
Lore of the Wilds Readalong: Day 5!


Stunning photo by @picklesbooks!

Hey fairies!

I hope you’re all ready for the last day of the April Romantasy Book-Only readalong of Lore of the Wilds by Analeigh Sbrana. We left off with Lore running into the Wilds with a plan to save Grey from the Queen of Rywandall.

Today we are reading from chapter 24 to the end of the book! Who’s ready to read this last section?

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers foLore of the Wilds by Analeigh Sbrana from Chapter 24 to the end. Please only read on if you have finished this section!


Lore’s inside of the palace, she tried to sneak in with the sheep but was caught! The Queen seems excited there’s another human, so she dresses Lore up like a doll and gives her the enchanted wine.

Grey doesn’t seem to recognise Lore and only seems to care about the wine. I think it’s going to be hard to get him out of the palace! Luckily, Lore ate some special bark beforehand that soaks up all the wine, so she’s no longer under the enchantment.

Using the wine as bait, Lore tricks Grey into following her out of the palace. Lore uses a spell that cloaks them both in darkness and they escape successfully!

Finndryl’s very angry at Lore for putting herself in danger and makes her promise him that she’ll still be there when he returns from making sure they weren’t followed! I think he really cares for her!

It takes over a week for Grey to recover from the enchantment and wake up! Lore rushes to tell Finndryl the news and they have a long hug! Is this romance I’m sensing? πŸ‘€

Lore explains everything to Grey from what she’s learnt over the last few weeks from magic to how she can free their people! Unfortunately, 30 people from Duskmere have been rounded up and taken to the castle. Is this revenge for Lore leaving or something else?

Asher and Isla have returned from their travels and Lore immediately kisses him! Asher tells her off for going into the palace alone and says ‘You’re mine to protect’. This is sweet of him to say but he barely knows her!

Now that Asher is back, Finndryl is back to being cold with Lore, but they were progressing in their relationship! Why does he have to ruin it? Lore and Grey will leave in the morning to save the humans, but they won’t be alone. Isla, Finndryl and Asher will join them on their mission!

In Lore’s mind, she seems to want Asher because things are easy with him and she’s not confused by his feelings. Doesn’t that mean she wants Finndryl as well but doesn’t want to deal with the difficulty?

The group’s on their rescue mission to save the humans when Asher notices that Lore’s fingers are stained with ink – the more she uses the book the more her hands are stained. Is the magic entering her body through her fingers?

Lore and Grey sneak into the library through a window and steal guard uniforms for everyone along with weapons! To leave the library without the guards noticing them, the fox, that Lore saw every day when working in the library, distracts the guards! Is the fox normal or magic?

There’s an entrance to passageways in an abandoned garden that leads to the abandoned wing of the castle. Finndryl doesn’t seem super on board with the plan and Lore tells him that he can go home, but she doesn’t seem to realise he came to protect her, not Isla.

The humans aren’t in the dungeons or in another room filled with cribs that have locks on them. Why are there locks on the cribs? At nightfall, Lore uses her magic to find the humans locked in a tower filled with women and children. I can’t believe it, some of the women are pregnant, they’re only there to sire children!

Using magic Lore creates a spell to break through the wards! She’s a witch and she can create her own spells! Rushing into the tower she finds the women and Finndryl follows her and Asher inside! He’s covered in the blood of the guards and Lore’s worried that something’s happened to him! I think Lore likes Finndryl as more than just friends!

Finndryl and Lore rush inside the room where the children are, but the steward is waiting for them. He wants to use the humans to create an army to fight against the light Fae! I truly dislike this man!

Finndryl manages to fight off all of the elite soldiers and the children escape! Lore attacks the steward and kills him with poison when he starts to overpower her! Both Finndryl and Lore decide that the King will pay for what he’s done to her people since he signed off on the experiment! I’m glad everyone’s safe!

Outside of the tower, the fox is covered in ‘Source’ and transforms into a moth! It sits on Lore’s shoulder and they’re both now connected through the magic. Asher’s waiting for Lore by the passageway, but wasn’t he supposed to be with the humans?

Something isn’t right with Asher. He starts being rude to Finndryl and transforms into Lord Syrelle! He’s both Asher and Syrelle, he tricked everyone! I can’t believe it, I was fooled as well!

Syrelle wants the book, The Deeping Lune, as it was his grandfather’s and he believes it’s rightfully his. The magic should have called out to him rather than choosing Lore. He forces both Lore and Finndryl to stay and he’s going to use Lore to find the other book!

This book was so much fun to read and that twist at the end shocked me! I didn’t see it coming!

What did you think of Lore of the Wilds? Did you have a favourite moment from the book?
What do you think will happen in the next book?

As always, thank you so much for taking part in another FairyLoot readalong! We hope you had the best time and enjoyed the book – we’ll see you again soon for another!





  • Zanda

    I really enjoyed Lore of the Wilds for the most part! I thought Lore was a fun character and I enjoyed the cozy vibes. I really didnt like the forced pregnancy thing at the end of the book, so that ruined my enjoyment a little bit.

    Also can i just say that on day one of the readalong I said that Syrelle was probably gonna be a love interest…. Definitely wasn’t expecting him to be Asher though. I wish there had been some more hints about this plot twist. I can’t really think of anything that was hinting towards them being the same person.

    I don’t think I really have a favorite moment from the book. I enjoyed the moments in the library a lot, and I wish there had been more of them.

    • Kathryn Plitt

      I think the hints were when Asher was so cold/furious at times. I didn’t see that coming. I always love to be surprised.
      My favorite parts of the book were the library and all the creative fae creatures.

  • Alex Shaffer

    What did you think of Lore of the Wilds? Did you have a favourite moment from the book?
    Overall, I thought this book was okay. My favourite part was the fox, but the animals usually are. I also liked Finn and Lore’s relationship, however, it did go kind of fast. But, I knew something was up with Asher. I didn’t expect him to be Lord Syrelle, but I knew that Asher was hiding something. And, I thought it was weird that Syrelle wasn’t in the story a lot to begin with. I do wish this book had more of an adult feel with more spice. We’ve gotten some adult book with more spice than this one.

    What do you think will happen in the next book?
    In the next book, I know that Lore, Finn, and Syrelle will find this book. Maybe the next book will focus more on the relationship between Lore and Finn? I thought this was supposed to be a love triangle. There will probably be a redemption arc of some kind for Asher/Syrelle.

  • Ashley Arias

    All I can say right now is Wow. I did not see that twist at the end coming, there were a couple times where Lore mentioned things about Asher that made me think he might be related to Lord Syrelle or the royals, but definitely not them being the same person.

    What did you think of Lore of the Wilds?
    I enjoyed the story, i loved the enchanted library, the fae markets, the food, and the fox. I felt like it was a little too fast paced for me. But overall it was good, I liked it.

    Did you have a favourite moment from the book?
    Probably when she was in the forest with Finn, learning about the magic of the wilds and the book. Or when she went to the fae markets.

    What do you think will happen in the next book?
    She will find the sister book, save her people and escape with Finn. I think she may be related to the fae somehow, lord syrelle said only his grandfather’s descendants could access the library and find the book.

  • Tara Hunt

    I really enjoyed reading this book! I had a suspicious feeling from the beginning about Asher but as the story continued, I figured I was wrong. What a twist at the end! Their β€œrelationship” started quickly and it just never made sense to me. Finndryl has been my favorite for sure.
    I definitely want to read the next book, and hopefully we will find out more about how Finndryl and Isla met Asher/Syrelle and why the book chose Lore over the heir of the book.

  • Marilag Angway

    I think other than the pacing problems (and the fact that I wasn’t so gung-ho on the romance between Asher and Lore), I quote enjoyed the book! Lore actually comes off competent, but not in an overpowering sort of way, and the relationship she started building up with Finn during the slower chapters were good. My favorite scene moment was definitely the scene where Mr Grumpypants Finn actually protected Lore from the soldiers in the forest.

    Not gonna lie, I knew Asher was too good to be true, and after the first half of the book, every subsequent scene with him was just awkward (the spice was not spicing! 🀣). I am definitely here for Asher as Syrelle and doing unhinged things in the next book!

  • Brooke Hambley

    What did I think of Lore of the Wilds? I thought it was creative. I think the Asher thing was out of the blue even though I stopped trusting him. His anger in the beginning made more sense though. I thought Finn was just another undeveloped love interest but cuter than her and Asher. The forced pregnancy stuff at the end was aggressive. The book mixed between cottage core and dark/gorey.

    Favorite part? The library was great. Magical and curious. Great for lore dropping too. The fox was cute. But that development was out of the blue too.

    Next book maybe we will see more of Finn and Lore. Maybe we will see Asher trying to redeem himself but tbh feels very rock bottom for my interest in him as everything we’d seen so far was a lie. But who knows!

  • Tasha

    What did you think of Lore of the Wilds? – I enjoyed it – one of the better fae books I’ve read considering I don’t normally get along with the genre. I liked the characters and the progression of the story but felt it lacked in some parts. Hopefully some answers will given in book 2.

    Did you have a favourite moment from the book? – I really enjoyed the chapters in the library I wished we had more of them.

    What do you think will happen in the next book? – the search for the other book should be interesting if it’s in another part of the world – seeing other villages / towns. I hope to see more in depth relationship building between Lore and Finn as I felt the scenes happened too quick in this book.

    Overall a fun book – 4 stars 🌟

  • susy34633

    Like what????
    I was wondering how the love triangle would go, but I did not expect this twist!
    And now there’s another book to find?
    I still would like to know why Finn never liked Asher, and the escape from the queen palace must have had some consequences. I don’t believe she was ok with her pets running away.
    I need the next book, now that Asher is the bad guy, I want to see Lore and Finn go back to their usual relationship when they were alone.

  • Theroselectory

    That was a very unexpected ending! I still had suspicions about Asher, everything just seemed to convenient but I did not expect that!

    What did you think of Lore of the Wilds?
    I enjoyed it overall, although the pacing was a bit all over the place. I enjoyed learning about the different types of fae.

    Did you have a favourite moment from the book?
    My favourite moment was Milo punching the sentries! I hope to see more of him in the next book!

    What do you think will happen in the next book?

    Syrelle, Lore and Finn will find the sister book. I hope we get to see Syrelle use it as it’s definitely a better option than breeding humans!

    We’ll get to see Lore and Finn’s relationship develop and hopefully Finn is less grumpy!

    I think we’ll also get to meet the King and Queen now that the Steward’s plans have been foiled.

    Whatever happens, I can’t wait to read book 2!

  • Lisa Spanu (@lisashelves)

    1. What did you think of Lore of the Wilds?
    Overall, I think the book was okayish. I didn’t love it and wasn’t blown away by it. My main thought is that it had a lot of potential to be a great book, but needed more to become that. The pacing was really off to me and the many time skips made it hard to really connect to the characters and their developments, since it seemed like loads was happening off page during these time skips.

    2. Did you have a favourite moment from the book?
    I really liked the parts in the library and the exploration part. Also, I love the little fox!

    3. What do you think will happen in the next book?
    Obviously they’ll go and find the twin book, and I believe Lore and Finn will develop more feelings for each other. I also would very much like it if the second book bonds with Finn instead of Asher.

    • west_7997

      I wanted more library content. That is what drew me to the book in the first place. I do want to see what happens in the next book and I am team Finn all the way.

  • SeaFox.Adventures

    1) That’s a tough question to answer. I think I’ve been super spoiled by great books this year, but this one was a rough start and slow/weirdly paced middle, and then it kinda picked up at the end? I definitely want to try the sequel [especially since the book is so pretty! <.< That's not a bad motivation, right??]
    My favorite part was probably the library and all it's little quirks. I also liked the fox-thing becoming a familiar of sorts, though it did feel a little random and forced too. I'm hoping there will be more explained/explored in the sequel!
    2) I'm hoping she and Finn are endgame, since there's so much bad blood with Asher [I don't think there's a decent redemption arc possible there], and I hope that blooms more in book two, and I hope the fox-thing gets a deep dive [or at least a better explanation/lore!]. I'm also hoping there's more lore and history in the two books and why Asher's grandfather created them, and why they didn't speak to him [I mentioned my theory on that in a previous post! Fingers crossed!], and I'm curious who the second book will "choose"!

  • west_7997

    I really enjoyed the book overall. I liked the premise and Lore was great. I am glad she and Grey were able to meet up again. I was shocked at the end by the reveal like I had no idea, but as soon as Finn started acting weird, I was like something is going on Lore, get out! The pacing is weird and felt laggy at times and I wanted to see more of the actual library and her work inside of it. I felt like the author missed what could have been some great content in the library. I gave the book 4 stars and definitely will be buying book 2 to see what transpires with these characters, they are all growing on me, even Finn.

  • TupaKitty_Reads

    She got captured, drank the wine, & fell under its spell. πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ Oh, she found & took the antidote before getting captured. She knows what Grey is fighting now & why he didn’t seem to see/recognize her. Having lured him out with wine, she’s buried her grimoire just outside the palace walls (without getting caught) before getting captured in the sheep wagon. She gets back to The Exile with Grey, & Finn is visibly upset (relaxes a little that she’s unharmed), & says “just don’t leave m- Don’t leave again.” Don’t leave me? 🫠 10 days of detoxing before Grey could even recognize Lore. She jumped into Finn’s arms, & he actually laughed & spin her around. 😍 Her fingertips are stained black from the grimoire now. The veil over Duskmere & Aunty Eshe before, was it because there was nothing to show (the townsfolk moved &/or Aunty Eshe dead) or is there something fishy afoot? How would Grey know where to find Lore even after somehow escaping an ambush to kidnap 30+ people from Duskmere? Also, why would they bring more people out when they’ve been secured with magic barriers for centuries since torturing/punishing/killing humans could be done easily without having to remove any of them? Asher is back, but I’m disappointed that Lore’s kissing him. I mean, it’s good that she didn’t hurt him by doing anything with Finn while he was away trying to help her after they kissed & all, but I want her with Finn. 😫 Still cute that he calls her “(little) mouse” though. The kindness that Finn showed her over the past 2 weeks? It’s been longer than that. Grey took 10 days just to detox after she came back from Queen Riena’s palace when Lore said she’d practiced the shadow spell for weeks before going there to get him. I’m still waiting for the backstory between Asher & Finn. Really? On the kitchen table of Finn’s father’s bar where Finn & Lore did all that research? πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ Fox head on the sword hilt – a fox hanging around her when she was at the castle – some Fae can change into the animal of their traits. This fox can seemingly understand her & helped her avoid the guards, too. Asher grew up playing in the abandoned wing of the castle that used to house queens & royal children of Alytheria. Finn: “If you had asked me to come with you to rescue Grey, I would have… If you don’t know that by now or why it is I’m here, then just drop it.” Stupid, Lore. Asher’s source gave false information. Bars on cribs? 😳 Great, still no sign of the humans. Humans in a hidden tower: women & children, 7 women possibly already with (Fae) child. She can create new spells now & astro-project herself. Finn saved them (her) from 3 guards trying to come in after them because *of course* he followed her. 😏 Asher said he’ll abandon her people to come back for her if she doesn’t follow him soon as they split up to get everyone out before the rest of the guards come. 🀨 The Steward & 2 winged armed guards were inside the children’s room already. He knew of the grimoire & that it was spelled to be blank. Lord Syrelle is the King’s nephew. Human children & half-breeds are to be used as soldiers to save Dark Fae from extinction. How Finn protects her from the soldiers. πŸ’š Steward got his face melted off but not before telling Lore the King chose to go with his plan over Lord Syrelle’s plan of finding the magic book. I KNEW the fox wasn’t *just* a fox. Asher just had a 180Β° in personality, & he morphs into Lord Syrelle! Lord Syrelle’ grandfather spelled the library to keep anyone but his DIRECT BLOODLINE from entering. He’s been in the library before & the book never showed itself to him, but how did it let Lore in? This grimoire, “The Deeping Lune” has a sister, the “Book of Sunbeams” that he now wants her to find. Syrelle said he let go all of those humans, but he also said he sent Fae healers & masons to help Duskmere after the earthquake. πŸ˜• Also, where is the fox-turned-moth, & who is she? I can’t believe that’s how this book ends! 😫
    Daily Q&A:
    1.) What did you think of Lore of the Wilds?
    2.) Did you have a favourite moment from the book?
    3.) What do you think will happen in the next book?
    1.) It had a few surprising bits (Syrelle being Asher – did NOT see that coming) & more stuff that I called ages ago. Overall, I liked it & am looking forward to Book 2.
    2.) Probably the “touch her & die” moments from Finn. 🫠
    3.) I guess they’ll be getting the Sister Book, “Book of Sunbeams” (maybe from Rywandall or the Sunshine Islands?), have issues because they escaped from the Queen of Rywandall, & hopefully, we’ll find out the fate of the group Lore sent with “Asher” to protect, the town of Duskmere, maybe meet the King of Alytheria, see Lore finally get to explore her feelings for Finn, figure out how she was allowed in the spelled library, etc.

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