
Star Daughter Readalong: Day 1


Gorgeous photo by @bookobsessedandblonde

Hey guys!

It’s day 1 of our readalong of Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar, let’s do this!

Before we get into today’s first chapters though, this is my first readalong, woahoo. Let’s get to know one another in the comment section below, How is everyone today? ?

Alright, now that we’re all caught up, let’s get on with the readalong!

Today, we start from Chapter 1 and we will be reading to the end of Chapter 6! Grab some snacks and snuggle down for a reading session and then join me in the comments to chat about it!

Please be warned, the following will include spoilers for Star Daughter chapters 1-6! Read only if you’ve finished those chapters!


We start off with a passage from Sheetal’s journal, an insight into her mother being a star and her coming to earth and finding love.

Chapter 1, Sheetal’s cousins birthday party is in full swing; colourful clothing, loud music, and a mixture of different languages/dialects, welcome to a desi community. Ah nothing like starting a party by getting hounded by aunties & uncles pestering you about your studies, even though summer vacation just started. Yay.

Sheetal has this intense urge to go outside, the stars are singing to her? Calling her…? What is going on.  She was so close to freedom! How many times is she going to get stopped? First Radhikafoi and now Minal with a samosa – yummm.

So it is a starsong and it’s not the first time Sheetal’s heard it, and Minal knows her secret, instead of worrying she steers her toward Dev Merai singing a classic Bollywood song, ah her boyfriend but the starsong is back!

Stopped again by her aunt annddd her roots are showing, which would be fine but not when your hair is SILVER!!!!

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Sitting under the night sky with cheese puffs and good ol book to keep her company. But not even that is enough to stop her from reminiscing her time with her mother when she was younger. ? And the starry sky ignites the face of her mother, Charumati which only Sheetal and her dad can see.

Ahaha oh no did her dad just bring up Dev singing, yes, yes he did! And he’s humming the song, oh god.

They both miss Charumati in their own way ?.

Sheetal can’t sleep and decides to wander to the room that once belonged to her mother, filled to the brim with pain and sorrow, Sheetal pours it all out, she sings her pain and wow, what a rollercoaster.

Oh no no no, Sheetal wakes up with the hair dye all over her bedsheets…. How? What even? Silver hair in all it’s glory! Minal to the rescue as she helps her dye her hair again, all the while asking her what the hell is going on girl?

Aww cute texting alert! Dev is all in, despite Sheetal relaying her dad’s no boyfriend warning! Aaha oop!

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Oh Just a casual meet up with her boyfriend. Whatever could go wrong…


Oooop they’re in the bedroom and dude’s lighting candles. He asked her to sing for him…. And she ends up kissing him, that’s one way to stop him asking again ahahha

Ahh casually taking a nap and end up having the SAME DREAM! WHAT!!! That dream was weird, plus how did they have the same dream. How? Oh my God that story was so creepy.

Uh-oh, that dream is real it was Dev’s grandads story, a memory! They’re Star Hunters, dun dun dun. Dev knew, he knows she’s a half star! And he was asked by his cousin Jeet to spy on her! ?

Stars are muses and Sheetal inspired Dev with his music! Well this is going well .

Nothing like finding out your boyfriend is from a line of folks who hunt stars for their blood, just to get inspiration! Damn, Minal isn’t answering and she calls Radhikafoi. Oh god. Wow anyone else feeling the pressure in Sheetal rising.

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Oh no, her dad is not happy, no one is and Sheetal just lets it all out. Sheetal doesn’t seem okay, why she burning up? What are they keeping from her?

The astral melody, everything is blurring together, omg it’s her fire. It wants to be set free, and her dad is still holding onto her. OH NO!

They’re at the hospital and her dad had a cardiac arrest. Poor Sheetal, a memory resurfaces – silver blood that can heal. that hasn’t shown up since being a kid, now its just normal human red blood. Could it still work… it didn’t.

Back at Radhikafoi’s house, Dev is still texting her but her Foi has a letter, from her mother! She left Sheetal back on earth to keep her safe! And so Sheetal decides to find her mother, and her aunt agrees, but she isn’t going without Minal.

Wow. What a note for us to end on! Any guesses on what’s to come next as Sheetal and Minal get ready to head off to the stars to find Charumati to save Sheetal’s dad? Comment down below.

Come back tomorrow for day two, star court here we come.

Fave quote – β€œGood news” Minal said, glancing up from her phone. β€œYour hair’s still black as a politician’s heart. Same as it was five minutes ago.”






  • Sputnik.books

    Hello everyone!

    First thing first I adore the feeling of sisterhood and complicity between Sheetal and Minal. I’m so happy they’ll get to go to the heavens together…unless something bad happens? Oh please don’t!

    Secondly I don’t really like Dev?
    I don’t know why, maybe I don’t like that he kept secret that he had known her true identity. I mean, it IS a difficult topic, but telling the truth would have brought them closer and it would have helped her feeling more seen and accepted. Keeping this to himself felt a little manipulative, like “I know who you are and I – most likely – got close to you for this very reason, but I won’t tell you that I know”.
    What do you think?
    Truth be told my first guess about him was that he was also a star/part star ?

    • Rosie Korzie

      Sheetal and Minal remind me of Frodo and Sam! They’re cute. I hope Minal doesnt get lost/hurt, shes an amazing best friend.
      I completely agree about Dev! I don’t like him so far. He says he didnt get to know her to exploit her muse-power, but I don’t believe him. He should have been open with her and clearly he was using her inspo working so hard on his song. I also wonder if he has some starlight in his blood since his ancestor used star blood to heal himself? Maybe it stayed in the bloodline?

      • Shaz

        Yes, Sheetal and Minal’s relationship is the sweetest!

    • Shaz

      Ooo that would have been very interesting if he was part star!

  • Serenity

    Hi everyone! πŸ™‚

    Hope you liked the first 6 chapters, I enjoyed them! It was interesting to read the mix of the modern world with just a hint of magic – for now.

    So far I don’t really like Dev, but guess that can change in the future. πŸ™‚ I really like the dynamic between Sheetal and Minal! I hope they won’t get separated in the market and will be successful to find the ones they are looking for!

    I wonder if Sheetal and her mum will be able to reconcile in the future. Can’t wait to meet her!

    • Sputnik.books

      Glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t really like Dev ?

    • Jasmine-davies

      Am I the only one who was shocked that it was set in the modern day? ?? lol
      Really enjoying it so far- Devs ancestry is creepy, and I do think he should have told her sooner….HOWEVER I quite like Dev- he seems charming and I think she needs to give him a chance to explain. I’m curious about how he knew what she was….
      I also LOVE the friendship between Sheetal and Minal.

      • Serenity

        I was surprised too that it’s in a modern day setting!

    • Shaz

      Shveta has done a really good job right, mixing magic and the modern world? So different

  • Sandy

    Hi! Just finished today’s chapters and not sure if I adore it…. i think it has a slow start, it didn’t immediately have all of my attention.
    Still it has me wondering what will happen next so I’ll continue reading!
    See you tomorrow! ?

    • Sandy

      Ps. I also don’t like Dev but I don’t trust his cousin Jeet. I think we’ll be reading more about him in the following chapters.

      • Sputnik.books

        Me too, perhaps he will be the main antagonist?

      • Rosie Korzie

        Ooh interesting, I hadn’t thought of Jeet but yes he is probably wanting to get close to Sheetal to be like the ancestor in the story!

    • Rosie Korzie

      I agree the start was rough but the part I liked best was the dream sequence. It was written a little different than the rest, and I preferred it.

      • Shaz

        Totally agree! The dream part is unlike anything I’ve read! Very unique

  • Lara (@moonlessreader)

    Hello everyone!
    So exited for this readalong! ?

    I must say Iβ€˜m really impressed by those first chapters! I loooove whimsical writing and Shveta Thakrarβ€˜s writing is so very magical – I canβ€˜t stop swooning and it seems nearly impossible to put down this book!

    The fact that Sheetalβ€˜s hair is this stunning silver makes me so jealous – I would kill for hair like that! (The art on the reverse of the dust jacket is the most beautiful thing Iβ€˜ve ever seen and I canβ€˜t stop looking at it!)

    And I actually really liked Dev – their text conversation seemed so genuine and sweet – but now Iβ€˜m seeing some red flags!
    I hope Iβ€˜m wrong though; Sheetal seems to really be head over heels for him and I donβ€˜t want her heart to break any further ? Itβ€˜s good that she has her best friend on her side!

    • Shaz

      Sheetal’s hair is stunnningggg right?! And yes the artwork is absolutely amazing ?

      • Lara (@moonlessreader)

        Fairyloot is treating us so good with their special editions! *heart eyes*
        And Iβ€˜m still not over Sheetalβ€˜s hair – such a unique and beautiful idea! Be right back, dyeing my hair platinum silver and acting like I’m a star as well xD

  • Eva

    I admit, I didn’t want to start that book. Because if I start, I will read it and inevitably finish it. And I get the feeling that I don’t want to do that. So far I haven’t been disappointed.

    I love the setting of the story and I so wish I could see Sheetal’s hair. It must be so beautiful. Such a pity though that she has to hide and can’t be like other kid’s.

    Didn’t see the twist with Dev coming. I still root for him and want to believe he really likes her. But him coming from a family of star hunters definitely is unfortunate. That story of his ancestor was so intriguing. Poor star who just loved that man and didn’t want him to burn out.

    And poor Sheetal, accidentally burning her dad’s brains away. That’s horrible. Hopefully he will be cured at the end. I’m so looking forward to the next parts of this book.

    Besides. maybe I’m the only one, but I’m that kind of person who can get hung up on small details. I love cultural flavour, but it bothers me when I don’t fully get it. It’s like missing a part of the story. But thank you, glorious internet, for providing so much information. I wanted to know what “foi” means and after some research found a Wikibook about Gujarati family relations. Now I know how the characters are related to each other and my mind is at ease.

    • Shaz

      Yes, I definitely did not see that plot twist coming about Dev!

  • Alexandra Heksch

    I had a couple expectations from the very beginning of the book. Before I even started reading. So some of those expectations were that I wanted to truly understand what being a star meant. Because the whole concept is very unique. I wanted to experience a good hierarchy system within the stars. I wanted to see a romance develop. I wouldn’t put it past the author for Sheetal to be the next ruler however I am not expecting it. I am expecting her to heal her father. I am looking for some good old-fashioned competition.
    So these are my thoughts going forward reading chapter by chapter.
    The characters in the very beginning were not explained well and I was very confused. I was also confused by how many people knew that she was a star. I wasn’t expecting anyone to know besides her father. So I was surprised. There was an already developed love connection, which I did not like.
    I was unsure towards the beginning of the book with how this love connection would continue to develop, however now I am convinced that it will.
    I do not like how the text messages are written out at all. I think it’s very juvenile and weird.
    I do have another expectations while I was reading, is that she learns to love herself for who she is.
    At this point I did feel like I wasn’t giving this book much of a chance because I was already judging it way too hard.
    And I don’t know where she started dream walking which really confused me because I like to know what someone’s powers are before we randomly just get weird ass powers. That don’t even make any sense to us. However towards the end of the chapter I did enjoy where the dream lead to star Hunter who bled the star dry. It had actual excitement and it had the sparkle of a plot development. It truly shows off the color of men.
    The text messages still continued and I was getting super annoyed by them.
    But I did not mind the pacing. It did start off slow but I think it was at the right time where she ended up hurting her dad.
    I do like the family values within the book, they seem pretty realistic. That you should listen to your parents and behave etc.
    Now we get to the part where Dev tells her that that he knows she’s a star. Which I was not expecting, but I wasn’t surprised to hear him say that.
    At this point I truly truly felt that the star/song/inspiration needs to have better explanation. I am utterly confused by the story and I’m more focused on being confused than actually enjoying the story. Which I really do not like. We get to the last chapter of our readalong and her aunt really doesn’t seem to be the bad kind of person that she’s been shown to us.
    I also wish that we had a Hindu guide because I personally don’t know anything about the culture or words. So I really wish that we had a guide to go off on for certain things that they’re saying.

    I’m sorry that my thoughts aren’t that well put together but this is not my official review so I’m kind of a mess.

    • Shaz

      Totally agree with you about her aunt! I guess she was just looking out for Sheetal in her own way.
      And yes I personally do like a little backstory but here’s to hoping we get more information today! ?

      • Alexandra Heksch

        I’m reading ahead a bit, I like to be caught up the night before I go to sleep….
        And I haven’t gotten more information. I literally cannot fathom why Sheetal likes Dev lol or why Dev likes Sheetal. Also information regarding the competition and the stars is super confusing.

  • Rena

    I honestly don’t really know how I feel about this book so far. I do love the idea so far but nothing really gripped me. I don’t have any strong feelings for the characters so far…
    I hope I will find a connection to the story and/or the characters in the next chapters. Seeing that there ist going to be more magic and adventure, I’m hopeful.

  • Ann-Kathrin Pohl

    Hello Everyone ?
    This is my first ever readalong for my first ever FL box, so I’m very excited ?
    So far I really like the book. I love the setting with the human stars! I also really enjoy the relationship between Sheetal and Minal… It seems very sisterly.
    What happened to the Dad is very sad but I kind of got the feeling that him and the aunt are kind of overbearing a bit… I am very excited about finding out what happens at the Magic market and when they finally get to go to the heavens?
    As for Dev,I don’t really know what to think. He seems really nice and like he’s really into Sheetal, their text conversations are just adorable ?
    I would Like to believe the best of Dev, Even though he should have told her that he knew a lot earlier. I do think that Sheetal should give him a chance to explain.
    Jeet seems to be a very shady character, even though he hasn’t even appeared in person yet… my money’s on him being a real starhunter.

    All in all I’m very curious to see where this story is going ?

    • Shaz

      Aw welcome to the Fairyloot family! OOoooo loving the theory about Jeet, and he does seem shady ahah

  • megan.whittle

    Not sure if I’m enjoying this or not – a bit of a slow beginning but I must say I am intrigued so that’s certainly a point in this books favour!
    One thing I dislike is that we go into this book with the main character already in a relationship with someone that then falls apart but there’s not enough development between the characters yet for me to care about the fact that Dev knew what was happening beyond the fact that Sheetal is our main character and we are supposed to be upset about it. I don’t care about their relationship yet, I don’t really care that much about Sheetals feelings since so far there has been very little to endear me to her and I don’t care about her familial relationships since there has been very little in the way of positive interactions.
    Hopefully I start to care more going forward but its a very odd way to start a book and try to engage your readers.

    • Shaz

      Yes, I’m personally not a fan of MC’s being in a relationship at the start of the book, but there seems to be some conflict, guess we have to see ?

  • Anna Szarek

    So far, so good. Dev is cute, but from the other hand his family has some serious issue with family’s history. “Good” ancestor who torture Star. I’m curious that is only story or his family still hunts Stars, even if they think they left the Earth.
    Sheetal and Minal friendship is more like sisterhood for me. They can handle everything together!
    Radhikafoi is for me this kind of old auntie who knows everything better and always what to say last word. I think they went wrong with Sheetal when they didn’t say the truth to her. And this “no boys”, seriously Dad – on what world do you life?
    I love the writting style. It’s magical, smooth and it was hard to stop reading after 6 chapters.

  • JayJay

    Okay, so I reaaally liked the first few pages, but Im not really a fan of the writing style. It’s kind of mediocre.

    Also, as a Pakistani person who speaks and understands the languages mentioned in the book I really struggled with “foi” (radikhafoi). I didn’t realisme foi basically was a seperate word lmaooo

  • Rosie Korzie

    Things I like: the dream sequence, the gorgeous inside cover and end pages and artwork on the author letter.

    Things I don’t like: the writing style feels very juvenile (using emojis in a novel makes me cringe) and honestly this author needs a thesaurus. Idk how many times she used the words silver and sidereal. And I absolutely love the cover and sprayed edges, but with how much silver is described I’m surprised by all the gold on the book. I may be being overcritical but it’s a small detail that bugs me!

  • Blissam

    Hello everyone!

    I just finished today’s part and I have to say I’m enjoying the book so far! I didn’t know practically anything about the culture portrayed on the book (I’m Spanish and don’t have desi communities near me) and I’m enjoying how atmospheric it is. I’m playing some hindi instrumental songs on the background and I could almost feel I was there on the party with Sheetal and Minal~ I recommend everyone reading to try this!

    I like Shveta’s writing so far. It seems very whimsical, but it is also fast paced (which I like, especially for standalones). I agree with some of you, however, on the fact that it sounds a little juvenile (doesn’t bother me tbh, I’m 24 but this is a YA after all!).

    I loved Sheetal and Minal’s friendship, the way Stars are portrayed so far and the fact that Sheetal has the most beautiful hair ever (omg… the book’s inside cover is amazing)! I didn’t enjoy so much the fact that Sheetal and Dev are already a thing… Although I liked their dynamic and their relationship seems so pure and cute (especially considering they are like 16), I would have preferred a blossoming romance over an established one.

    I didn’t hate Dev per se, and I loved the twist on his story, but I feel there was a little bit of a misunderstanding trope going on with him and I didn’t really like that. I think Sheetal should have listened to him fully before storming out his house, and I also think this is the way the author has chosen to cause drama to a relationship that, otherwise, would have been a little boring. Nevertheless, I’m ready to see how their relationship advances and if I end up rotting for them or not!

    My favourite character so far has to be Minal. She’s sarcastic, fun and seems so nice to have as a friend! I’m so glad she’s going with Sheetal to the Night Market. The idea of a magical market where you can purchase magic items does sound amazing…

    I’m eager to know how the story continues tomorrow!!

    • Shaz

      The Night Market does sounds super interesting!

    • Lisa

      I love minal.. Funny and sweet. Fiercely loyal.. A great best friend

    • bhattnidhi30

      They had me at night market being described as – mini India!

  • Ashley_Books0507

    I’m not sure how I feel about this one yet. I’ve found it a little slow going and I’m not really invested yet.
    I do really like the premise though so I’ll definitely keep at it

    Am I the only one who’s not liking Dev?! I don’t like the idea of his family being star hunters! I feel like he maybe hiding more still. ?

    I love the idea of the silver hair, it’s making me want to go back that colour. ?

    • Lisa

      I don’t like him.. I feel like he would have used her for even longer had she not found out..

  • Lisa

    I absolutely love the first six chapters.. Setting scene.. A roller-coaster of emotions.. Poor Sheetal… Her dad auntie and boyfriend keeping secrets.. At least her best friend is here by her side willing to take the journey with her. Can’t wait to see how it progresses

  • Tina

    An interesting start to the story – I don’t mind the relationship already being in place, it still felt like it was quite new to Sheetal, and she was just starting to explore her relationship with Dev. Dev knowing she’s a star seems a little shady, but at this point I don’t think its him that will be an issue, I think it will be his cousin Jeet – I’m thinking star hunter, and he’s using Dev to get close to Sheetal.

    I loooove Mina! And Sheetal’s hair. And the music from the stars. And the magical Night Market!!

    • bhattnidhi30

      Exactly, I feel it’s that shady cousin Jeet who seems most suspicious!

  • bhattnidhi30

    Hello everyone!

    first of all I need to confess that I went into the book expecting it to be a bit dull in the starting chapters. I am Indian and Gujarati. This is first book I’m reading which is about my culture and I am feeling really special and glad for people being shown anything else other than geeks or geniuses, lol! Because lets be honest, that’s the perception for Asians in general.

    The starting chapters are full of fun and yummy food which made be hungry again just by reading about it. I also like that Sheetal and Minal are such amazing friends that Sheetal can be herself before Minal without any worries.

    TBH as soon as I read that Dev has had many girlfriends previously, I was sceptical as to why he is interested in our Sheetal. ButI was lulled into false security by him being a sweetheart. However, Chapter 5 just rocked me back to senses with his cruel ancestor. (on side note: I really want retribution for tha captive and tortured star!) That Jeet is really suspicious -I think he’s star hunter! And he wanted Dev to get inspired.

    I understand how Dev would be awkward to broach the subject of Sheetal being Star; but with his family history, he should have been honest to Sheetal way before! I hurt for Sheetal for that betrayal and also for her unknowingly hurting her dad. I can relate to her feeling cramped by over-protective parents and relatives, who think they know better. I live that life, where even after moving to another country, my parents and my in-laws keep telling me what to do, and you’re expected to do as you’re told. That is being respectful and filial! *sigh*

    I am really happy to see her mom’s letter, and the future adventures she would face in upcoming chapters. I am awaiting her ascendance to Svarglok!

    Overall, author’s prose is poetic and her description is really unique. Loving it!

  • CarolineJ

    This one had a little bit of a slow start, but that isn’t necessarily bad at all. I’m intrigued as to where the story might go, and seeing what might happen!
    I like Sheetal as a protagonist so far, and super happy that it seems Minal will be joining her!

    I was a little thrown by Dev, and not sure on him. But this could be that I’m simply not used to the protagonist starting the story in a relationship! And crave that slow build-up.
    I’m a little suspicious he could have been using Sheetal as a muse, but equally, understand why he hesitated on telling her that her knew what she was?

  • CharIotteV

    I was kind of hesitant to get into this book. I felt like the concept of stars being people would be a bit too conceptual as I really didn’t get into the people being seasons in Seasons of the Storm, which I read recently. But this book does it better in my opinion. I’m still not entirely submerged in this concept, but it also isn’t bothering me as I thought it would. I’m excited to see how things will continue.

  • danica.brnot

    Hi everybody

    catching up on the readalong and I am loving the book so far

    Poor Sheetal having to keep her secret from everybody but at least she has Minal to help her through things I think that their friendship adventures will be a lot of fun hopfully they are just sooo cute

    I don’t dislike Dev. I think he genuinely cares about her but did not know how to tell her I wish he did before it would have been amazing for them probably. but at that moment whit his families creepy past of coarse she freaked out. I hope they will work it out and that he will not be a bad guy like I have a feeling his cousin is

    anybody ales fascinated with the Indian world I mean the food I was like need me some Indian food now I think I will be cooking Indian this week hehehe

    now back to reading so I can catch up to today’s readalong

  • purpleabby

    I love the concept of being part star! I already love DEV! tbh I really want silver hair and would have loved to rock that on earth!

  • Jennifer

    I was pleasantly surprised to discover this story is urban fantasy, at least in this first section of the book. Sometimes my brain can’t absorb a heap of world building all at once so it’s nice to be eased into the fantasy elements.

  • The Bookishelf

    Finally begun the read-along πŸ˜€ Now I just have to read super fast to catch up xD.

    Anyway, I read some people here don’t like Dev. I don’t like him either, because who ruins what could have been perfectly baked sweet buttery vanilla cookies? Deal breaker for me.

  • Kayleigh Woodland

    So I loved the jounral entry – the writing was very lyrical which I loved it. Then I wasn’t expercting the modern day setting at all in chapter one, and I struggled with some of the names but I enjoyed the other cultural aspects. I found the stars as muses idea really intriguing. I was sad that Sheetal couldn’t always be herself though and she’s had to repress a lot of herself for so long – with good reason with the dream!

    I don’t know if everything will go to plan next though but I think we will be seeing more from Jeet – and it wont be positive!

  • Trina

    I really loved the journal entry at the beginning, its written so beautifully.

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7th February 2025

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