Exclusive Editions

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros


We are so thrilled to present to you… the ‘Fourth Wing’ Exclusive Edition, brought to you in collaboration with Piatkus (@yourswithlovex) and @rebeccayarros!

High-stakes, epic fantasy and an enemies to lovers romance – what’s not to love? Fourth Wing had us completely enraptured from the very first page!

What is special about this Exclusive Edition?
✨ FOIL ON THE HARDCOVER: Exclusive foil design on the hardcover by @no0nedesigns
✨ STENCILLED EDGE: Stencilled fore edge with a solid top and bottom sprayed edge
✨ REVERSE DUST JACKET: Artwork on the reverse of the dust jacket by @giannyfili
✨ SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR: The books will be signed by Rebecca Yarros

This is NOT part of our normal monthly subscriptions and if you wish to order a book, they will be available in the Fairy Trove (we ship to many countries worldwide).

The ‘Fourth Wing’ Exclusive Edition will be available for £22 GBP / $30 USD + shipping and is expected to ship around September/October.

Early Access emails will be sent on June 21st at 1pm BST to UK/INT active subscribers and 4pm BST to US/Canada active subscribers. If we have books remaining, they will be available to the public on June 22nd at 1pm BST for UK/INT customers and 4pm BST for US/Canada customers from the Fairy Trove.

Are you as excited for this book as we are?

Beautiful graphic by official FairyLoot designer @blanca.design ?




  • Rebecca Brown

    I am sold at Dragons!

  • Bec @Booktineus

    YESSSSS. I love Rebecca Yarros’s romance novels and I cannot wait to see how she tackles fantasy.

  • leigh irwin

    yes please!

  • Audrey Ducamp

    Oh yeeeees I love it !!!

  • thestoryjustbegins

    Usually I am not particularly found of books with dragons, but I can’t wait for this one! I’m ready ?

  • Danni-Elle Jewell

    Is it going to be limited to one copy per account so that everyone gets a chance???

    • India

      Yes, our Early Access sales are always limited to one order per person! ?

  • Jordan Charlesworth

    I ADORED this book and cannot wait to get my hands on this. The fact it’s released on my birthday, is clearly a sign ??

  • readingismagical89

    I can’t wait for this xx

  • a.courtice.macdonald

    I hope there are a lot of books available being on the wait list I’m not and active subscriber and I really want this book.

  • Star

    Does anyone know the dimensions? Would this match with the dimensions of the hardcover of The U.S. Version/ the hardcover of Iron Flames ?

    • Shannon

      Hi there! The dimensions are the same as the UK trade hardcover. ?

  • Leah DiGiovanni

    I am SO EXCITED for this!! I read the kindle version, but I really want a physical copy and have been having trouble finding one. My orders keep getting canceled saying they are out of stock when I do find a physical copy.

  • Alexandria Villaverde

    Will you be doing a special edition for Iron Flame and the books that will follow that in this series?

  • agluecke

    Do readers on the waitlist count as ‘active subscribers’? Or are waitlisted readers considered ‘public’?

    • India

      Active subscribers are only those who currently have an active subscription! ?

  • pisceanbibliophile

    I just ordered mine! ? I’m so so sooooo happy it went through lol I was nervous it will sell out fast. I even set an alarm five minutes before the email was due to be sent and I’ve never clicked an email so fast in my life ? I’m so excited for this SE of one of my top reads of this year! ❤️‍? And it’s signed by the author aaaaahhhh here’s some spoiler-ish emojis for everyone who’s debating whether to purchase this SE or not! ??⚡️???

    • Rae | HerSerialLife.com

      You’re lucky. I waited for 1h16 minutes to a sold out page… I’m devastated…?

      • pisceanbibliophile

        That was insane ? it didn’t occur to me until after FL posted on IG that most people had to wait that long in queue ? I feel for you ???

  • Melo64

    Hi !
    I received the email at 1:01 and click on it immediatly (never done it so quickly in my life ^^)… After 1h45 of waiting (I never refresh the page), I was informed that it is sold out…
    I am so sad 🙁
    Do you think there will be a re-stock ?

    • India

      Hi there! We are looking into a reprint for unsigned copies. We are just waiting to get everything confirmed with the publisher and will have more info to share soon! ?

      • Joy Wilcox

        So then those of us with subs that didn’t get a book but were in line, will not get the same opportunity again for one with the same features?

      • Melo64

        Thanks for your reply 🙂

    • Sameen Dadfar

      Me too!!! ?

  • helena

    Hope some copies are still available tomorrow ?

  • Tianna Twyman

    My sub has been on pause till today and this is the first special edition that I’ve not received an early email for.
    Hoping there’ll still be a few available tomorrow to get

  • Chelsea Burnes

    Super sad, waited on the digital cue for 2 hours and was faced with an Out of Stock 🙁 Even woke up early to try and snag one. 🙁

  • Jodi Johnson

    I never received the email for the order. Will more be sent/released?

  • Katelynn Peters

    I really wish there were enough copies for at least every one of your active subscribers to actually get the chance to buy this book. I’m kinda disappointed. It took forever to be able to get in to just be sold out.

  • Jessica Hertel

    Do you plan on doing an exclusive edition of Iron Flame as well??

  • pumpan194

    Hi, will this book be restocked?

    Kind regards

    • Shannon

      Hi there! We’ve announced a reprint already the details can be found here 💜

  • megsdavis1587

    How can I get this version? Is it still available?

    • Mubanga

      Hi there! Unfortunately this is sold out. If we have any leftover copies, they may be available in a future sale. 💜

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