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Sleep Like Death Readalong: Day 2!


Stunning photo by @carolynlikesbooks

Hi fairies!

Welcome to day two of our readalong of Sleep Like Death by Kalynn Bayron!Β  Yesterday’s section started off with a bang and I’m eager to read more to see where the story goes!

Today we’ll be reading from Chapter 6 to the end of Chapter 9.

When you’ve finished today’s section, catch up with me in the comments down below so we can discuss the beginning of the book. Happy reading!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for Sleep Like Death by Kalynn Bayron from chapters 6 – 9. Please only read on if you have finished reading this section!

We continue today’s reading session with the Queen holed up in her room and refusing to leave. Rumours start to spread that she’s gone mad! Eve has been camping outside the room trying to speak to her mother. Eve later overhears her mother saying that she’s just a girl? I definitely think that some sort of deal has been made, perhaps with the Knight?

It turns out that Huntress knows exactly what that mirror is. The Queen had obtained it fifteen years ago and it’s a witch’s tool, used for glimpsing the future, past or present. The Queen is not a witch but is somehow in possession of something used by them… Is anyone else wondering how she managed to find one?Β 

Eve plans to sneak into her mother’s room and break the mirror, thinking that the hold it has on her will be broken. Before she can destroy it someone starts to speak to her from inside the seeing stone!Β 

He tells her that she doesn’t want to break it but Eve just wants to know how he is speaking to her! Funnily he tells her that he just opened his mouth and the words come out. This made me laugh, are we going to see more of this person and is he going to have more banter with Eve?Β 

Eve demands to know who he is and whether he is the one who her mother has been speaking to. Suddenly the man pulls himself out of the seeing stone! Omg I cannot believe that just happened!

The man explains that he’s called Nova and is a liaison for the Knight! He is his messenger and is the go between for the Knight and the ones who have made deals with him. Eve realises that this means her mother has made some sort of deal with the Knight… 

Eve cannot believe it, that her mother would make a deal with the person who has caused so much terror and the monster that they have been trying to fight against desperately. More than that, she cannot believe that her mother would keep things from her.Β 

In anger, Eve hits the seeing stone with a sword conjured with fire. It cracks but doesn’t shatter. Her mother comes back and catches Eve in her room again, but Eve doesn’t say a word as she is too overwhelmed.Β 

The next day Eve questions her mother. She asks who the man in the mirror is and how he is able to come out of the stone, much to her mother’s shock. She hadn’t known that he was able to do that. The Queen refuses to say anything and says they’ve both been keeping things from each other.Β 

Eve decides if her mother won’t tell her the terms of their deal, she is going to track down the Knight herself and make him tell her!Β Eve goes to Mekhi, Sir Gregory’s son who is a tracker and asks for his help. He agrees to help and reveals his own reasons for helping. He’d loved a girl, Fairouz, who had made a deal with the Knight. Like all his deals it ended in tragedy. I felt so bad for Mekhi while reading his story!Β 

Eve thinks about where the Knight has come from, there are rumours that he was cursed by a witch but no one knows for sure. I am so curious about this and where he is really from!

Nova appears and finds Eve getting ready to leave. He says he’ll go with her and Eve cannot understand why. Nova then comments about keeping the nightingale, Queen Sanaa, in a cage and doesn’t realise who she is. Eve tells him what had happened but I find it interesting that Nova, despite being a messenger, had no clue what had happened.Β 

Nova, Mekhi and Eve set off but Nova tells Eve that she is silly for believing that the Knight will tell her anything. He says the Knight will just think that she is trying to trick him, that she already knows something about the deal as it involves her! OMG!Β 

Eve still doesn’t let that deter her, determined to find out any information. Mekhi successfully tracks the castle and it’s clearly full of an ominous magic. Nova had thought Eve would want to turn back after actually seeing it and Mekhi is very hesitant to actually go with her. He does decide in the end to go with her but drawing closer, even Eve is anxious as the castle seems as though it’s alive!

They manage to get inside but it’s a maze inside and they are soon lost. After a while they find themselves inside a huge room where a man has been captured and interrogated by the Knight. The man had tried to trick the Knight who was now furious.Β 

Seeing the gruesome scene, Mekhi unfortunately draws the attention of the Knight. A fight between him and Eve begins, with Eve attempting to kill him to no avail. Not even her sword made of fire does any damage. If it weren’t for Nova stepping in at the last minute to buy her some time, she wouldn’t have made it out of the castle alive! Is anyone else on the edge of their seat from this fight!Β 

Eve and Mekhi flee, almost making it back out of the castle. Eve has made it out of the hatch and turns to see if Mekhi is still behind her but comes face to face with the Knight. The next thing she knows, there is a horrible sound and poor Mekhi falls to the ground below, lifeless. Eve loses her grip and also falls to the ground… and sees nothing but darkness as she passes out.

This section had so many revelations and so much action. I was honestly hooked and I have so many questions!Β 

What do we think the actual details are about the deal with the Queen and the Knight?Β 

Do we trust Nova and what do we think his true intentions are?Β 

I can’t wait to hear all of your thoughts!Β 

See you tomorrow for some more reading!





  • Paige

    I could not put my book down while reading this section! I’m so excited to continue and find out what happens next!
    I’m starting to think the deal is about Eve being taken by the Knight and I think the reason he wants her is because of her powers. I also think the reason the Queen hasn’t let celebrate her birthday since she was thirteen is because of the deal she made.
    As for Nova, I’m not gonna lie when he first introduced himself, I thought he might be lying about being the Knight’s liaison and was actually the Knight himself. That theory obviously has been disproven. I do think he’s pretty funny. I also laughed when he said “he just opened his mouth, and the words come out.” Based on some of his actions /reactions I wonder if maybe he’s been forced to be the Knight’s liaison? Maybe he made a deal with the Knight but his payment ended up being having to work for him? I’m curious to find out more about him though

    • Isla

      Me too! I wanted to just read the whole thing at once! I think those are some very good theories!

  • Tiffany Salangsang

    So much happens and is revealed in each reading section! The Deal the Queen made with the Knight is probably something to protect Eve. I don’t know what – maybe how truly powerful she is?

    I trust Nova – maybe I’m being hopeful that his intentions are good πŸ˜‰

  • Taylor

    I didn’t expect to meet the Knight so soon in the book! This must be going a completely different way than I could imagine. I love that!

    I truly thought that Nova was actually going to be the Knight – but clearly that is wrong! Thank goodness because so far I like Nova. I’m interested in knowing more about him. There is clearly so much more to him and I think Eve has really missed out by not taking the time to stop and question him more instead of viewing him as a nuisance hindering her plan to defeat the Knight.

    I’m quite upset about poor Mekhi’s death. I’m sure this will be the push Eve needs to realize that the Huntress is correct in saying that her arrogance is what will get her and those around her killed. Eve has essentially done the same thing that everyone in her town has done when trying to make a wish with the Knight. They have all thought they could outsmart him enough that it wouldn’t backfire so spectacularly, but look at how Eve’s meeting has cost Mekhi his life.

    I wasn’t ready to stop reading today!

    • Isla

      I love that we met the Knight so early but also didn’t expect it! The action is really keeping me in suspense!

  • Rachel

    Wow that was an exciting end to those chapters! Poor Mekhi😭 I’m not sure about what exactly the deal could be but I’m thinking it has something to do with Eve turning 17 and that’s why the queen didn’t want to talk about any celebrations. I don’t think I trust Nova yet – why did he disappear when they first got to the castleπŸ€”

    • Isla

      I think it’s something to do with her turning 17 as well!

  • Morgan Blake

    Still really enjoying it! Funnily enough, my first suspicion was that Nova would turn out to be the Knight and wouldn’t be as bad as the rumors said…but that wasn’t true lol! I really like that Eve is such a flawed character so full of arrogance, I’m excited to see how she grows over the rest of the story. Poor Mekhi though πŸ™

    • Isla

      I love it when the unexpected happens, I think I would root for our villain if Nova turned out to be the Knight! πŸ˜† The scene with Mekhi made me tear up! πŸ₯Ή

    • Christina Pittman

      I agree!
      I like what you said about Eve being so flawed, and implying she has a lot of room to grow.
      I just hope she truly does learn and grow, and not just go through the motions of the story without learning anything of substance.

  • ladymeg

    What do we think the actual details are about the deal with the Queen and the Knight?
    Something related to how she was able to have Eve? Or did I miss a part where they explained some other magic in this land that lets two women have a baby?

    Do we trust Nova and what do we think his true intentions are?
    I think Nova is the Knight and the Knight we saw in these chapters was some kind of magical trick of his. I don’t trust him at all but I’m really confused why he’s so interested in Eve.

  • Lisa Spanu (@lisashelves)

    1. What do we think the actual details are about the deal with the Queen and the Knight?
    Maybe a marriage or that Eve has to go to the Knight for a prolonged time?
    2. Do we trust Nova and what do we think his true intentions are?
    I don’t trust him right now, but I do think he has Eve’s best interest at heart. Especially since he seemed so shocked by her readiness to die fighting the Knight

  • Seeri

    So much action and so many questions! I think the more we found out stuff, the more also i had questions. I’m super interested to learn more about the deal between the Queen and the Knight and learn what Eve has to do with it. Nova for now is a wildcard for me, i did think for a second that he might be the knight but as they were in the same place at the same time, that clearly isn’t the case.

    • Isla

      Yes I agree! I was left with so many questions and it only made me more intrigued!

  • Marie-Anne S

    OH MY GOD I didn’t expect this. I’m just… I don’t even know what to say.. Poor poor Mekhi and wow that is a real bad guy !
    So… I’m thinking, clearly Nova is not the Knight (obv) and I like this guy and seeing him bantering with Eve. I’m curious about him and the Knight and their relationship. I’m also so curious about the deal the queen made with the Knight, I’m guessing something that have to take place at Eve’s seventeenth birthday, like maybe the queen has to give her to the Knight at her 17th birthday ? But what is the other part of the deal ? Does it involve Queen Sanaa ? God I have so many questions ! This is great πŸ˜€

  • Marie-Anne S

    Or maybe, the deal the queen made was to save Eve ? Like, maybe, Eve was on the edge of dying (or was dead?) and the queen made a deal to the Knight so she can live but the payment was to give her away at her 17th birthday ? Oh ! And maybe that’s why she has all these powers ? Like, the Knight gave her a portion of his power when he revive her ?
    Can’t wait to discover everything ^^


    What do we think the actual details are about the deal with the Queen and the Knight?
    I think the knight will be wed to Eve. Now I’m not sure what the deal was but I think Eve was the cost.
    Do we trust Nova and what do we think his true intentions are?
    No I don’t. It all seems too convenient.

  • Jessica Clement

    What do we think the actual details are about the deal with the Queen and the Knight?
    I had no clue. I knew it must have to do with Eve but other than that, nothing. I did trust Nova, he always seemed genuine even when he was trying to piss Eve off, which I quite enjoyed. This section was so good. I felt so bad for Eve given how her mom was acting. I get why she was doing what she was doing but it was so counter intuitive if you only have so much time together you shouldn’t be wasting it like that. I also found it interesting that Nova had no idea about Queen Sanaa, I assumed he knew up until that point.

    Mekhi’s exes story was so tragic, and then what happened to him was so sad. His poor father is going to be devastated, he made that terrible deal to have more time with his family and now look what has happened.

  • holly

    Considering the title, perhaps Eve will fall into a death like sleep when she reaches a certain age. Beyond that – I’ve got no idea. I have a feeling we can mostly trust Nova. I’m starting to wonder if the Knight & Nova are 2 halves of the same person. The Knight being all the dark, angry, vengeful parts, is made to take form, while Nova is cursed, made to watch – in shadow form – his dark side destroys all that he touches. Nova is a shadow of his true self to ensure the Knight can never kill him and thus end the curse. I am LOVING this book far more than I ever thought I might.

  • Erica

    I think maybe Eve was sick and her mom wished for her to live forever or something. So on her 17th birthday she will fall asleep, being alive and not aging but not actually living. Whoooo is going to be the one to kiss her?? Is it Nova or the Knight? I was surprised Mekhi died so abruptly. I love the Howls Moving Castle vibes!! I want a moving castle.

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