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Nectar of the Wicked Readalong: Day 1!


Gorgeous photo by @acaffeinated_bookworm

Hi fairy friends!

Happy Monday, I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing weekend!

Welcome to day 1 of the June Romantasy readalong of Nectar of the Wicked by Ella Fields. I am really looking forward to this book and I hope you all love it!

As it is the first day, we will be reading from the beginning to the end of chapter 5. Grab your beverage of choice, your book and let’s get started!

When you’ve finished today’s section, come and join me in the comments to discuss the beginning of the book! Happy reading!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for Nectar of the Wicked by Ella Fields from the beginning to Chapter 5. Please only read on if you have finished this section!

Wow, so straight away we aren’t even sure of our main character’s name. That’s quite an intriguing start to the book and her guardian just calls her ‘Flea’.. honestly so disrespectful! 

Our main character being a changeling is interesting, especially as she says that the Fae value their young. I really want to know what happened that meant she was left in Crustle. Rolina taking it out on her that her daughter was swapped is really unfair!

The Wild Hunt that our main character and Rolina are at sounds so cool! The horses have wings (where can I get one please) and there’s hot Fae… say no more!

Well the meeting didn’t go as planned, not only did our main character not succeed in getting answers, she also couldn’t . The best part of that is that we’ve said bye bye to Rolina forever, she got what was coming for her.

Our girl loves books, we stan a reader here! Also how cute is her first meeting with the Goblin, Gane in his little library. Haven’t we all secretly wished for a hidden library to appear in our building?

Our main character has been forced into a job just to pay the rent, but unfortunately for her she’ll be working in the Lair of Lust. Let’s hope she has all her wits about her…

Although Rolina was awful to her, our main character is clearly going through a lot as she is feeling a lot of complex emotions about whether she should be sad or not.

She’s got to keep a roof over her head first, and she really isn’t getting a lot of time to deal with any of her problems. But we’ve got no time for that either as she is about to meet her first client…

The chemistry between her and the blue-eyed mystery Fae man is instantaneous. *a fan is needed for their first meeting* Their interactions and banter are top tier!

What a plot twist, it turns out her mystery client is in fact a royal Faerie named Florian and he is the Winter King of Hellebore. Did she just hit the jackpot?

Our main character is determined to get her answers about her family and her past, as she should be!

King Florian and our main character are getting to know each other more, and he may deny it, but he’s totally as much into her as she is to him. Is anyone else excited for more of their interactions?

She said his name is haunting her… I mean, I think we can all agree that if a Fae man looking like Florian was around us, that would happen to us as well…

If our main character does succeed in going to Folkyn, the relationship between her and Gane will be missed! He seems to care about her and is especially worried about her safety!

After just the third meeting Florian has proposed marriage?! I mean who doesn’t love the marriage of convenience trope? And a fake marriage to a hot Fae King? Say no more!

But our protagonist is smart! She knows that by agreeing to his proposal she can finally attempt to get some answers to all her burning questions!

The start to Nectar of the Wicked  has certainly started off quickly and it was a bit of a rollercoaster but I am enjoying it so far!

What do you think about our main character?
Are we curious to see if she will have any magic of her own?
What do we think about Florian, do you think he knows more about her than he’s letting on?

I can’t wait to read more tomorrow with you all!





  • The Book Snek

    He’s a 10 but he wants to get married after 3 dates 😂 (I SEE NO RED FLAGS HERE) 👀

    • Isla

      He’s a Fae King… totallyyy no red flags here! 👀 😂

  • birch_library

    Woh. That was a rollercoaster!! I mean…maybe isnt the best place to meet your future husband 🥲

  • mellenym.smith

    👀okay but i wasn’t expecting the spice so soon!

    💁🏻‍♀️love that she is free from the evil mother gothel figure!

    😳full fae but she doesnt have a name 👀something sus is going on.

    Ngl i enjoyed the chapters so much i kept reading 😭

    • Isla

      Same 👀 but I guess she deserves some fun in her life after all she has been through! 🤭 and I’m so glad you’re loving it!

  • Kathryn Plitt

    I like Flea. I hope she picks out a real name or finds her family.
    Yes I am curious if she will have magic.
    I love how Florian is thrown off by Flea and their attraction!
    I am sure he knows more.

    • Isla

      I love how Florian is so thrown off by their attraction as well! It shows that he isn’t completely icy hearted! 😍

  • sarahgianora

    Well that escalated quickly. One death, one climax and one marriage proposal in just 79 pages. Don’t really see the downside to taking up the offer much better than working at the pleasure house to pay off a debt of an human that abused me then still having to meet that biting rouge.
    I’d rather live in luxury and cry about it in my golden tub while having a bubble bath made of unicorn tears and rainbow blooms. Where do I sign??

  • Sophia

    I am rooting for the FMC. I think she is long lost fae royalty, and Florian knows exactly who she is!

    • Isla

      I am rooting for her too!…and that is an interesting theory 👀

    • ashleigh.glazzard

      Definitely agree with this, specially since he made a point of “just be mindful that should you find whatever that might be… you will belong only to me” 😮‍💨😮‍💨😲

  • Lyndsay Durbin

    I’m so curious to find out more about Florian and his motivations! And curious about Flea’s past!! She’s got to have something big!

    • Isla

      I agree! It must be quite a big thing that happened in her past..

  • Ashley Arias

    What do you think about our main character?
    Very young and naive, but i like her, she also seems to not be as weak as she portrays herself to be.

    Are we curious to see if she will have any magic of her own?
    I am sure she will, i believe she is of noble blood and Florian might know this.

    What do we think about Florian, do you think he knows more about her than he’s letting on?
    Absolutely, which is why he is so quick to marry her.

    I loved this section, it was tough to put it down. I can’t wait to see where the story goes.

    • Isla

      There’s so many intriguing questions for day one! I think our main character definitely has a lot of inner strength, but I am so glad to hear that you also found it tough to put the book down! 😍

  • shaunanieve

    I’m loving how quick everything is moving! Although I am worried if there’s going to be a fall out from it all.
    I also love that the story showed the complicated feelings Flea had about Rolina.
    I wonder if the man who escorted Flea out of the tent after her death is somehow related to her or has something to do with her past.
    I’m loving how relatable Flea is as a character.

    I love how Florian is just immediately besotted by her and even though he’s not sure what’s going on he’s still with her he’s still interested.
    I also love how respectful he is to her, she must feel so confused by it after growing up with Rolina.

    • Isla

      Is it bad that I’m excited for the fall out? 🤭 I really liked the exploration of the complicated feelings Flea has for Rolina too, and it’s so sad that she is confused by the respectfulness Florian was showing her…

  • SeaFox.Adventures

    I think she’s definitely in over her head but I’m wondering if somehow this will work out for her in the end still, or if her wants/what “works for her” is different at the end than it is now!

    I think her magic may end up being telling about who she really is, but I think it’ll come too late and her marriage to the king will prevent her from “going home”.

    He definitely knows more, but our MC definitely has more sway over him than she realizes, and I’m intrigued to see if being his queen will lend her enough power over him to get something she wants that he’s not readily/wanting to give.

    • Isla

      I think it would be super interesting if her magic, if she ever gets any, tells us who her true family is! And our MC totally has so much sway over Florian, I really like how she affects him!

  • ladymeg

    Oh no, the website thinks this is a password box again. Wtf. I get a limited keyboard with no autocorrect. Thanks i hate it. ;_; Old school emojis ahahah.

    Anyway I’m joining a little late.

    What do you think about our main character?
    SO naive. She’s got strength but it’s hard to appreciate it when shes currently so clueless about so many things.

    Are we curious to see if she will have any magic of her own?
    Oh yeah! I reallt hope she will!

    What do we think about Florian, do you think he knows more about her than he’s letting on?
    I think so. Fae relationships always make me think mates so i wonder if he doesnt know who she us but hes getting mate vibes?

    • Isla

      I hope she can gain some confidence to find out more things about the world she’s living in! That’s a very interesting thought about Fae relationships 🤔

  • ladymeg

    Wow it also did weird things with line breaks. Just to make my stuff even more unreadable. Im sorryyyy.

  • ashleigh.glazzard

    What do you think about our main character?
    Girl is so naive but I’m here for it and i can’t say i’d be any better 🫣🫣

    Are we curious to see if she will have any magic of her own?
    She absolutely will, she’s of noble blood and Florian knows exactly who she is! Probably the daughter of whoever he intends to go to war with!

    What do we think about Florian, do you think he knows more about her than he’s letting on?
    Yes ^^^^

    I love how quickly this is moving!!

    • Isla

      Honestly same, I don’t know what I’d do if I were in her shoes… I am also loving how quickly the story is moving!

  • Mary

    I LOVE how thrown off Florian seems to be by Flea! It’s like he can’t even help himself hehe

    • Isla

      Same! He’s trying to pretend he doesn’t care but we all know he does!

  • Lisa Spanu (@lisashelves)

    1. What do you think about our main character?
    I like her, but she seems still quite naive. I’m hoping she’ll grow more throughout the book

    2. Are we curious to see if she will have any magic of her own?
    I’m not sure if all full fae do have magic of their own or not. Maybe all have a general type and some bloodlines have specialties. I think she’ll have special magic of her own which might point in the direction of her family

    3. What do we think about Florian, do you think he knows more about her than he’s letting on?
    He has a lot of secrests, that is very clear. I’m eager to find out more about him and I do think he knows more

    • Isla

      Ooo I think that could be the case, perhaps her magic will reveal her bloodline! Florian is a very intriguing character!

  • Alex Shaffer

    What do you think about our main character? I like Flea! I do hope she discovers her actual name though.
    Are we curious to see if she will have any magic of her own? Always!
    What do we think about Florian, do you think he knows more about her than he’s letting on? He definitely knows more. They always do.


    What do you think about our main character?
    I love Flea. Her innocence and kindness despite horror is amazing. She overcame some really crappy upbringing yet she isn’t cruel or mean but rather wants to know her history. It’s beautiful.

    Are we curious to see if she will have any magic of her own?
    I bet she will! I think that’s also why Florian offered to marry her. He can feel it.

    What do we think about Florian, do you think he knows more about her than he’s letting on?
    Omg yes. He knows so much more and I can guarantee he knows her past and I have a feeling he knows they are mates.

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