Important Sale Update:
To better manage website traffic, the ‘Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands’ Early Access sale time for UK/INT customers who received our December 2022 ‘Faerie Lore’ box will be changing, please note the dates will remain the same. The UK/INT Early Access sale for Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands will now take place at 10am GMT on 22nd February.
Early Access will take place as follows on February 22nd:
💙 10am GMT: UK/INT customers who received the December Adult 2022 ‘Faerie Lore’ box.
💙 12pm GMT: US/Canada customers who received the December Adult 2022 ‘Faerie Lore’ box.
💙 2pm GMT: UK/INT subscribers.
💙 4pm GMT: US/Canada subscribers.
Please note: this is the only change to the Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands Early Access sale.
We’re sorry for any inconvenience caused by this change and thank you for your patience!
We are so excited to present to you… the ‘Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands’ Exclusive Edition, brought to you in collaboration with @orbitbooks_uk and @heather_fawcett!
Emily Wilde’s exploration of the faerie folk had us absolutely mesmerised last year and we’re so thrilled to share a matching edition of the sequel!
What is special about this Exclusive Edition?
✨ EXCLUSIVE COVER with a colourway change
✨ STENCIL SPRAYED EDGES with a solid top and bottom sprayed edge
✨ ARTWORK ON THE HARDCOVER by @chattynora with foil details
✨ CHARACTER ARTWORK ON THE ENDPAPERS by @kudriaken (different front and back)
This is NOT part of our normal monthly subscriptions and if you wish to order a book, they will be available in the Fairy Trove (we ship to many countries worldwide).
The ‘Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands’ Exclusive Edition will be available for £23 GBP / $31 USD + shipping and is expected to ship around June/July 2024.
On 22nd February at 12pm GMT, we will send out a private Early Access link to everyone who received the December Adult 2022 ‘Faerie Lore’ box and to those who bought Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries from the Fairy Trove. We will then send out an Early Access email to all UK/INT active subscribers at 2pm GMT, and all US/Canada active subscribers at 4pm GMT. If we have any stock remaining, these will be available in the Fairy Trove to the general public on 23rd February at 1pm GMT for UK/INT customers and 4pm GMT for US/Canada customers.
Are you as excited about this book as we are?
Graphic by Official FairyLoot Designer @blanca.design 😍
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Will the special edition of the first book ever be available again?
Unfortunately, Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries sold out during our latest Fairy Trove restock and we don’t currently expect to reprint. We’re so sorry about that! 💜
Hi! Just wondering if there will be enough stock left over for active subscribers who did not purchase the first book? Thanks for all that you do!
Hi there! We’re unfortunately unable to guarantee something will reach the next stage of a sale, but it’s always our aim for Fairy Trove sales to become available to active subscribers and the general public. 💜
I received this book when I was a member, but I don’t have an active membership now. Will I still get the early access code?
Hi there! Yes, if you received the December Adult 2022 ‘Faerie Lore’ box or purchased Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries from the Fairy Trove, you should receive an Early Access email. 💜
Woohoo so chuffed I got a copy. The first book is so beautiful I HAD to have this. The inlays that were made for this book are just so
Beautiful I hope you make them for this one too.
Hi Faeries,
I’m really excited for this. LOVED the first book. I’ve ordered my copy. Any ideas when this will be shipped?
Hi there! The estimated shipping for this book is June/July. 🥰