
Evocation Readalong: Day 1!


Gorgeous photo by @readwithacapricorn!

Hi fairy friends!

Happy Monday, I hope you all have a good day! Welcome to day 1 of the April Adult Book readalong of Evocation by S.T. Gibson. I’m so excited to be reading this with you all!

Before we start, how are you all doing? I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are ready to dive into this new fantasy world with me!

Since today is day 1, we’ll be reading from the beginning to the end of chapter 6.

When you’ve finished today’s section, catch up with me in the comments down below so we can discuss the beginning of the book. Happy reading!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for Evocation by S.T. Gibson from the beginning to the end of Chapter 6. Please only read on if you have finished reading this section!

Right off the bat, we’re greeted by a rather suave sounding gentleman – David – arriving ten minutes early (love that!) to a haunted house? Oh fairies, this sounds like my kind of book… What are we getting into here?

If a book mentions private occult practices along with spirit medium and psychic intuitive within the first few pages, it’s going to have me immediately intrigued! Do we think he’s a fraudster or legit?

For Miriam’s sake, I hope it’s legitimate, really sounds like she could do with Levi pausing his nighttime reorganising of her furniture. That’s bound to unsettle anyone!

David seems kind of legitimate, but things quickly go awry when he asks a scripted question and gets a very unexpected response… it’s like he’s in pain? I’m gonna need to know what SON OF ANATOLY means too!

He shoots off a text to someone called Rhys to ask what he knows of possession. This uh… seems like a bit of a pickle? Has he gotten himself possessed?

Ooooh, we have a dual POV – I love it when we get both sides!

Rhys is giving off major dark academia occult vibes with this first impression, it’s eerie and I’m here for it!

He’s married to a witch, Moira, who balances him out with tarot witchy vibes. Their house sounds so cosy!

Moira’s doing a reading as Rhys walks in from his interrupted ritual. The customer wants to know if they should leave him. Whoever he is, I think if you’re second guessing that’s a sure sign to ditch him! Rhys seems to think she should leave him too.

Ok, I am loving Moira! It’s too funny how she needles Rhys and pokes fun at his very secret boy’s club. 😂

Once the customer’s been sent on their way with a consolation ginger snap (I want one), Rhys explains his ritual was interrupted by his phone going off. He seems a bit hesitant to tell her it was David, though. I need to know what’s going on here!

At the moment, we know they don’t really talk, Rhys asked David for space six months ago, but they’re also rivals and both aiming to become High Priest at their secret occult fraternity… it’s an interesting dynamic!

Their conversations at the fraternity are terse, with David making snide-ish comments when Rhys talks about how they would have more members if they’d let women in. So far, I’m Team Rhys.

David is old money, born into this occult life, whereas Rhys worked for it. Certainly feels like he deserves it a little more!

David ends up crossing some boundaries, literally and figuratively, and comes to Rhys and Moira’s home. We get some back story. Six months ago they asked David for help during a bit of a rocky period in their marriage, he was quick to point fingers at Moira and tell her she conjured up a witchy thoughtform to torment Rhys.

He says he came to apologise but after Moira says she doesn’t forgive him (honestly, slay girl, I love it) he tells her he’s unwell and the details of the possession come out, if it is a possession anyway. Moira isn’t so sure!

Ooooh, learning David and Rhys dated is an interesting development. Is there still some feels there? Even if there is, Moira doesn’t seem mad about it. She’s going to help David.

Side note: can we talk about how incredibly cute the nickname Rhys gives Moira is? ‘Little goddess’ I love!!!

Moira thinks it could just be the cosmos, but no one seems entirely convinced by that. I’m not sure I am either. The way he reacted during the séance seemed like more than just a reaction to the cosmos!

We learn more about how Rhys and Moira met and OH GOSH, this is the most adorable meet cute ever. 🥺 They were both on their way to do rituals when their paths crossed, they talked and forgot about the rituals altogether. Conveniently, the ritual Rhys wanted to perform was one to discover the name of the person he’d marry and instead, he met Moira. I can’t!!

After that, David and Rhys have a bit of a moment. Despite their current issues Rhys tells him he’s scared for him. David tells him something he didn’t disclose before about Son of Anatoly. Rhys is a bit confused, until David tells him he’s seen the name before. In a book in a library at the house on Beacon Hill. We don’t have the details yet, but given Rhys’s reaction to David saying he’s going to go back and find it, something not so nice happened there!

At Rhys softening, David closes himself back off and turns the topic to the priesthood. They both seem confident they’re going to get it! David might not be so confident though… the current High Priest interrupts to ask David for a private word. He’s in trouble!!!

What an interesting opening section! I’m very, very intrigued by this story so far!

Who’s side are you on at the moment? I think I’m firmly Team Rhys, that’s not to say I don’t like David though – I love a grumpy misunderstood character!
Any theories on what Son of Anatoly means?
Who do you think will get the High Priest role?

So excited to hear your thoughts on this one, fairies! See you tomorrow for day 2!





  • Letticia Diaz

    I honestly love complicated characters because they feel more real to me. I definitely like all of the characters, Moira might be my favorite! I love how they all have their own flavor of magic too.

    • Shannon

      Yessss, they’re so much more unpredictable and depthful that way too! 💜

  • porschebarrett98

    I’m really enjoying Evocation so far, David screams perfection – in the sense that everything MUST be perfect and I’m excited to see how this turns out for him.

    Rhys is probably my favourite MC so far but I feel like David is just misunderstood and we might see his facade begin to crack pretty quick.

    At the moment I don’t have a theory about what Son of Anatoly means but I am leaning towards Rhys getting the high preist role at the moment, I feel like David has a lot of issues to sort through haha 🙂

  • Cosy Coffee Reader

    Super intrigued by this so far!
    At the moment I don’t have a solid side, I like both characters in their own way though and love how different they are from one another.

    No idea what Son of Anatoly means, maybe it’s the name of a demon?

    Kind of hoping Rhys gets the High Priest role, he’s had to work harder! Although I love this charming/love to hate you type banter between them both about who will become the next!

    Also loving the fact they previously dated, it’s obvious something is going to happen here, I hope the build up is full of angst and desire!

    • Shannon

      I can definitely feel a lot of angst brewing and I’m SO here for it! 😍😍

  • karen.holmes.w

    Interesting start for sure! I loved David at first sight, yeah to his first impression but then came Rhys and specially Moira and stole the show. I feel like she will the the one directing both boys, and she will slay about it!
    They are all interesting characters and for now I am willing to learn more about them.

  • Ronan55

    Who’s side are you on at the moment?
    I am on team David. He is has a bit of a rough past, but he definitely seems to be someone who actually cares for people he is (or was/were) close to. Plus he is super suave and a sharp dresser.

    Any theories on what Son of Anatoly means?
    Anatoly is definitely a relative, maybe a grandfather or even before that? Likely the person who invoked the initial faustian bargain and now David is the one who is to pay the price.

    Who do you think will get the High Priest role?
    Rhys seems to be the one who is more dedicated and interested in scholarly pursuits. Plus being younger may provide a fresh vision for the Society and give him a chance to possibly shake it up. David wants it, but I think it is more for the prestige of the title, whereas Rhys wants to actually make an impact.

  • Katie

    I know the book is more focused on David but I definitely prefer Rhys so far. However, Moira is my fave out of the three characters. Although, I would kind of love it if she was a bit evil too lol

    It’s interesting that the ritual to find out who he was meant to marry didn’t get to happen though. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be Moira 👀

    Unclear who will get the high priest role. I don’t know why David would really want it though? Surely, it means work for little reward? And while he seems like a workaholic he loves the rewards too much to do something that doesn’t really serve outside the club?

    • Shannon

      Ooooh, I wonder if a bit of an evil side will come out! 🖤

  • Licia Carlesi

    Hello! Excited to do another read-along 🙂

    This book really intrigues me with an interesting mix of magic, beliefs, astrology, the medium, demon summoning, witches and tarot card imagery. It started quite strong for me. It looks like David and Rhys have a complex relationship with some history, affection and competition as well. I find David quite interesting and Rhys a little more dull so far but it’s early! I can’t wait to learn more about Moira, she seems very cool and like a strong character.

    I wonder about this voice in David’s head. I assume it’s the demon from the blurb and family curse – is someone in his family the son of Anatoly? Is it David himself? I wonder if he fulfills or breaks this contract, will he lose his ability to charm people or is that innate?

    • Shannon

      Hi! Thank you for joining us, hope you love the book! 🥰

  • Alanna Innes

    I wasn’t sure whether I was in the right mood for this one, but I’m definitely intrigued after those chapters!

    I love that we have a bi/pan male MC, as thats something I’ve not read much of (love triangle vibes already?).

    Interested by Rhy’s meet cute with Moira – theres something unresolved about that ritual. If it was never completed, maybe Moira wasn’t the name of the person who he was meant to marry?

    I’ve found it difficult to follow some of the magical terminology, but hopefully that will start to make more sense in the next chapters!

    • Shannon

      Ooooh, that’s quite an interesting theory actually! I saw it as the universe giving him Moira in answer to the ritual he was planning but you might have a point 👀

  • dnjreads

    Who’s side are you on at the moment?
    So far I’m team Rhys but I’m hoping David will go through some personal growth throughout the book.

    Any theories on what Son of Anatoly means?
    No clue yet but I’m really excited to find out.

    Who do you think will get the High Priest role?
    I think David will get it because of seniority but it would be cool if people got behind Rhys and voted him in.

    • Shannon

      I’d love to see some personal growth in him, I definitely think it’s possible! 🥰


    Whose side are you on at the moment? I think I’m firmly Team Rhys, that’s not to say I don’t like David though – I love a grumpy misunderstood character!
    I am team Rhys at the moment. But i understand how hurt David is. I can’t imagine watching the loml marry someone else and having to be there for it.
    Any theories on what Son of Anatoly means?
    I thinf anatoly is a demon or even a king of hell.
    Who do you think will get the High Priest role?
    I bet David will

  • holly

    1 – Whose side are you on at the moment?

    I am 100% Team Moira. David and Rhys have unresolved issues that may stem from their residual feelings from their past relationship – which does not seem completely in the past after all. Meanwhile, Moira has her house in order. She is not afraid to let anyone know where she stands. Love her!

    2 – Any theories on what Son of Anatoly means?

    I believe Anatoly is the name of David’s ancestor who made the deal with the devil (or perhaps demon) so, so long ago. It sounds like the devil is knocking on David’s door for payment – 1,000 years of servitude, please.

    3 – Who do you think will get the High Priest role?

    This is a toss-up as we have yet to hear the opinions of all the Society Brothers nor that of the current High Priest. Perhaps we’ll have a greater understanding of which candidate has the greatest support once David has his chat with the High Priest in Chapter 7. Personally, I’m leaning toward David having greater support from the Society members at this point because his significant financial resources could resolve the Society’s financial issues and quiet the rumors of another society taking them over. However, if David’s diminishing occult stamina comes to light, Rhys may become the victor.

    • Shannon

      Ohhh, that’s a really interesting theory! It’d make a lot of sense! 🖤

  • Autumn Pawlikowski

    Very intriguing opening! I love the vibe of Moira & Rhys’s house as well, it sounds like such a cosy combination of dark academia maximalism and witchy decor.

    David doesn’t seem like that good of a person so far, for now Team Rhys & Moira for sure.

    Moira sounds like someone I’d love to be friends with.

    I think Some of Anatoly refers to the mention of a “Deal with the Devil” theory where David’s family supposedly get their magical charm.

    I also think neither of them will get the Priesthood, just to throw us for a loop

    • Shannon

      Oh, I’d kinda love it if neither of them got it, they’re so hell bent on being rivals it’d made for a plot twist of a change of pace! 🖤

  • Rachelle H.

    I wasnt sure how I would feel about this book but actually am really enjoying it so far

    David and Rhys have an interesting dynamic, but Moira is my fav!!

    The way the occult works in this is also super cool, and Im so excited to keep going!

  • Caitie @readbycaitie

    So far I am team David! I feel like he’s going to have some juicy development and the scrying with his phone screen was hilarious

  • Eve Langell

    First read along I always miss them. Finished part 1 late last night but really enjoying it. Agree with the dark academy vibes and love that she won’t take not mess from David. Oh and the nickname is just precious. Curious to see more.

  • Tiffany Salangsang

    Enjoying the world, the characters, and the writing. I like the way she describes the rooms – setting the vibes.

    I like all 3 characters, but Moira might be my favorite.

    No idea what Son of Anatoly might mean.

    Excited to read more.

  • Tasha

    Whose side are you on at the moment? – I’m liking each character equally so far. David even though he seems like a workaholic is a recovering alcoholic so must have been through some stuff and maybe working is his coping mechanism. Rhys seems to want the best for his group and his marriage to Moira and Moria seems cool and it’s nice to have an outsider perspective the occult group.

    Any theories on what Son of Anatoly means? – something to do with the bargain David’s ancestors made definitely. Maybe Anatoly was the ancestor who made the original bargain.

    Who do you think will get the High Priest role? – I’m not sure yet. I think Rhys seems to be putting more work in than David but that doesn’t necessarily mean David doesn’t also want the role just as bad.

  • Lisa Spanu (@lisashelves)

    1. Who’s side are you on at the moment? I think I’m firmly Team Rhys, that’s not to say I don’t like David though – I love a grumpy misunderstood character!
    I like both, but I do lean more towards them Rhys at this point

    2. Any theories on what Son of Anatoly means?
    Not one clue! But I do think it has to do with demons

    3. Who do you think will get the High Priest role?
    I think Rhys, but maybe in the end women are accepted and Moira will get the role!

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