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The Dagger and the Flame Readalong: Day 1!


Gorgeous photo byΒ  @lonely_reader!

Happy Monday, fairies!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend filled with books! πŸ“š

Welcome to day one of our YA readalong of The Dagger and the Flame by Catherine Doyle!Β  I am so excited to be reading this enemies to lovers fantasy with you all!

Since today is the first day, we’ll be reading from the beginning to the end of Chapter 6. Β It’s time to get cosy and dive in!

When you’ve finished today’s section, catch up with me in the comments down below so we can discuss the beginning of the book. Happy reading!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for The Dagger and the Flame by Catherine Doyle from the beginning to the end of Chapter 6. Please only read on if you have finished reading this section!

I’m already loving how this world has been set up. From that intro the Cloaks sound a bit more… morally good? Maybe? And the Daggers sound like they can be quite brutal! We’ll see though!

We meet Seraphine and Pippin, her dog. I need more fantasy dogs in my life.

I got too excited about the cat, is her mum testing on it? She seems to be turning it into a bigger cat and I know I’m supposed to be against it but I’m imagining a giant cuddly house cat and how warm and snuggly it would be and I can’t! 😍

For real though, it sounds like Seraphine’s mum is messing with dangerous things.

I love this world so far, the Daggers consume a volatile substance called Shade. The Cloaks don’t consume shade but wear it. They consider themselves more noble but anyone who dabbles in Shade is tempting fate.

Her mother is a smuggler so Sera has always been around Shade but, smart gal, has never dared to experiment with it.

We get a bit of a backstory, her mother was marked. Gaspard Du Fort – leader of the Daggers wanted her dead… and he got his wish.

Alone now, Sera’s only option is to seek sanctuary with the Order of Cloaks. Interestingly, she lies and tells them her mother died from the plague. She definitely knows she was up to no good! Either way, she’s safe… for now.

We’re switching perspectives and step into the mind of Ransom. Sera didn’t imagine it, someone was following her and now we know why. Sera is also marked. Ransom is part of the Order of Daggers and Gaspard Du Fort has ordered a kill on Seraphine. There could be hope for Ransom yet? He’s considering why Gaspard wants her dead…

For now, he’s only tasked with watching her, so let’s hope Seraphine gets her magic Shade cloak sooner rather than later – it might give her a better chance!

Back to Sera and she’s making friends already! I like Bibi and Val, they seem quite bubbly – definitely a fun addition to the book! They want to know more about her and Sera conveniently skips over the part about her mother being killed by the Daggers and her now having her own mark.

Ohhh, interesting! Sera wants revenge. She doesn’t tell anyone though. Gotta be honest, I think she could use the help!

Sera finds House Armand different to what she imagined and I can’t help but agree. Maybe they are more noble after all? They definitely seem pretty welcoming all things considered!

Sera has a beau back at the farm, but Theo (the Shadowsmith) also seems to have caught her eye. That’s interesting… I was hoping we’d see a little enemies to lovers develop between her and Ransom!

The Cloaks are masters of thievery and todays task for Sera is to watch and learn. Watching Val and Bibi work has her pacing, they make it look really easy. She gets in her head a little bit and starts to think it might be some kind of initiation test. Except right as she’s plucking up the courage to steal something, she spots a figure in her periphery.

Before she has too much time to ponder on what she saw – or didn’t see – Val and Bibi are back. Sera hangs back as they head home to let Pippin catch up to them… and those seconds on her own is all it takes!

Ransom is here.

She doesn’t really know who he is yet though, but she knows he’s handsome!

It’s only once he’s left and she realises the autumnal eyed gentleman knew her name that she starts to get suspicious…

Oooooh, this is a fun development… Ransom broke a rule. Never talk to the mark. Sounds like he shouldn’t have let Sera see him either but he was somehow compelled. He’ll be in a lot of trouble if Du Fort finds out. Speaking of… he wants to see him.

He fills in Du Fort on what he’s discovered of Seraphine so far, omitting the bit about talking to her. Is Du Fort threatened by her? Why does he seem so put out by Sera being clever. She could end up being a thorn in his side so she needs to tie up a loose end, and on that, the order is officially given. Ransom is ordered to kill her.

He seems to feel like he owes Du Fort, but he’s miserable in the life Du Fort gave him?

They’re interrupted by Nadia. Pascal Loren – untouchable – has been killed. Not only that, Nadia and Lark speak of some kind of monster in the city? And there are signs Pascal isn’t the only one who met his end at their hands…

What a start! I already love this world. I’m intrigued by the introduction of monsters and worried for Sera now that Ransom has been ordered to kill her!

Any theories so far on who’s behind the monster attacks?
Do you think Ransom will actually kill her?
Why do you think Gaspard Du Fort wants her dead? She’s surely not a threat!

Can’t wait to read more with you all tomorrow!





  • fatima

    I’m liking this so far! Now I wanna live with the Cloaks, they seem so welcoming – wayy better than living in catacombs with the Daggers πŸ’€

    Nadia might be right. The monster attacks might be a side effect of people manipulating Shade, maybe even connected to Sera’s mother’s experiments? The cat at the beginning did NOT seem like a cat I want to cuddle with πŸ˜‚

    As to why Duport wants Sera dead, it may also be related to her mother’s Shade knowledge? Sera might have something valuable or dangerous (the necklace?) that Duport sees as a threat, even if she doesn’t full understand it yet.

    Also, I don’t think Ransom will kill Sera since he’s already feeling drawn to her and conflicted in general. I can’t wait to see them interact more! 🀭

    • Shannon

      Definitely agree, Cloaks are giving a much nicer vibe at the moment! πŸ–€

  • Chloe Luxton

    I’m really loving the worldbuilding at the moment and idk I do want to hang around with the daggers in the catacombs, but maybe my thoughts will change as I read more

  • Megan Octavia

    I loved these chapters. I think so far I prefer the Daggers over the Cloaks, although there seems to be a lot more disadvantages to being in the Daggers. Between the two POV’s I’m actually preferring Ransoms’, which is odd for me, usually I would prefer the FMC. Anyway, I’m excited to carry on reading, I’m hoping for some rooftop fights at some point within the book (fingers crossed).

  • Rachel

    I’m really enjoying this so far! Not sure about the monster attacks but it could have something to do with shade. No I don’t think Ransom will kill her – I see enemies to lovers I hope 😍 I don’t know why Du Fort wants her dead , I’m sure there’s a lot more secrets about her mum to be found out. Excited to see what happens next!

  • ladymeg

    I think Sera’s mom was experimenting with stuff and they tried to kill her to stop it but the knowledge had already gotten out. And they think Sera might know it too.

    So far I’m really enjoying Sera’s POV but not super into Ransom’s yet. I definitely skimmed a lot of the background info in his chapters lol. Hopefully I don’t need to know it later.

  • Marie-Anne S

    This is a nice start and I’m just as intrigued as why Du Fort wants her dead. I’m thinking it might be because of what she saw her mother did to the cat ? And the cat (or the same kind of monster created with shade) might be responsible for Pascal Loren’s death or maybe Theo is some kind of secret avenger (or he thinks he is) ? Ok I might go too far XD. Anyway, can’t wait to read more. ^^

    • Shannon

      Ohhh maybe! There definitely has to be some importance to the cat scene πŸ€”

  • Lisa Spanu (@lisashelves)

    1. Any theories so far on who’s behind the monster attacks?
    Not an idea who exactly, but maybe Seraphina’s mother smuggled to others aside from the Cloaks and Daggers and they are behind the attack? I do think it is tied to the Shade

    2. Do you think Ransom will actually kill her?
    Of course not! He might try but won’t succeed.

    3. Why do you think Gaspard Du Fort wants her dead? She’s surely not a threat!
    She might know more than she thinks regarding what her mother did and she knows how to work with Shade as well. I don’t know yet what Du Fort’s motives are, but I can’t wait to find out!

  • Lindsay Powell

    I was instantly gripped! I love the concept of the two factions and what defines them. I’m also intrigued by the Shade. I’m a sucker for a dual POV so this is perfect for me! The mother was definitely up to something shady (lol). I don’t think Ransom will kill her, he seems to like her eyes already so we’ll see where that goes πŸ‘€

  • Isla Davies

    this isn’t what i expected but in a good way! i have a feeling the monster might be the cat in the prologue but also that’s too obvious so maybe an animal “made” in the same way? if Sylvia was experimenting with this, that could be why Gaspard was so threatened by her… something more dangerous than the Daggers…

  • Rebecca Pearce

    I’m loving the start of this book, with the shade magic and the way its used by the cloaks and daggers, definitely shows the difference with two rivals. I also am intrigued to find out what Sera mother was really up, as to be marked and the way it opens with her using the Shade, espeically after telling Sera never to use it, i wondering if we will find out what she was really up to. I’m also wondering if Sera will find out that it wasn’t Ransom who from the sounds of things didn’t kill her mother and hope they work together to take down Duport. There is alot of ways this book can go and I am very excited to see where it goes as well as what happens with Sera and Ransom, and I mean what some truly amazing names for these characters as well.

  • kovacs.petra0713

    I feel I would rather choose the Cloaks to be a thief than the Daggers to be an assassin. 😬 I like House Armand and its members, even if Madame Fontaine seems a bit too strict, suspicious, and mysterious. Regarding the cat, I think the monsters and Seraphine’s mother’s experiments are somehow connected. However, I have no idea why she is against the Daggers. Maybe Seraphine’s mother was a Dagger in the past and something happened that made her seek revenge? πŸ€”

    I also have a feeling that even if Ransom has to kill Seraphine, he won’t. Or maybe Seraphine will die in the end, but not by Ransom’s handsβ€”perhaps by accident or at someone else’s hands. But honestly, I really hope Seraphine doesn’t die. I like her character so much, but I feel she might be older than 18. Making such difficult decisions and taking revenge seems more like what an older person would do. πŸ€”

    Lastly, I like Theo too, and I’m hoping for a love triangle in the upcoming chapters, or at least some spark between them before she meets Ransom and falls in love with him. 🫣🀭

    Overall, I love this book so much, and I can’t wait to read it along with you <3

  • TupaKitty_Reads

    Daily Q&A:
    1.) Any theories so far on who’s behind the monster attacks?
    2.) Do you think Ransom will actually kill her?
    3.) Why do you think Gaspard Du Fort wants her dead? She’s surely not a threat!
    1.) The idea of a rogue Shade user has its merit, I think, especially if their inept attempts at Shade consumption make them seem more unhinged or “monstrous” than the average Dagger.
    2.) No. He’ll probably attempt it because he’s brainwashed by Dufort, but he clearly has his reservations about her as a mark & will surely find some interruption or reason to not have to go through with it.
    3.) Saint Lucille (Cloak & Dagger’s scholar sister looking for a cure to Shade) was Mama’s favorite, Sera witnessed that unsettling experiment Mama used with Fig a year before, Mama gave Sera that golden teardrop necklace (makes me think of the bloom of the plant whose roots Shade comes from), Dufort seems to be taking whatever issues he has with Mama personally, so I’m thinking there might be a secret she passed down to Sera (knowledge, trinket, bloodline – something) that Dufort is trying to snuff out to protect himself/his position of power before Sera becomes aware of it.

  • Margo

    I just finished these chapters and I’m loving it so far 😊. I can’t wait to read further. Now that Ramson got instructions to kill Sera it’s really interesting. I don’t think he will do it! He seems to really like her, at least he is intrigued. If he doesn’t he will be in trouble 🀭 I can’t wait to find out why they ordered to kill her and what she knows about shade that she can be a treat for them..

  • akacya23

    Any theories so far on who’s behind the monster attacks?
    – Not sure yet, but I am interested in learning more!
    Do you think Ransom will actually kill her?
    – Hmm I think he might get very close but stop himself…
    Why do you think Gaspard Du Fort wants her dead? She’s surely not a threat!
    – I’m thinking that he doesn’t want Sera to try avenging her mother

  • the_Nerd_Huntress

    Starting late, but eh here I am!

    I would say the monster is linked to Sylvie Marchant. If she got marked, she must have dangled with smuggling shade to the wrong person instead of smuggling it to the Cloaks and Daggers. The monster reminds very much of the one the cat turned into in the beginning… a remnant of old magic perhaps? Reinforced by Shade?

    Ransom will definitely NOT kill her… this is an enemy to lovers book after all.. though I wonder what role Theo will play.

    What if Seraphine’s mother was actually a magical being… and passed this to her daughter… this would also explain why he tries to kill her…

    In ang case I am more than curious for the next chapters!

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