information today.

I’m super interested in seeing what you thought and any and all predictions that you have!






  • @kirstyes

    So Dante heard Tella say his kissing wasn’t all that and has given her a murderous fiancΓ© to help her get into Caraval. Nice!! Why didn’t she use her friend’s invite? I wonder if the heir is the snitty guy from before.

    The heir has found out too and sent her a gorgeous gown.

    Scarlett has found out about Armando and the girls both slap him. Totally deserved.

    Dante follows Tella to the ball and clearly feels something for her. I’m almost sure it’s not just part of the game.

    Blonde carriage dude is the heir, her β€œfiancé”, her friend and as we find out the prince of hearts too. Or Jacks for short. He’s kissed Tella, said her mother and she’ll be dead by the end of the week if she doesn’t hand Legend over. Dante looks furious. Will he help her?

    The fates were trapped in the deck of destiny and Tella and Scarlett’s mother is trapped in a card too which Tella has to keep safe. The tension again. And all the bad boys.

    (I may have read on ?‍♀️)

  • zoejjensen

    This story is not going the way I thought it would.(makes it more exciting). Dante what have you done? poor Tella only wanted to get into the game now she is cursed by the prince of hearts and her poor mother stuck in the card. I hope this is just all a game and not real. Where Scarlet and Julian. Scarlet was worried sick about Tella in the last book and now she is no where to be seen. I no Julian lied to her but come on girl your sister need you. I hope Tella gets the prince to fall in love with her then dumps him in the gutter when his heart beats again
    Looking forward to reading more tomorrow

  • Maja

    I’m really enjoying this read. It’s my first time reading Legendary and I’m already loving it. Stephanie has a way of writing stories that captivate you from the start.

    I love that we get to see everything from Tellas pov. I really think that she is an amazing (and stubborn) MC.
    I love the chemestry between Dante and Tella.

    I think that in the end Tella is gonna learn Jacks how to love, but I think that Tella and Dante is gonna end up together.

    I can’t wait to see what happens next, I’m very intriuged.

  • Tomi

    Wow. I’m shooketh. Learning that Jack is not only an heir also her β€˜friend’ and not only that but also the β€˜Prince of Hearts’. That was sort of like a double plot twist all in one. Jacks entire character is just one huge plot twist. Honestly stuff is starting to heat up and the stakes are so much higher know. Stephanie’s got my attention and I sort of just love Tella for this story.

  • nika

    blonde carriage dude is the heir, he is the friend and the prince of hearts!!! Yes!Yes! Yes! Thank you Stephanie Garber that was what I was hoping! All in one! Is he Legend? At the moment I would say no but everyone is Legend :D. Dante?!
    (So I am always happy with a prince in the story(haha)) He is the type I like, poor Dante. But I like Dante more!

    yes, where is scarlet? In Caraval she did everything to save her sister and now…? Only because of Armando? Doesn’t make sense…there is more…there is always more in caraval.

    I was asking me, too. why didn’t Tella use the invation of her “friend” to get in. okay for the plot the lie is more interesting. yes today I had so much fun with reading. It was so good. I love Legendary more than Caraval. I hope there will be more scenes of Tella and the prince of hearts and more Tella and Dante!!! I am hoping that the prince will fall in love with Tella. And I hope Tella and Dante will be a lovely couple at the end.

    I am asking why need the prince Legend? To free the other Fates or to destroy them? How could he escape from his card? Did he change places with Paloma? Why would Paloma help him?
    Why want he to be the heir? He is a fate? and where is scalets count? Will we meet him in this book? Is he Legend?

  • Verena

    So I didn’t see that coming…. But again I have to start questioning everything that is happening and if people are truly what they say they are…
    And Tella is for sure taking a lot of risks, some of them have to come back to bite her in the a…..
    well they certainly are starting to…
    Fell like not all of Dantes behaviour is fake… or maybe I just hope.
    I think this witch may have put the Fates in the cards…. but then again, how did he get out and her mother inside… and what does he want with Legends name. I am confused again and the second Caraval just started.
    Anyway I’ll stay strong and wait for tomorrow, to read more. But I have to say Tella is growing on me more and more with each witty or sarcastic line and uttered curse. I do have a soft spot for those charactes

  • Claire (@love.the.villain)

    Gotta admit, although Dante is obviously a bit of a cad, he’s just the sort of book boyfriend I fall for. ❀️ I know he’s obnoxious and arrogant, but he’s also playful with a wicked streak. His entire personality comes across in everything he does and I just love that! He’s a mystery. *swoon*
    But then, of course, there’s Jacks, too! I don’t know who I ship more at this point! ?

    Caraval is not a game this time? But, honestly, at this point, what can we believe? I mean, last time they said it was a game but it got serious pretty quickly. This time it’s not a game? ?That’s what I love most about this series. It really makes you question everything, doesn’t it?

  • Emily (@emilyshelves)

    These chapters were certainly interesting! Jacks turns out to not only be the friend from the letters, but a Fate from the Deck Of Destiny. And Tella and Scarlett’s mother is trapped in a card, and has been there for years. I wonder how she got there in the first place. I have a feeling it could’ve been Jacks, or maybe even Legend.

    I’m also interested in how this Caraval isn’t really a game, and how that’ll play out for Tella. The stakes are super high and I can’t wait to see what’s next!

  • Alison (@accio.ali)

    Loving this book so far! Kinda called that Jacks would be the heir and the friend – and I like him! But if it’s down to Jacks vs Dante, I’m team Dante.

    Jacks being a Fate is awesome! Such a cool twist! Part of me thinks that Tella IS his true love and he won’t be able to kill her at the end; especially if this goes the way I think it will. Slow her heart? Yes, but kill her? Nah.

    As for Julian, I’m sad. I hope Scarlett gets over herself and realizes that she’s found happiness and doesn’t need to go traipsing around Valenda to find her dumb Count.

    Can’t wait for tomorrow!!!

  • Angela Bycroft

    Wow wow wow. This book just keeps giving. Plot twist after plot twist …..they just keep coming.

    I had a feeling our snarky blonde dude woukd be IMPORTANT to the story. Yep pretty important.

    I’m loving the palace setting. Super atmospheric and totally different feel to Caraval.

    Can’t wait to discuss tomorrow.

  • Danica

    I am late on my tougts but i’ve not been feeling well for the pas 2 days so i’m cathing up
    Boy that was a twist I had a feeling it was the prince of hearts in the coach but did not expect him to be the heir and her friend soo cool and interesting they were trapted in the cards
    I wonder what he wands with legend is legend more powerful than him because if the witches magic hmmm
    I still hope dante is legend and that he will somehow help tella in the end because a soo love their chemistry
    Oh the tella you should be a unicorn than everyone would be oetting you hehe nearly died laughing
    Poor mom I hope everything will be ok with her

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