
Fire With Fire Readalong: Day 5


Gorgeous photo by @book_fairy__

Hello Everyone!

We’ve made it to the final day of the Readalong! I hope everyone has enjoyed it! I, for one, have loved this and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your comments!

But I’m sure we’re all eager to get into the final section and boy am I excited to find out what’s going to happen!

Today we’re reading Chapter 26 to The End!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for Fire With Fire by Destiny Soria. Please only read on if you’ve finished the book!


Finally their parents have returned and wow have the missed a lot! I’m so glad they showed up before Eden woke up so that Dani had a chance to explain everything!

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Oh no! Not only did Kieran betray her, but there was never actually anything in the Coombs books that would help them turn Eden back to human! Is that it then? There must another waaay!

Aw god but maybe one that doesn’t involve Dani dying…temporarily or not! Omg wait, Dani is basically transferring her bond to Eden which means she won’t be bonded with Nox any more! But what about the eggs, she promised Nox!

Yess! I new Dani wouldn’t be able to let her parents and Kieran go off and fight on their own! And this is what we needed, all of the Rivera’s (minus Eden) working together and Nox even came to help even after what Dani’s parents had done!

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Slayer Frankie is such a badass but its so hard for her to get one up on Alder when all it takes is a flick of his wrist to send her flying flying across the room!

Come on Dani, you can best him! Omg I thought Kieran had killed Alder there, getting the revenge he deserved but he’s still alive! And he stabbed Dani! Nooo! Oh ma gawd no she wants to do the ritual but Kieran won’t be strong enough to bring her back! Dani can’t die ?

Ahhh it seems Eden still had some of her humanity hidden within her and seeing Dani die must have brought some of it back out!

It was so smart to transfer the bond to Calla to make her human again and vulnerable enough to kill and that’s exactly what Eden did!

Happy Ftw GIF

Thank god!! Eden and Kieran worked together to bring Dani back ?

Aww Kieran, after being isolated without any family apart from Zephyr for so long is going to live with Frankie which I think will be nice for them both! Eden is finally letting herself relax a little and is going off travelling to find herself which I think she deserves! Which leaves Dani and her parents who are spending their time trying to convince the slayers to stop slaying. It’ll to be hard to immediately change everyone’s minds but if anyone can manage, its Dani!

Dani and Nox completely opened their consciousness to each other and after everything, she fulfilled her promise to help him with the eggs…and they cracked!

WOW what an ending that was! Such a rollercoaster of emotions in this last section and I loved every minute of it!

Thank you all so much for joining me in this readalong! I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have, and do be sure to share your photos on Instagram to celebrate reaching the end!

We’ll be back soon with a readalong for our next book, so be sure to stay tuned for more.

In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend! πŸ™‚





  • Jes

    Whoa!!!! That final battle scene was EPIC! Cheering you on Riveras!!!

    Dani is an awesome lead. She’s steadfast in her convictions. She finds the lesson in every situation. Her love and forgiveness of those who hurt her is unparalleled. We all need a friend like Dani.

    So glad that Eden came around, even if she wasn’t able to get back to “normal.”

    I love the Vasquez and Rivera families so much!

    Kieran is the babe I thought he was. Excited to see where and Dani go from here..if there’s a sequel.

    This has been fun. Thank you!

  • Reema Sabeen-Saunders

    Such a good ending!!! Well thought out and most ends were tied up. Overall, loved Dani, loved Nox, loved Kieran. Really wished Sadie had been more prominent but it was a fab book, thanks Fairyloot!

  • Lina-1

    In my usually style I’ve fallen head over heels for the morally grey character Kieran….but I love him!!!! It was a totally fab read and I loved every moment of it. I do have a question….is this a standalone or will there be more?

  • Laura Parkes

    I’ve really enjoyed this readalong – Thank you fairyloot! It’s been just what I needed to get out of my slump. I liked that it had a good satisfying ending although I do still feel a bit sad for Kieran. I’m glad things worked out well for Dani and Nox and that Eden is going to work on herself. I really enjoyed the battle scene too.

  • vampirejoyce16

    It was a super exciting ending, it was good to see that their parents were so supportive and Frankie was definitely a badass.
    Though I was kind of hoping for an epilogue with Dani, Nox and the baby dragons ?. I really liked this book, thank you Fairyloot for including it. ?

  • Alicelibrarian

    Moooooooooh! But i wanted a description of the tiny baby dragon!!! I really like this story!

    So full of hope, it made me feel good!

    And i really like reading it with you all \o/

  • Sandy

    I really enjoyed this story!! I’m kinda sad it’s finished. I love books with dragons!!
    Thank you for the read along!
    Love, Sandy

  • Amy Reichert

    Oh my god, that scene where Eden calmed down Dani with the same words that Dani used to tell to her when she was in a panic-dream-thingy was so touching! I think it’s my favorite moment in the whole book.
    I’m kind of dissapointed a bit that we didn’t get to see the sisters truly fight alogside each other, but as others already said here, the last fight was epic!

    All in all, it was a suspenseful and entertaining read. The sister dynamic was not as I expected it, but that just teaches me to not expect too specific things I guess.
    Thank you all for the fun readalong, it’s such a nice way to experience a book in a thoughtful manner.

  • Katie

    A solid ending to a very enjoyable read. I like that I didn’t predict everything, as it didn’t do all the regular tropes. I even like that Eden didn’t get back to her old self, as it shows that there are sometimes lasting consequences.

    I’ll keep an eye out for more from this author πŸ™‚ thanks for hosting the readalong – they really do motivate me to read the books!

  • bookslotsofbooksyay

    I really enjoyed this book. While Dani is the hero we root for, Eden’s journey was way more nuanced and complex. I thought that the author did a fantastic job exploring Eden’s choices and all the facets of her inner struggle. Great book!

  • Jessica

    Fantastic choice, a great book! Loved the tone and pace, great world building and characters.

  • ladymeg

    My first reaction was yasss the adult are back! Now it’s gonna get real! I love how Dani tricked Eden to convince everyone that Dani was telling the truth.

    I also find it fascinating that in the end Eden wasn’t really “fixed” but is finding a new way to live with who she is. I think that sends a really interesting message, especially since Eden started the series with some mental issues and made poor choices trying to “fix” herself by becoming a sorcerer.

    Does anyone know if this is a standalone book? I would love a sequel that shows us the new world where slayers are struggling to overcome their prejudices and Dani is playing foster mother to a bunch of baby dragons.


    really liked that the entire family joined to fight Calla. I was upset about Nox and Dani. Nox and Keiran were my favorite characters. I am happy with the ending and how the readers are left with the possibility of more Keiran and Dani!

  • shauna_kennedy

    Wow! That battle scene, and dani and then Eden and then Frankie taking no prisoners! I loved it! I was a little annoyed over the fact dani was gonna give up their bond but I’m so glad they didn’t! Then they shared their consciousness! Brilliant I loved it.

  • Laura

    That was a quite dramatic battle at the end! So glad everyone survived ?
    And Dani and Nox at the end were so cute! The eggs at the end…
    It feels a bit unfinished fpr kieran and Eden. But I guess thats ok?

  • Serenity

    I had to do day 4-5 reading today, because the week was too busy.
    So, I really enjoyed this book, I’d rate it a 4.5! It was funny, adventurous and had just the right amount of problems to solve. And the ending was so cute!
    I loved Dani, Nox and Kieran! The others characters were okay too, but I loved this three.

  • susanna

    I enjoyed the read along would do it again but would have liked it to include a weekend as this is when I get most reading in and ended up behind schedule because of this.

    I liked the story over all but hope there is a sequel because was left with many questions. Have the eggs hatched, are the slayers going to become protectors now they now more about Dragon kind , what has happened to the other Sorcerers.

    I am glad that Eden has her humanity back and kept her magic and want to know how this will develop going forward.

    I am glad Dani can now share her other life with her friends and would like to see how this will develop especially with the Dragon mad Sadie who inspired by dani’s stories had always believed in dragons.

    I liked the platonic relationship between Thomas and Dani but wish they hadn’t been a romantic undercurrent to Dani and Kiren’s relationship. I really wish that YA novel would not insist on always having a romantic element I know I am not the attended age group be even when I was The Romantic entanglements never interested me there are far more other more interesting relation dynamics to explore.

  • Maggie D

    can’t believe i forgot to post, but the author live chat reminded me πŸ™‚

    i loved this quick, light, fantasy read! perfect for summer. i was totally satisfied by the standalone ending, while at the same time wouldn’t mind if the author wrote a sequel someday! she said yesterday that she has no plans to do so at the moment, which is a bummer, but that could always change someday πŸ™‚

    i would be happy to return to these super dimensional characters, snappy dialogue, and lived-in world. i was fine with the light romance, and even thought it somewhat subverted my expectations, as i was so convinced i knew where we were going from the start!
    also was glad to have the return of the parents in the last 60 pages, as they had a really great family dynamic.

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