Young Adult Themes



We are so excited to reveal the July theme for our monthly box and it is… TALES RETOLD!

There are some stories that can be retold time and time again without ever feeling like it’s the same story. We love finding fresh takes on our favourite tales that surprise us in new and magical ways, which is why we’ve dedicated this entire theme to them!

In this box you can expect items inspired by Spin The Dawn, A Court of Thorns and Roses, The Star-Touched Queen, Cinderella is Dead and Heartless. We are thrilled to reveal that this box will include a stunning booksleeve with artwork by the one and onlyΒ @rosiethorns88.

Our featured book of the month is a story that we loved and draws from β€œThe Wild Swans” and East Asian folklore. This whimsical tale has a princess in exile, a shapeshifting dragon, six enchanted cranes, and a curse that needs to be broken. The FairyLoot exclusive edition will have an UNIQUE COVER, STENCIL & SPRAYED EDGES, ARTWORK ON THE REVERSE OF THE DUST JACKET byΒ @sallteas, FOIL EMBOSSING ON THE CASE byΒ @sallteasΒ and will be SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR.

Spots for new subscriptions are currently CLOSED, but you can sign up to the waiting listΒ here.Β The best way to get a subscription at the moment is to sign up to the waiting list – we invite people whenever more spots become available.

Tell us, what are some of your favourite tales that you would love to see retold?

Gorgeous theme art by official FairyLoot artistΒ @taratjahΒ and text byΒ ?




  • Amy Reichert

    That theme art is the prettiest I’ve ever seen! And the box sounds incredible, I can’t wait to see all the goodies and the book!

  • ipekagin

    omg im so excited for this!! does anyone know which book it is?

    • Amy Reichert

      The Instagramm account @nerdyadventuresofabooklover always post their guesses and, as far as I know, they’ve always been right.

    • Bryan Padilla

      I do, because I had already pre-ordered it! It is going to be amazing!!!!!

  • Sputnik.books

    This box will be a treat! ?

  • yaomay78

    My Favorite tale that I would like to see retold with a twist would be Beauty and The Beast. Maybe it’s been done before who knows, but just the idea of the role really reverse in itself. We know a women can love a Beast unconditonally. But can a men love a women with extreme ugliness on the outside to find true beauty within her that she doesn’t know its there as well. ???

  • sarahfeenan

    I would like to see Aesop’s fables retold, these inspire deep thinking and a period of reflection and make you critically assess your own morality.

  • Nikola Fima

    I would love to see more Hans Christian Andersen stories retold! I love that you included The Wild Swans retelling as its a great Hans Christian Andersen story!

  • Laura Hall

    I love that my coming off the wait list and my first box would be a retelling. Yes please then I come on here to see what looks like Mulan which is my favorite Disney movie. Then to read it will have court of thorns and roses goodies and some other good things. What a one to come into for my first box. I can’t wait

    • Embry Gullett

      My exact thoughts! It’s my first box, as well. Super excited to read the book and see the ACOTAR items!

    • Emma Burgess

      Same here as well! Although I have read this book via netgalley already. But it’s a series so at least I’ll have a beautiful copy for my collection. Means I can re-read it too!

  • nbjduncan

    It is my first box as well. Super excited to come off the waitlist and have this be my first box! I cannot wait to see the items and the book!!

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