
Forged by Blood Readalong: Day 2!


Stunning photo by @rebireads!

Hi fairy friends!

Welcome back to day 2 of our readalong for our August Adult featured book: Forged by Blood by Ehigbor Okosun!

I hope you’re all enjoying this epic fantasy so far!

Today we’re reading from ‘Trouble’ to ‘Trial’ (pages 73-149). Let’s go!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for Forged by Blood by Ehigbor Okosun, from chapters ‘Trouble’ to ‘Trial’ (pages 73-149). Please only read on if you’ve finished this section!


The trader is after them already and Dèmi sees him off with a Ceorn swear. Atta girl!

Too soon after departing they come across Alistair’s ship. Dèmi conjures up magic to disguise herself and the children but someone still attacks. Not good!

Luckily, her found family is here to help. Will and the others saved her as well as the children. He’s mad though. He knew Yetundé and says Dèmi is cut from the same cloth. What does he mean by that?

Will knew Yetundé, she treated him like a brother. Is that why Will took Dèmi in?

So Amina and Rollo are half Ishan, just like Dèmi. We still don’t know who her Ishan father is though…

Guards are on their tail much too quickly and our stubborn MC won’t hide. The guard saw Dèmi – was he the one who shot at her? He doesn’t seem angry though? He talks of ‘people like us’ too… His name is Lord Ekwensi, he’s Onyoshi and joined the army for good reasons, but why stay? He wants to free people and make a difference… but needs Dèmi’s help for a secret mission. He thinks she can help after seeing her magic and is essentially blackmailing her.

Ekwensi wants to be in charge of Oyo, Dèmi has to kidnap the King’s nephew to help him succeed… why do I feel like we might see Jonas again. 👀

This must have been the choice Nana’s vision spoke of earlier. She chooses to do it! Will, Colin… pretty much everyone is angry with Dèmi’s decision but she has guilt since her father was the reason the Oluso are slaved, it was because of his cruelty. I don’t think she should feel guilty for his actions though. What do you all think?

Colin wants to go with her. It seems like there’s a lil sprinkle of romance here maybe?

Colin can teleport buuut his magic is a bit too unstable and out of control. Also!!! Colin!!! If you want Dèmi talking about your conquests is the wrong way to go about it! Dèmi’s jealous though and kisses him, either cause she wants to or to get him to stop talking? Either works!

Then he starts talking of how he wants to try, properly, with her, when all this is over. She doesn’t answer though. Deep down she knows they’re not mates.

Will gives her a bracelet, a keepsake, I’m emotional, and then we’re off to steal a prince!

I’m not a big fan or Zara, or the sound of this prince buuuut looks like we’re going to meet him anyway.

Familiar voice…… Blonde hair……. Blue eyes…… 👀👀👀👀

It’s JONAS! I knew we hadn’t seen the last of him! He doesn’t seem to remember Dèmi until she pulls her father’s ring from his neck (he still wears it, cute) and tells him she is the rightful owner.

When Colin arrives, both of them take Jonas hostage and tell him to tell his attendants he’s fine. He’ll do it… for a favour. He tells Dèmi not to abandon him.

When the guard comes in, Jonas kisses her as a rouse so they don’t get caught and she is into it!

Ew. Mari’s here. That’s not good! She recognises Dèmi as well and at the very last moment Colin’s magic finally works and he gets them out.

They need to get somewhere safer though, cause there are guard horns sounding everywhere! Colin’s used all his magic though and it’s now getting unpredictable and dangerous.

Dèmi bonds herself to Jonas temporarily and they enter the forest, to whispers and no way out.

Dèmi asks the forest for help and Ìyá comes to their rescue.

Auntie Ya senses something between Jonas and Dèmi (join the club Auntie Ya) and Colin tries to say they’re promised to each other. I’m not so sure though?

They’re not getting the help they thought they were though. They’re stuck here. Nine years ago Dèmi made a magic contract with the Aziza when she was poisoned and now, it’s her time to die.

They’re temporarily distracted by this hideous tentacled sea beast trying to steal a child away. Despite the dangers of the water Dèmi jumps in to save her, with Jonas promising he’ll pull her out using their bond. Do we trust him? I kinda want to but I have bad judgement.

Damn, Colin. Tone down the jealousy! It’s not a good look!!

When Dèmi’s out (thanks to Jonas) the Aziza Queen heals her. Jonas thanks her, in Yoruba, cause he’s been learning (but won’t fully tell us why). With that and the whole saving her life thing, Dèmi and Jonas agree to a truce. Interesting!

You know the drill by now fairies, if there’s a love triangle, I HAVE to know whose side you’re on. Are you Team Colin or Team Jonas? I think I’m leaning towards Jonas just because Colin’s jealousy is kind of putting me off. You don’t own her!
What do you think will happen now with the Aziza, since she made a contract and owes them her life?
Do we think Dèmi will give Jonas over to Ekwensi? (If they ever get out of this forest, that is)

I’m so intrigued by this book! Can’t wait to read more tomorrow. 🥰 I hope you’re all enjoying it so far!





  • Annie @readbyannie_

    Are you Team Colin or Team Jonas? Firmly team Jonas! Colin is jealous despite clearly having flings with other people himself, and Dèmi knows that they’re not mates.

    What do you think will happen now with the Aziza, since she made a contract and owes them her life?
    I have absolutely no idea! I’m a little bit confused with some aspects of the world but hoping to learn a bit more about the Aziza in the next section.

    Do we think Dèmi will give Jonas over to Ekwensi? Ohh I’m not sure on this one either, I think maybe! They might come up with a plan to fight back against the current King together since Jonas seems to have different ideas of how to rule, and he could do this from inside the Palace. I’m not sure how much I trust Ekwensi though

  • Tasha

    Team Jonas 🥰 I don’t think he set Demi up at the beginning and was just faking it for Mari.

    What do you think will happen now with the Aziza, since she made a contract and owes them her life?
    – I don’t think she will die, maybe she will make a new deal?? I have no idea what though!

    Do we think Dèmi will give Jonas over to Ekwensi? (If they ever get out of this forest, that is)
    – Ekwensi hasn’t stated what he wants with Jonas yet. If his plan is to hurt him I think Demi will save him.

  • Amy Kosta

    Are you Team Colin or Team Jonas?
    I’m not sure yet! Colin’s a bit possessive and Demi’s leading him on a little by letting him think they can bond later when she doesn’t want to, and I’m not sure if I trust Jonas yet! He seems genuine but so far I’ve had no idea what his intentions are!

    What do you think will happen now with the Aziza, since she made a contract and owes them her life?
    I hope they can make a new arrangement so she can live! And I hope it’s longer than just to complete her mission!

    Do we think Dèmi will give Jonas over to Ekwensi? (If they ever get out of this forest, that is)
    I think a lot will happen before they reach him, and I’m not sure I trust Ekwensi yet either. I’m getting the feeling that Jonas wants the same thing that Ekwensi said he wants, and if Demi has to choose between who to put in charge she’ll probably pick Jonas!

  • Bryony

    Not gonna lie, Démi kind of bugged me in this section. Like in the same chapter she says she’s not seriously interested in Colin and then judges him for having had other dalliances/judges his ex girlfriend for being flirty with him! That doesn’t seem fair, girl!

    I’m glad this section structured the magic system a little more, but I do think it’s benefit from a glossary that explains it at the start because it’s still feeling like it exists to necessitate the story to me rather than feeling like an intrinsic thing the story is structured around.

    Are you Team Colin or Team Jonas? Uhhhh… honestly neither. She’s said she’s not interested in Colin in the way he has clearly told her he wants so she should let him move on and stop stringing him along with stolen kisses, imo.
    But also, I don’t forgive what Jonas did to her years ago, and I dont trust him either yet. He holds a lot of power over her because of his status and at this stage I find the imbalance uncomfortable.

    If anything, I feel like this love triangle would be best resolved as either 1) not being romantic at all, and just respecting each other as people or b) polyamory. Because. Yknow. That’s always fun.

    But based on the illustrations on the endpapers , Colin is the obvious hottie with those beautiful piercings and lovely long hair, so if I were Démi I would pick him lmao.

    What do you think will happen now with the Aziza, since she made a contract and owes them her life?
    Honestly no idea! I struggled to follow that whole bit.

    Do we think Dèmi will give Jonas over to Ekwensi? (If they ever get out of this forest, that is)
    No. It’s not like she can leave his side after all.

  • agsing

    Colin is way way way too jealous, definitely leaning towards Jonas. I don’t think he ever betrayed her in the first place. He did not tell Edith to go to the guards and he genuinely seemed like he went into the forest to get his mother flowers and got sick. He was trying to protect Demi the only way he knew how as a kid.
    I’m more nervous about why he doesn’t want Demi leaving his side. Is someone close to the King out to harm Jonas?

    I hope Demi gets at least a small pardon from the debt since she just helped save a child. What good would taking Demi’s life do for the Aziza? Surely she has greater plans for her.

    Demi is gonna be too far gone for Jonas by the time they get to the meeting place with Ekwensi. If she does give him up I think she will turn right back around to get him back. He has to be her mate!!

  • Lisa Spanu

    1. You know the drill by now fairies, if there’s a love triangle, I HAVE to know whose side you’re on. Are you Team Colin or Team Jonas? I think I’m leaning towards Jonas just because Colin’s jealousy is kind of putting me off. You don’t own her!
    Team Jonas!! I think Jonas is actually Démi’s mate, so they’ll end up together! I also feel like Colin is the only one who thinks he actually has a chance with Démi and everybody else knows he won’t hahaha. The passion between Colin and Démi would defenitely be there, but they would be like an explosion; burning hot for a little while before going out. Démi and Jonas would be like a heardfire, burning for a long time.

    2. What do you think will happen now with the Aziza, since she made a contract and owes them her life?
    I think she won’t die, but has to make it up somehow by saving lives?

    3. Do we think Dèmi will give Jonas over to Ekwensi? (If they ever get out of this forest, that is)
    No, their feelings will keep growing and she won’t give him up just like that. I think they’ll try to come up with another plan

  • Bryony

    Everyone seems mad at Colin being possessive, but Jonas is literally the son of their oppressor who slaughters people with their power, and Jonas himself was involved in Démi’s mother’s death and her childhood trauma. Even if they dont have the story yet… I don’t think Colin is exactly wrong to be protective so far 😅

  • Q Triceratops

    Can I be “Team Neither” 😂?
    Collin is so aggressively into Démi, and it makes me roll my eyes equally as aggressively.
    And Jonas, though he is the son of the oppressor, deserves credit I guess for being pretty plainly dedicated to doing whatever Démi wants him to do. I guess he’s currently impeded by Démi’s firm stance that he’s trash from doing anything. But the riff between them is just too much for me to accept him eventually being end game.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that Collin isn’t going to win this battle, but I kind of hope that Jonas doesn’t either, and Démi just gets to find her own uncomplicated peaceful romance?

  • Esther Eng

    I’ve enjoyed Demi’s journey so far but this love triangle is difficult. Neither Colin or Jonas seems trustworthy. And with the power dynamics in the world they’re in, Colin seems like the best choice based on his ability to support Demi in the long term.

    I don’t know what will happen with Aziza! It seems like we could be in for a redemption arc?

    I don’t think Demi will put Jonas in harm’s way without a solid plan. She seems too loyal.

  • Nymphie

    1) I absolutely detest love triangles. They’re annoying and anxiety-inducing. I mentioned in my comment on the last section that this book feels like a stale YA, not an adult book. Well, nothing screams YA more than a love triangle. I’m really not loving this book so far. Unfortunate. That being said, Dèmi is clearly meant for Jonas. She feels a pull to him, obviously it’s the mate bond or whatever, but she refuses to acknowledge it. She’s said several times she’s not into Colin in that way and knows deep down that they are not mates.

    2) I’m not sure what will happen next, but I figure Dèmi will make another bargain to get out of this alive. She’ll probably have to perform some act of service, like ✨ saving the world ✨ or something. We’ll see.

    3) I doubt Dèmi will give over Jonas willingly. She distrusts Ewkensi already and Jonas is sure to win her over on their journey. But Ekwensi is blackmailing her with the safety of her family, so he’ll probably manipulate her into handing over the Prince.

  • Alex Shaffer

    Are you Team Colin or Team Jonas?

    I’m on team Jonas. We really don’t know anything about Colin. I mean, sure, they’ve know. Each other for nine years. But that’s about it. All we really see is his jealousy.

    What do you think will happen now with the Aziza, since she made a contract and owes them her life?

    Maybe the Azusa will have her do a test, or another favor. Something to earn her life back, but maintain the balance of the world?

    Do we think Dèmi will give Jonas over to Ekwensi?

    No. I think Ekwensi will end up being a bad guy.

    I’m also throughly embarrassed because I thought Mari was dead and she’s not. So whoops. Haha.

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