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The Gods Below Readalong: Day 5!


Beautiful photo by @tranquilreads!Β 

Happy Friday, fairies! Who’s ready for the weekend?

Well not so fast! We still have one more section of our readalong to go! I don’t know whether I’m glad we’re approaching the end to find our answers, or sad to see our readalong over! Ahh, a bittersweet feeling…

Let’s wrap up our readalong with chapters 47, reading until the end!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for The Gods Below by Andrea Stewart from chapter 47 to the end of the book. Please only read on if you have finished reading this section!


Finally, after many detours and delays, the sisters reunite! Hakara finds out Rasha is alive!

But this joyous occasion, one that has been built up for so many years, backfires. Hakara is faced with the harsh reality that while she has spent 10 years dedicating her life to finding Rasha, Rasha has moved on. She has become a new person, while Hakara has remained stuck. And to really seal the blow, Rasha all but rejects Hakara, continuing her path as a Godkiller.

She’s not the only one reaching the end of their journey. Mull and his squad have been chipping away all this time, only to find out a devastating truth – Tolome didn’t make it to Kashan. He was leaving Kashan! Their journey and all of its trials have been for naught. Not everyone will make it back. And so, defeated, Mull turns and leaves his friend behind.

Sheuan seems to be the one with the highest advantage here, her own failed journey instead turning her towards the Sovereign. With Mull’s filter in tow, she expertly blackmails the Sovereign into a marriage alliance in exchange for creating more of the filters, helping him overcome the toxic air. With his resources and nothing holding him back, I dread to think what could happen!

And finally, we return to Hakara one last time. As if one shock wasn’t enough for the day, she learns that Thassir knew more than he was letting on and stood by while the restorations happened. As that one final tether to anyone she knows breaks, Hakara aligns herself wholly with the Unanointed, and finally has her own path after following Rasha’s footsteps for years.

Clearly we’ve ended this book – and our readalong – on a β€˜what comes next?” note, with everyone perfectly placed to be starting a fight of their own.

Did you expect the reunion of Hakara and Rasha to go as it did? What do you think of Rasha’s rejection?

Were you surprised to see Sheuan turn to the Sovereign?

What do you think will happen in book 2?

I know I’ll be eagerly awaiting book 2 after that ending! But for now, thank you for joining me in the readalong, and I hope you loved it!





  • fatima

    Wow I have so many questions about that last chapter and how Thassir is still alive?? I can’t even begin to theorise because I’m still confused lol!

    I think I expected Hakara and Rasha’s reunion to go badly, but I’m just glad they got to talk and Hakara explained her side. It’s sad that Rasha rejected Hakara, but the fact that she let her escape then questioned the god means she’s starting to have cracks in her beliefs. I’m excited to see how she develops in the next book!

    I was more surprised to see Sheuan suggest the marriage alliance to the Sovereign. And why did the Sovereign agree so quickly? I thought he’d just send his men to raid Mull’s workshop instead. He must have an ulterior motive – hopefully we get to find out in book 2.

    In book 2, I’d love to see more of the other restored realms and maybe some of the unrestored ones. I also think we haven’t seen everything Hakara can do.

    Overall I really enjoyed this, and I’m sad that it’s over! I think this is a strong series starter with excellent world-building and I can’t wait to read the sequel!! I would rate this 4 stars.

    Thanks for hosting this readalong – it’s been a blast! 🫢

    • Ashleigh

      This book has left us with SO many questions! I need book 2 now πŸ˜‚
      I wonder if Hakara and Rasha will ever see eye to eye? You’re right about Rasha’s beliefs starting to crack…but being raised in the restored realm since the age of 9 is a loooong time to reverse/change any mindsets built!
      Thank YOU for joining me in reading this one! πŸ’œ

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The Gods Below Readalong: Day 5!


18th October 2024

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