Community Features

Long Live Evil Readalong: Day 3!


Lovely photo by @rebireads!

Hi fairies!

I hope that you’re all lovingΒ Long Live Evil so far! I’m feeling villainous and ready to enter Time of Iron once more!

Before we start reading, we have our secret giveaway! What’s that? Oh, just a chance to get your next FairyLoot Adult Book-Only box for free as a reward for reading! Doesn’t really get better than that! And your chances are so good too! We don’t really announce this anywhere else as we truly want the person from the readalong to win! If you’d like to try your luck, all you need to do is follow these steps!

  1. Take a photo of our edition of Long Live Evil
  2. Include the hashtag #LongLiveFairy (very important!)
  3. Do all of this by the end of October 3rd
  4. Mention down below in your comment that you have entered and include your Instagram handle (also super important!)

Good luck!

Today we’ll be reading from Chapter 15 to the end of Chapter 21, let’s jump in!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for Long Live Evil by Sarah Rees Brennan from Chapter 15 to Chapter 21. Please only read on if you have finished this section!


So, Key doesn’t know he’s in a book. Unlike Rae, he thinks everyone to be real and he kills them anyway… just a sociopath then? πŸ‘€

We learn how he became the Villain of the Cauldron and he’s definitely a product of his past. What a hard upbringing! He was sold off so young to be a chimney sweep and was saved by a man he then saw as a father, until he caught the fever. Maybe Key’s not as cold as I thought, maybe he’s just had a hard time…

As soon as they’re back at the palace he offers to kill someone for her, so I think I take that back πŸ˜‚

He even offers to kill Lia, but Rae seems to have a softness towards her – maybe because of her relationship with Alice? Either way, Key admits he’s just happy to belong to someone again. Gosh that hit me in the feels!

After a visit to Lia, Rae has successfully wrangled her way into an invite to the ball! She and the Cobra are a force to be reckoned with. As per the book, they’re expecting Marius to perform some kind of romantic gesture but things aren’t really going their way. They have but five minutes left to get the key for the greenhouse from the King. Naturally, they’ve decided the only way to do that is with a very garish musical number!

I’m sorry I’m cackling πŸ˜‚ It’s giving demure, giving mindful. I’m so here for this flash mob of evil.

Their plan works to a degree and they manage to get Marius and Lia together, but again nothing is working out like it did in the books. Mid-conversation Marius realises the Cobra and Rahela stole something from the King and rushes off to confront him.

Emer seems to have a little soft spot for Lia and comes to her rescue once she realises Lia’s now left on the balcony alone and at the whims of all the male vultures around them. She needs to let Rahela know and makes up a ruse that her dress is ripped to get close enough to tell her. Smart and scheming, I like it!

I was worried I’d trusted Key a bit too easily… but even Emer seems to think he’s changed? Is it all an act for his own means though? I don’t know who to trust!

Rae gets to Lia just in time, or did she… there’s an attack, and the attacker is hell bent on getting Rae and Lia specifically. Key saves the day again, despite not being allowed on the balcony (why are rich people so precious about their balconies) and Rae admits to him that she just killed a man. She keeps telling herself they’re not real but the more we read this book fairies, the more I think they kinda might be?

Tell me why Key AND Emer just DIDN’T MENTION assassin’s had been after her for a while? What the heck?????

Oooft, shots fired. Key calls the King out for not using his power for anything worthwhile. Not only is he struck by a guard, but he’s also sentenced to a lashing for being out on the expensive people balcony. Rae doesn’t get off easy either, she’s stripped of her status as the King’s favourite and he declares The Queen’s Trials… which isn’t supposed to happen until book two. What have Rae and the Cobra done? The butterfly effect is so strong!

Rae also starts to realise she underestimated Lia. She’s not the innocent bystander she appears to be, but rather using that as her advantage and scheming just as hard as Rae, just in a different way. The drama! It’s all happening!!!

Back to Marius who’s currently confronting his ex-bestie for stealing from the King. The Cobra doesn’t half know how to babble but it’s not proving as distracting as he’s hoping, Marius won’t let this go – he wants him to confess, not to him, but to the King. Stop it I’m absolutely sobbing at Marius thinking about how the Cobra often whispers about his lost love – Netflix. Sarah Rees Brennan is a comedic genius! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

We learn that he tried to go home once before, his mother paid the price – killed on the King’s orders…

Eric (we know his real name now) didn’t quite think that through though, Marius knows his mother was killed trying to get the flower… and he’s put two and two together to deduce that’s what he and Rahela are up to now… and without the key it’s going to be a LOT harder for them!

So much drama!!! I can’t cope with the tension of Rae and Eric thinking they know the story and can outsmart it… and then everything happening out of order!

Now that we know them a bit better, has your favourite character changed? I’m getting more and more fond of Eric!
Would you rather be the hero or a villain?
If you could BE any of these characters and step into their roles like Rae has, who would you pick? Right now I’m thinking maybe Emer just because so far she’s been in the least danger and seems like she can hold her own!





  • karen.holmes.w

    I feel like this book was written just for me. Been dreaming of loosing myself into books since I read The Neverending Story as a kid. I wouldn’t like to be lost in Time of Iron though, too many dangers and assassins. As I grow older, I’d rather be inside a cozy fantasy reading about the assassins on my couch.
    Anyway, I know Key is a cold blooded assassin, but I can’t stop loving him. He’s fun, he has wonderful lines and he saves the day.
    I also liked know more of Eric in this part. And Marius too. I feel like Marius is falling for the Cobra rather than the Lady. He thinks more of him than any other character, and misses their interactions the most.
    The dance, the flashmob and the tricky key were so much fun to read too!

  • Fritzi De Leon

    I’ve joined the long live fairy photo – @risingfrompages

  • catie.kaston

    The ball feels like a Disney musical, lol. I’m worried about Key, it feels like he will be left high and dry again, and by Rae of all people. And Lia, when the Damsel is also a wicked. I loved Emer, he is a man of talent. If I will be in the story, I will choose Key, the baddest of them all, lol. Always pro villain.

    I have entered the Readalong secret giveaway using @catereadsandtravel

    Fingers crossed 🀞

  • Seeri

    So much is happening at the same time. I love Eric and Marius! I think the plot they have is the most interesting one. Rae and her love hatred for Lia is getting boring, and there is nothing new in Key in these chapters. Emer however is an interesting one, and I would love to read more in her point of view. I think it would be fun to be villain myself, but seeing how things seem to go in a very wrong direction for every villain at the moment, I’m not sure about it. I’m starting to like this book after realizing I should read it more as a comedy rather than just a fantasy book. Super excited for the rest of the book.

    // entered the giveaway @lyrasbookdiary

  • Licia Carlesi

    So much drama is right! I can’t with the musical, so random… I agree about seeing this as more of a comedy as it becomes more enjoyable. Also, being Italian I can’t help laughing at Caracalla as the name of Marius’ sister, that’s such a Roman male name, again so random to be chosen like this.
    A lot of danger again, assassins – what is going on? Who is after Rae?
    Marius is getting more interesting although I cannot read him at all.
    I still like Key, just can’t help it even though he may be a sociopath πŸ˜… Maybe he is the key πŸ€” His name is literally Key! I’m getting the feeling that he’s somehow supernatural / superhuman, he seems to have powers.

  • Rengetsu

    I’m seated for Key’s bloodbath and I’m starting to have some hope for a Eric x Marius romantic development and I’m praying I’m not being delusional. Rae, please create even more chaos and mess up the original plot in a drastic way haha
    I entered the giveaway > @rengetsubooksden

  • tomaskristinak

    I have entered secret giveaway with my Instagram: @tomi.library

    I still love Rae and Eric as well. I feel like they are rather Heroes but everyone thinks they are villains, so sad. Especially now, it will be hard for her to get the flower 😞 I’m hoping we get Marius and Eric together πŸ™ˆ
    I think I would rather be a Hero? I don’t think I would want to step into that story. Sounds like a lot of murdering is happening, I will rather just read this book. πŸ˜…

  • Dawn Rogers

    Definitely getting more and more fond of Eric and his back story, he just wanted that romantic balcony scene! I started off not sure because you know, owning a brothel and all that. I would pick villain just because of the sheer absurdity of some of those plot lines, which I’ve been loving- the musical number and handstand had me cackling! From @onceuponabook30

  • birch_library

    I posted my photo❀️‍πŸ”₯πŸ—‘οΈ @birch_library

  • Louisa

    Uhhhh, I like the Cobra and his jokes! He doesn’t care that no one (except for Rae) understands him and his references to the β€œreal” world, which makes it even funnier for us readers. However, I can’t answer the question who my favourite character is… I love all of them! Key is disturbing but in a cute way. Marius is the hero of the story but I guess that he has a much deeper background story than we know. I also adore the sisters Lia and Rae, although they technically aren’t sisters but I think that Rae sees Alice in Lia.
    So yeah, I (almost) love everyone from the book. Uh, and we can’t forget Victoria Broccoli! Genius name by the way.
    Additionally, I have entered the giveaway: my Instagram handle is @fairylouisa06

  • Alysha Sherratt

    I’m loving the last hope and Eric’s relationship it’s brilliant. Lia needs to just grow a backbone although I know damsel in distress works for her but common.

  • esthrane

    I have entered the giveaway @lizreadsbooks13 πŸ™ŒπŸ˜

  • karen.holmes.w

    I finally manged to take a picture because we’ve had so many storms these week I couldn’t find a moment with normal light! My handle is @karenholmeswriter

  • Kaaty

    I adored this book! I read it before the readalong, and I cannot wait for the next book! Also, I entered the giveaway and my Instagram is @kaaty.reads 🧑

  • Vicky Lancaster

    I’ve posted my photo for the giveaway @boo_kaficionado

  • Megan Oliver

    I have so many questions for what is going to happen, there is just so much drama!
    I don’t think I’d want to be a character in this book though, it’s a bit too dangerous for me and I’d have died back when the ghouls attacked.
    My handle is @dragonsbookcave

  • Marilag Angway

    Posted a picture as @marimoosereads on Instagram! I definitely agree about stepping into Emer’s role in the story. I feel like she definitely knows a lot more than she lets on and evidence of this was admitting what she knew about Lia. I want to love Rae as much as I had in the beginning, but I’m not sure she’s delivering on her promise to be a villainous character. I think my favorite is currently Marius atm, I feel like his story and character is getting more fleshed out as the story goes, and it’s still up in the air with which side he’ll be in by the end of this.

  • Lisa Spanu (@lisashelves)

    1. Now that we know them a bit better, has your favourite character changed? I’m getting more and more fond of Eric!
    I’m having a soft spot for Eric as well and I like Key!! But at the same time I don’t have a character that is head and shoulders above the rest in terms of being my favourite.

    2. Would you rather be the hero or a villain?
    I’ve always had a soft spot for the morally grey characters or the anti-hero so I lean more towards being a villain. As long as I do get a HEA haha

    3. If you could BE any of these characters and step into their roles like Rae has, who would you pick? Right now I’m thinking maybe Emer just because so far she’s been in the least danger and seems like she can hold her own!
    Oehh that’s a great question. I don’t really know how I’d like to be. I kinda would like to be a character who is powerful and makes it to the end hahaha, not sure which one fits those criteria πŸ˜‚

    Entered @lisashelves 😊

  • Naomi Badley

    I’ve entered as well! @readingwithror

    I am absolutely obsessed with this book at the moment. It’s definitely my favourite read of the year.

  • leexboba95

    Entered as well on my handle @ sarahbookishreads

  • kimberlysingh132

    Joined the photo contest handle @kimmy_tbr

  • Mariagrazia Schiavinato

    Hi there! I joined this readalong later but loved the book. I really want news on the sequels soon because I fell in love with this villaneous story!
    I joined the photo contest, my instagram handle is @silvia_hookingbooks

  • Alyssa Sundar

    I have entered.


  • Vivi Sambath

    Hi ✨ I joined the giveaway. My instagram handle is bookbug_thundercat

  • Erica

    Everything happening out or order is stressing me out haha! Still a fan of Key!
    I’ve entered

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