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Nectar of the Wicked Readalong: Day 5!


Gorgeous photo by @belladonnabooks!Β 

Happy Friday, fairies!

How has your week been? Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend?

I have a feeling that a lot is going to happen in today’s final reading session, are we all ready?

Today we are reading fromΒ chapter 22 to the end of the book. Let’s jump back in!

Once you’ve finished this final section, join me in the comments for all your final thoughts. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this book as much as I have!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for Nectar of the Wicked by Ella Fields from chapter 22 to the end of the book. Please only read on if you have finished this section!

Tullia is finally having the much needed conversation with her Father. He wants to tell her his side of the story and why Florian is so angry. Tullia’s mother was Corina, Molkan’s kind of childhood friend due to their Father’s being friends. He tells her that although they loved each other as more, it was clear that they were not mates. Enter Lilitha, who it turns out was Molkan’s mate but they met when she was just seventeen…Ew no wonder Florian was so angry!

Florian issues him a subtle warning by threatening to tell Corina, who is currently pregnant with Tullia if Molkan doesn’t leave his sister alone. Tullia wants to know more but Molkan is dragging out their conversations and tells her that they will resume their conversation tomorrow…honestly I don’t like where this is going!

Molkan is trying to draw Tullia to his side, or to spill the beans about her time in Hellebore. He has been telling her little bits of information about how Florian is tormenting his people…

In the next ongoing drama of the Molkan and Lilitha meetings, Molkan explains that Lilitha came to him again when she was going through her β€˜maturing process’, the same one that Tullia had gone through with Florian. Corina found out and was justifiably mad! Molkan says that he will stay away as Corina means too much to him but he equally cannot give up on his β€˜addiction’ to Lilitha and repeatedly falls for her tricks and threats to see him. Oh gosh, is anyone else getting stressed at reading this whole situation?

Molkan carries on this story and tells Tullia that he asked Corina not to take her potion as he now wants to have a child with her?? Corina manages to get pregnant and Lilitha is heartbroken, and ends up going a bit unhinged…I guess as any mate would, realising that they will never be together. Molkan is just playing with them both though and I really don’t like him…

Molkan kills Lilitha as he claims that she threatened to kill Corina and Tullia, which is what sets off Florian’s rage and what drives his Father to die too. I honestly don’t know what to believe! Did Lilitha really do that? What do you all think of this crazy situation?

Tullia withholds the information from Molkan that she has already gone through her heat as, whether she realises it or not, Molkan is being super sus and he cannot be trusted with that information.

There are no more conversations between Tullia and her Father but she is desperate to be accepted in Baneberry…Honestly poor Tullia! She gets into an argument with Avrin and later overhears Molkan in a very ominous tone, stating that he doesn’t care about her and that she has been tainted by the enemy… Run Tullia, run!

Things are getting really bad, as Tullia has been captured by Avrin and knocked out. She wakes up in a CAGE, at a ball with nobles from Baneberry laughing and mocking her?? Her Father has sought to humiliate her in the worst possible way and my heart really aches at this. Molkan reveals why he is so furious, it turns out that the marriage contract that Tullia had signed was in fact a marriage licence and that she and Florian have been married all this time! He’d planned to trap her by marrying her off to Avrin but now she was no longer of use to him he is showing his true colours.

Tullia’s nature gifts are emerging and lots of birds try to come and save her from the people who are behaving horribly towards her. Unfortunately she is dragged off to the dungeons where Molkan interrogates her, he doesn’t believe that she has no idea of Florian’s plans.

Annnnd just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse, Molkan decides to inflict the traitor symbol on Tullia’s back, something that she would never be rid of, as it contains iron which will be an ongoing agonising process. This man is EVIL I tell you, EVIL. Tullia is in agony and then is forced to walk across a bridge in front of everyone with iron shackles on…which Avrin has tried to help by leaving unlocked.

In her desperation and pain to escape Tullia manages to materialise back to Crustle! She goes to the one place that she may be safe, the little library where Gane is. He is shocked, especially at seeing her back! He tries to tend to her wounds but she is badly injured. In her pain filled haze, she senses someone and it’s Florian! He has finally found her and tells his butterfly that he has come to punish his wife…

Oh. My. Gosh that was a crazy last section!

Did we see it coming that Florian and Tullia were married?
I cannot believe what Molkan did to his daughter, and while I did figure that there was more to Baneberry, I didn’t expect the cruelty there.
What was your favourite moment in Nectar of the Wicked? Did you have a favourite character too?

Thank you so much for joining us for another FairyLoot readalong! I hope you had a good time and we’ll see you soon for the next one!





  • ashleigh.glazzard

    This book was dark and twisty, and deliciously addictive!! Also probably fits the β€˜fairy smut’ description more than anything else I’ve read πŸ˜‚ it was so fast-paced and plot-heavy I loved it!!
    I semi saw it coming that they were married but goddddd he should not have requested the return of his wife and made it known 😭😭 he showed Molkan what his weakness was!!! I knew there was something not right about Baneberry, I have to wonder about Alvin though and whether he’s all bad!! He did try to help her in some ways and in the end made sure she could escape by leaving the iron cuffs unlocked, but why did he kiss her?!
    My favourite part was Florian helping Tullia through the heat πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ˜‚ will definitely be buying and reading book #2 on my kindle TODAY. Slaaaay your enemies tullia make them pay!!!!b

    • Isla

      It was sooo good! So many good plot twists and action! Although the outcome was really bad…he clearly wasn’t thinking straight because he cares a lot about her and just wanted her safe! I really hope she makes them pay!

  • Ashley Arias

    Oh my goodness, that last section was rough to get through. A lot of questions were answered if Molkan was telling her the truth. He probably resent Tullia for the loss of his mate. I cried a little when Gane had tears in his eyes upon seeing her, her real true friend.

    Did we see it coming that Florian and Tullia were married?
    No! I should have but definitely did not.

    What was your favourite moment in Nectar of the Wicked? When she was with Florian in Hellebore, his region maybe frosty but it seems much more welcoming, (aside from his resentful guards, who I hope have been punished.

    Did you have a favourite character too?
    Tullia, Gane, Snow, Florian, and Kreed.

    • Isla

      Me too, poor Gane seeing her like that 😭 I really would love to see more of their interactions in book 2!

  • Amelia Yates

    I loved this book so dark and so many turns. Ive already downloaded book 2 i need to know what happens

  • ladymeg

    Oh gdi were a password box again. WHY. what is the pattern? Ughhh.

    Did we see it coming that Florian and Tullia were married?
    I kept going back and forth on it but im glad simply because theyre mates and royal marriages arent nullable, and we see from Molkans own story how poorly it goes when those things dont align. I think Molkan absolutely would have forced her into a marriage otherwise. (Also what is wrong with these people that they have unbreakable marriages but mates are a thing and they dont have laws or at least a common understanding of how to handle situations like that???)

    I cannot believe what Molkan did to his daughter, and while I did figure that there was more to Baneberry, I didn’t expect the cruelty there.
    I was shocked. I was actually coming around to thinking maybe fae royalty were tolerable people doing a hard job that required cruelty sometimes but NOPE THEY ARE JUST F ED UP. Tullia better get some of her own back in the next book.

    What was your favourite moment in Nectar of the Wicked? Did you have a favourite character too?
    Moment and character likely both involve Snow.

  • Mary

    I did not see it coming that they were already married! I love a “my wife” moment though so it was a good surprise hehe <3
    And my favorite character/ moment are related- it was definitely when Tullia rescued Snow (my favorite character) and nursed her back to health. Florian's reaction to that whole thing was hilarious too

  • dnjreads

    Did we see it coming that Florian and Tullia were married?
    I definitely didn’t see that coming. I thought they would have a whole ceremony.

    I kind of figured he was going to turn out to be a bad dad. But he was way worse than I expected. I thought he would at least care for her.

    What was your favourite moment in Nectar of the Wicked?
    I didn’t necessarily have a favorite moment but I liked when they talked about what went on in the past. It was interesting to see what happened with her dad and Florian’s sister.

    Did you have a favourite character too?
    I liked Florian and I want to learn more about him.

  • shaunanieve

    I cannot believe what a rollercoaster the final chapters were. I knew Molkan was going to be evil but I didn’t expect him to be that bad and crazy too! I sort of got the vibe when he called her a possession that Baneberry was a worse place to be for her than Crustle and Hellbore.

    Now that she is reunited with Florian I so unsure about what to expect, even though I know he destroy Baneberry for what they’ve done to his Butterfly.

    Tullia had such an interesting arc during this book, she started to get her confidence and speak her mind but after all the betrayals and everything she has been through I can’t see her ever being the same and know it’s going to take her a long time to build herself back up, hopefully Florian will be able to help her with that

  • Lisa Spanu (@lisashelves)

    1. Did we see it coming that Florian and Tullia were married?

    2. I cannot believe what Molkan did to his daughter, and while I did figure that there was more to Baneberry, I didn’t expect the cruelty there.
    Me neither, like I did think he would start to try and get any information from her but the cruelty definitely took me by surprise!

    3. What was your favourite moment in Nectar of the Wicked? Did you have a favourite character too?
    I think that while Tullia was to naive, she is my favourite character! I loved her wonder and how she looked at the world!

    Also, that ending… I immediately ordered the sequel because I NEED to know how this story continues! Definitely loved this book a lot and love that I discovered it via the romantasy subscription!!!!!

  • Alex Shaffer

    Did we see it coming that Florian and Tullia were married?

    I did see this coming. Just because the Fae do not share secrets and Tullia knew nothing of their customs. It is no surprise that Florian took advantage of that. I also knew that there would be more to the story with Baneberry, and to be hoenst, I do not think we got the entire story. However, I don’t think it matters anymore considering all that was done to her.
    What was your favourite moment in Nectar of the Wicked? Did you have a favourite character too? It was a fast. I do not have a favourite character. I don’t think either of the characters were strong, so to say. I feel like we didn’t really learn about their personalities at all. But, I will enjoy book 2! I hope Fairyloot does a matching edition.

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