Caraval Series Readalong in preparation for Finale box!


Absolutely stunning photo by @thefearlessreader

Hi FairyLooters!

Yes, you have indeed read that correctly! Regardless of whether you want to re-read these beauties in preparation for the Finale or if you’ve not read them yet, look no further! We are always here to provide the motivation and give you an excuse to read more!

As you might know, Fairyloot is working with the amazing Stephanie Garber to bring to you a Collector’s Edition Box with a special edition copy of Finale, the conclusion to this magical trilogy. And believe me, it will beΒ epic.Β 

But before all that, we want to make sure we are best prepared for the experience! What better way to do this than to read the series together with you guys! The readalongs will work exactly like the monthly ones you are used to (and don’t worry, the monthly ones for the main Fairyloot subscriptions will still continue alongside these!). We will have 6 days for each day, we will separate them in reasonable sections for each day and chat between each other about the events that took place, theories for the future pages (no spoilers from those who know!) and favourite parts so far!

You will take off with Lauren, reading Caraval in March, continue with me, G, in April for Legendary and finally, read Finale at the end of May with Anissa!

Here are the dates and schedules!

CARAVAL READALONG with Lauren: 4-9th March 2019

4th of March: Chapters 1-7 (inclusive)

5th of March: Chapters 8-13

6th of March: Chapters 14-19

7th of March: Chapters 20-27

8th of March: Chapters 28-35

9th of March: Chapters 36-end

LEGENDARY READALONG with G: 8-13th April 2019

8th of April: Chapters 1-7 (inclusive)

9th of April: Chapters 8-14

10th of April: Chapters 15-20

11th of April: Chapters 21-28

12th of April: Chapters 29-34

13th of April: Chapters 35-end

FINALE READALONG with Anissa: 27th of May – 2nd of June 2019

27th of May:Β Chapters 1-9

28th of May: Chapters 10-18

29th of May:Β Chapters 19-26

30th of May:Β Chapters 27-37

31st of May:Β Chapters 38-44

1st of June:Β Chapters 45-53

2nd of June: ChaptersΒ 54-end

Whether you want to refresh your memory or if this is your first time reading the books (like it is for me), everyone is more than welcome! We are really excited to experience this with you and we cannot wait to chat about these books with our favourite readers in the universe!

Will you join us?

And of course-

Remember, it’s only a game πŸ˜‰






  • Morgane (ShadesOfBooks)

    Hello G !
    I won’t be joining the Caraval readalong since I don’t have time and I have the French edition so it might be a bit complicated but I will reread it anyway and I’ll be joining the Legendary one since I haven’t read it !

  • Teresa (enchantedbyfiction)

    I will be joining! It feels like it has been so long since I read Caraval and then I never read Legendary ? I’m excited for the readalongs!

  • Simon

    I will be joining for sure and I can’t freaking wait for it! ?

  • Jelke

    Will be joining all three times! Very excited to read the books for the first time!

  • Claire (@love.the.villain)

    Always fun to reread such phenomenal books! ?
    Count me in! ?

  • Jessica

    I’m so excited to join in and read this series for the first time.. it’s gonna be so much fun!!

  • Verena

    I would love to join the Readalong but first I have to get myself the first Book… Might take a bit longer than the beginning of March =/ But I’ll try joining for the other two. That’s the problem when you need to have matching editions…
    But I love that you guys are organizing this =) Great idea

  • Rebecca

    Can’t wait to join in! I read the first one ages ago and got the second book when it came out but haven’t had the time to read it yet so I can’t wait to join in and drive into these amazing books once again!

  • Kirsty @kirstyes

    I’ll definitely be joining in. It was on my list to re-read both before Finale and now I can do it with you guys.
    Plus my memory is so bad I won’t spoil stuff because I can’t remember detail.

  • carterkristina2

    This is intriguing and I might actually do this read-along. I did read Caraval fairly recently but I haven’t yet read Legendary.

  • Nika Schnarr

    I will join today…

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