
Evocation Readalong: Day 3!


Lovely photo by @saga.of.a.booklover!

Hi fairies!

I hope that you’re all loving Evocation by S.T. Gibson so far! I’m so eager to know what’s going to happen in this section!

Before we start reading, we have our secret giveaway! What’s that? Oh, just a chance to get your next FairyLoot Adult Book-Only box for free as a reward for reading! Doesn’t really get better than that! And your chances are so good too! We don’t really announce this anywhere else as we truly want the person from the readalong to win! If you’d like to try your luck, all you need to do is follow these steps!

  1. Take a photo of our edition of Evocation
  2. Include the hashtag #FairyEvocation (very important!)
  3. Do all of this by the end of June 7th.
  4. Mention down below in your comment that you have entered and include your Instagram handle (also super important!)

Good luck!

Today we’ll be reading from Chapter 13 to the end of Chapter 19, let’s jump in!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for Evocation, from chapters 13 to 19. Please only read on if you’ve finished this section!

With every chapter, I’m warming to David a little more! For their next lesson, he comes bearing coffee. If there’s a way to my heart, it’s caffeine!

David seems really impressed by Moira’s powers, even calling her a Maestro! Whilst she’s very empathetic, he can see auras. What colour do you think your aura would be? I think mine would be purple and black! πŸ–€πŸ’œ

I’m agreeing with Moira, as we learn more about David he’s VERY charming when he wants to be. The charms turn off when he asks Moira to read the house though. It has an ugly malice and David describes it as an energetic black hole.

Moira meets with her friend Kitty, and things take a sort of semi interesting turn? πŸ‘€ Kitty suggests something could be going on between David and Rhys, not so much cheating but more down the lines of an open marriage kind of thing. Moira knows Rhys wouldn’t have acted on anything but isn’t wholly disagreeing with the idea.

She decides to confront Rhys, and he shuts it down immediately but after some prodding he agrees that there’s something there, a lingering energy. Again, Moira isn’t opposed, she knows David is compelling.

The lessons continue, and when Moira and David hear a crash, she panics that it’s Rhys… but David seems wholly calm. He knows it can’t be Rhys, the noise came from the wrong wing… so what is it? πŸ‘€

They investigate and with a push from David, Moira realises why she hates this house so much. Evgeni never left. The nasty parts of David’s father are here, haunting the house.

David is gripping Moira as if his life depends on it. She begs him to let go but he’s terrified. He says if he lets go, he’ll likely have a panic attack. Oh, David! 😭

Moira is a SLAY! She gives Evgeni a piece of her mind. Her confidence gives David what he needs to do the same and they’re both there yelling at Evgeni to leave.

They return to Rhys and considering this guy said he has little to no intuition, the way he knows there’s something buried within the desk in the library is unnerving. They find a hidden compartment, it looks empty at first glance but Rhys won’t leave it. They pry it apart and find… a contract. A deal between the Aristarkhov’s and the devil. The demon Baelshieth if we wanna be specific! Whilst this is, well, absolutely petrifying, at least we know that this could be a step towards uncovering what’s going on with David.

He’s convinced it’s fake… but he’s panicking! I think his adamance that it’s fake is a front to comfort himself. Rhys makes him promise not to run from this.

They order food and Moira does some palm readings. Honestly, despite the haunting and creepy house and demonic deal, it’s adorable!

Rhys’s palm shows that he has two great loves… Rhys, I think your wife is hinting that she knows you still love David, and is actually ok with it. Take the hint!

Ohhhh, welp. I thought they were all making progress but I think this is going to set them back for sure… Wayne calls, and Rhys is getting High Priest.

It’s time for the Gala, and it goes well to begin with. Moira is captivating, Rhys is dashing, David is being… nice? He and Moira dance and again, she’s dropping major hints that she’s ok with him and Rhys being together? I think? Or am I reading this wrong?

Things come crashing down too quickly though, when Rhys is called up on stage and introduced as the societies next High Priest.

David is distraught, so confident in thinking the position was his, that he falls off the wagon and heads for the champagne.

The end of this section broke my heart a little bit. πŸ₯Ί I hope the three of them can move past this!

I would love to know if you’re reading into Moira the same way I am, and get the vibe that she’s hinting she’s comfortable with a polyamorous relationship? πŸ‘€
If so, what’re your thoughts on it?
What do you think David will do now that he knows he isn’t going to be High Priest?

With the way this section finished, I’m really nervous to find out what will happen tomorrow!





  • Rachelle H.

    So much happened in this section!!!

    Im loving seeing Moira and David get closer!! The scene where she helped him with his fathers ghost and the one where they had lunch together and watched the ghost woman, were so interesting!! You can really feel how far theyve come.

    I also definitely am intrigued by the contract with the devil, it has to be real!!!

    Also my heart broke for David at the end. Hes been so good about alcohol but that moment must have been so devastating. Excited to see how they get past it

    • Shannon

      I just wanted to give him a hug and tell him it’ll be ok πŸ₯Ί

  • Ronan55

    I would love to know if you’re reading into Moira the same way I am, and get the vibe that she’s hinting she’s comfortable with a polyamorous relationship? πŸ‘€ If so, what’re your thoughts on it?
    She definitely is, also it’s S.T. Gibson, there was definitely going to be some polyamory somewhere xD The writing to me was pretty noticeable as soon as she started training with David and was quickly becoming buddy-buddy with him. She wants Rhys to be happy and mentions he can be close with whomever he liked. I enjoy the way Gibson writes these relationships and the dynamics seen so far are pretty realistic which is great because a lot of fantasy relationships lately just seem so ridiculous, this to me was refreshing.

    What do you think David will do now that he knows he isn’t going to be High Priest?
    David will still want to be involved in the society but the High Priest was his main goal, so I think he will eventually come to terms with Rhys being in this position. However, he is definitely going to have some demands, especially with how close he has grown to Rhys lately ^_^

    I will be entering the contest later under @ronansnextchapter

    • Shannon

      100% agree, S.T. Gibson writes poly relationships so well! πŸ–€

  • dnjreads

    I would love to know if you’re reading into Moira the same way I am, and get the vibe that she’s hinting she’s comfortable with a polyamorous relationship? πŸ‘€
    Originally I thought she was hinting that Rhys and David should at least try to be friends again.

    If so, what’re your thoughts on it?
    I love that she’s feeling more comfortable with David now, I really hope poly is the direction they are headed, I do love that in books.

    What do you think David will do now that he knows he isn’t going to be High Priest?
    I think he might fall back to drinking for a little bit since we saw him take the one drink at the party but I hope Rhys and Moira can pull him out of it.

  • karen.holmes.w

    Thank you for the opportunity, I am really loving the book and the edition you made knocks me out each time I pick it up. Already posted the picture today:
    My handle is @karenholmeswriter and I can’t stop staring at the book and taking pictures of every angle.

    As for today’s episodes… I’d also love to join you in a purple aura πŸ’œ!

    Moira keeps being a wonderful character though David is taking some part in my heart too. He’s so hurt, and his dad was a nasty piece!
    I was so devasteted by that ending at the gala, David letting everything slip shows more his vulnerabilities than anything else. But Rhys and Moira will probably will be mad at him.

    The polyamorous relationship might not end up in this book, but will definitively be set up for the next if it doesn’t arrive here. It’s sure hinting at it.
    I hope they find a way to work out together even if he doesn’t get to be High Priest. Like giving him other responsabilities or maybe just the responsability to heal and be well so he can be with his friends (and probable lovers?)

  • Licia Carlesi

    I’m reading Moira the same way. I find it surprising because she doesn’t know David well, but she’s obviously picking up on the romantic tension between them. She seems cool with it, which is what matters.

    I’m enjoying the character dynamics (I think I’ve said that before), and S.T.Gibson does that well – this is more character-driven than I was expecting. I thought we’d get more demon action!

    I feel bad for David not being made High Priest. I don’t think he’s reacting very well, is he going to unravel, and will this speed up the possession? I think this may also be a setback in his relationship with Rhys, they were starting to slowly get close again…

  • jan

    This is an extremely i interesting book i was
    Not sure i would like it but i am hooked. Shared for the giveaway on instagram

  • Caitie @readbycaitie

    I really loved the palm reading scene! I get a big feeling David will walk away from mediumship by the end of the book

  • Rachel Moriarty

    I’m enjoying this readalong so much! May have naughtily gone beyond chapter 20 last night, I couldn’t go to bed on such a sad note…

    I’m 100% with you on the poly vibes, and it’s good to have the representation!! Although we’d expect no less from STG!

    I’ve posted for the competition too, my handle is @thehandthatreadsyou on IG 😍

    • Jodie

      We’re so happy you’re enjoying the readalolng! πŸ₯°

  • Autumn Pawlikowski

    I think Moira is hinting there might a chance to at least talk about being poly, or she’s potentially open to the idea of it. She’s thought about it when Kitty mentioned it but didn’t seem sure on her feelings.

    I think it’s awesome to see potential poly representation in such a great way. Their relationship with each other feels very warm and fuzzy to me, especially between Moira and David right now. Rhys and David seem to have been an issue of wrong timing as they were young and needed to grow.

    The ending of this section definitely hurt my feelings with David’s relapse. I think the demon possession might get worse, and I think there’s going to be plenty of hurt feelings all around. I’m very interested to see how they’re all going to move forward from this.

    My Instagram, will be posted today: @autumn.pawski

  • Katie

    I fell behind but will be posting a photo on my Instagram @onlybooksiveread

    I think the throuple is on but I’m not sure how I feel about it because it sort of feels like Moira is not going to be getting any benefit from it? But, I’m not an expert in these things and maybe that’s not what it’s about? I just always assumed everyone would be dating everyone but this seems more like just an open marriage situation? Or even like she has made peace with it not to lose Rhys? Or do you think I’m completely misreading?

  • holly

    1 – I would love to know if you’re reading into Moira the same way I am, and get the vibe that she’s hinting she’s comfortable with a polyamorous relationship?

    Moira admitted to herself that she wasn’t opposed to the idea when Kitty spoke with her about whether something was going on between Rhys and David again. Moira repeatedly mentions, in her subtle ways, that she doesn’t mind the attraction between them during conversations with them.

    2 – If so, what’re your thoughts on it?

    Now that Moira is growing closer to David, perhaps her heart will continue to warm to him. After the experience in Evgeni’s room, she felt the horrible fear he had of his father. She seems to be starting to understand why David has such a cold exterior – his defense. The Saturday ‘date’ they spent together definitely gave off good friend vibes at the very least. The way they tease one another while dancing *sigh*.

    3 – What do you think David will do now that he knows he isn’t going to be High Priest?

    I felt bad for David when the announcement was made. Wayne, the current High Priest, suggested to David that he was his 1st choice when they had the meeting in his office, and then he rang Rhys to tell him he was the chosen one. What’s going on there? Poor David is already dealing with so much. Even though he picked up the drink once more, hopefully Moira will be able to sweep in to help mend David’s broken heart. Afterall, does he really need more work on his plate??

    I am absolutely LOVING this book! Although Google must think I am keen to summon a demon myself (LOL), I am enjoying learning more about the occult.

    I will be uploading my pic to Inst with

    Thanks a bunch!

  • sakurablossom95- 黄淑怑

    Entered! Instagram handle @sakurablossom95

  • Caitie @readbycaitie

    Shared my photo! Instagram is @readbycaitie

    • Katie

      I’m still awaiting moderation on a previous comment but just want to make sure my entry will be recorded for the comp πŸ™‚ I’m @onlybooksiveread

  • Alyssa Sundar

    Hi Fairyloot

    I entered. My ig name is _aly_sun

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