Exclusive Editions

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros


We are so thrilled to announce a reprint of our ‘Fourth Wing’ Exclusive Edition, brought to you in collaboration with Piatkus (@yourswithlovex) and @rebeccayarros!

We’re happy to confirm we can offer a reprint of this Exclusive Edition for those who missed out on the initial sale, thank you all for your patience whilst we looked into this. As with any Exclusive Edition, we’re unable to obtain unlimited stock, however we have stocked up as much as we can. We’re also excited to confirm we’ll be announcing our Exclusive Edition of the sequel, Iron Flame, very soon!

What is special about this Exclusive Edition?
✨ FOIL ON THE HARDCOVER: Exclusive foil design on the hardcover by @no0nedesigns
✨ STENCILLED EDGE: Stencilled fore edge with a solid top and bottom sprayed edge
✨ REVERSE DUST JACKET: Artwork on the reverse of the dust jacket by @giannyfili

This is NOT part of our normal monthly subscriptions and if you wish to order a book, they will be available in the Fairy Trove (we ship to many countries worldwide).

The ‘Fourth Wing’ Exclusive Edition will be available for £22 GBP / $30 USD + shipping and is expected to ship around April/May 2024.

Early Access emails will be sent on October 16th at 1pm BST to UK/INT active subscribers and 4pm BST to US/Canada active subscribers. If we have books remaining, they will be available to the public on October 17th at 1pm BST for UK/INT customers and 4pm BST for US/Canada customers from the Fairy Trove.

Beautiful graphic by @blanca.design ?




  • destymarie25

    I’m very excited ?

  • Priscilla Velasco

    I can’t wait

  • dianareis1999

    How can I order one?

    • India

      Early Access emails will be sent on October 16th at 1pm BST to UK/INT active subscribers and 4pm BST to US/Canada active subscribers. If we have books remaining, they will be available to the public on October 17th at 1pm BST for UK/INT customers and 4pm BST for US/Canada customers from the Fairy Trove. ?

  • petamorris2805

    Yesss! ?? That’s so great!

  • Amanda Eguino

    So glad you’re reprinting, it was sold out so fast last time I missed it!

  • Katelynn Peters

    Will people who already receive it be able to get the reprint? It was a bloodbath and I really would like a chance to get it without resellers getting them.

    • India

      Subscribers who bought a copy during the first sale will not be allowed to purchase another during this Early Access sale. The order will be classed as a duplicate and will be cancelled. ?

  • leah.power

    How can I sign up to be part of the early access emails? will it only be sent to active subscribers?

    • India

      Yes, all active subscribers receive early access as a subscription perk! ?

  • abbiegaley2005

    I am so excited. Hopefully I can snag one this time around

  • Jozahn Grobler

    Yay!! I will be st@lking my mailbox and this page

  • Leah Swinger

    I really hope i can get off the waitlist so i can be a subscriber when this comes out!

  • Natalia Sepetowski
  • villarosas5632

    Hi I’m new here wondering if I can still get one limited edition copy I just subscribe today.
    Thank you so much.

    • Shannon

      Hi there! Our subscriptions are currently full, but we do have waitlists available for those wishing to join. We invite people from the waitlists whenever spots open up and we’re working on adding more spots. Fourth Wing will be offered to active subscribers first but if there are still copies left they will be available in a general sale the following day. ?

  • lucy.black24

    Really hope I get a copy ?

  • Jessica Hufford

    Is there a way to tell if I am already on the waitlist, or if I accidentally have signed up more than once, did I jinx myself and kick myself to the bottom of the list? 🙁 I feel like I have been on the waiting list since January. I got in on Illumicrate already and I signed up for both around the same time.

    • Shannon

      Hi there! If you contact us at FairyLoot.com/contact we can check that you’re on the waitlist. ?

  • Lucy Martin

    I really hope I can get it this time around!! I was so sad when I missed it the first time as this has been my favourite book so far this year <3

  • sara.pesakova

    I need it

  • Estelle Casanova

    I’m very excited ! I don’t received the first mail so I very hope I don’t miss this one ^^

  • Ian Kim

    Will I get early assess even if I only have the box only subscription? And does it matter if I have Ya or A?

  • Sara

    Hi! Will it be possible to combine shipping if we buy Fourth Wing and Iron Flame?

    • Jodie

      Hi there! Unfortunately we are unable to combine shipping as these are two separate sales with different estimated shipping dates. We’re sorry for any inconvenience! 💜

  • Navya Batra

    Hey! It’s been almost 20 mins and I still don’t have my email? I’ve been a YA subscriber for a year and I’ve checked my spam and promotions but the email isn’t there?

    • Shannon

      Hi there! Please contact us at help.fairyloot.com and we can help. 💜

  • richardrtayag

    hi, willl there be copies avail tomorrow for non members?

    • Jodie

      Hi there! Unfortunately this sold out during our Early Access sale. We’re sorry for any inconvenience! 💜

  • Franki Halliwell

    Are there any leftover copies going on sale today or did they all go in the subscriber sale?

    • Jodie

      Unfortunately these sold out during our Early Access sale. We’re sorry for any inconvenience! 💜

  • carterkendra000

    There was no option to buy the fourth wing edition at 4pm BST in the US? I checked the fairy trove and the book was not there. Will there be more sales?

    • Jodie

      Unfortunately this sold out during our Early Access sale and we don’t currently have any plans to reprint. We’re so sorry for any disappointment! 💜 

  • nere

    HI! Will there be a reprint any time soon?

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