We are so proud to present to you guys… THE CHAIN OF GOLD BOX, a Collector’s Edition brought to you by FairyLoot in collaboration with Cassandra Clare.
Cassie’s Shadowhunter books will forever hold a special place in our hearts and it is no doubt that they are a classic in YA fantasy. We are so honored to be working with Cassie and her team to bring this box to you! Every item in this box has been curated in collaboration with Cassie, and we could not be more thrilled!
The box will feature an EXCLUSIVE EDITION of Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare with 4 officially licensed items, which you can expect to ship in March (publication month). The edition of Chain of Gold will be a NAKED HARDCOVER WITH A STUNNING EXCLUSIVE FOIL DESIGN, STENCIL SPRAYED EDGES and will be STAMP SIGNED! It’s one of the most breathtaking books we have ever seen and the aesthetic is so on point! This edition will also include the bonus content that all first editions of Chain of Gold feature.
You can see a sneak peek of this edition HERE. We aren’t going to be fully revealing what this edition looks like but we will say we were totally in awe of the design – @walkerbooksya did a fantastic job on this FairyLoot exclusive! What we CAN reveal is that this box will include a MORTAL CUP REPLICA! We are so excited for this item – it’s going to look perfect on your shelves!
This Collector’s Edition box will be priced at £35 GBP + shipping and VAT (if applicable). ALL boxes will be shipping from the UK.
This box is NOT available yet. On January 13th between 1pm GMT and 4pm GMT, we will send out private links in batches to each of our active subscribers so they can get first dibs on boxes. At 1pm GMT on January 14th boxes will be available to the general public in our UK Fairy Trove. It is limited to ONE BOX PER PERSON.
We do not anticipate selling out before the boxes become available to the public, but we cannot guarantee that they will not. There is a limited amount of boxes, and once we sell out there will not be anymore.
Our website will be scaled up on a new server for the first time in preparation, so this should reduce the chances of the website crashing due to traffic. *fingerscrossed*
IMPORTANT: This box is NOT part of our monthly subscription plans. It will feature Chain of Gold (Book #1 in The Last Hours series) by Cassandra Clare with four officially licensed items.
Gorgeous reveal graphic by @noverantale
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Please tell me when this comes out tomorrow because I really want it
It’s not tomorrow it’s Monday :).
I think current subscribers will get an email to purchase between 1pm and 4pm GMT and then the rest of the boxes will be on sale Tuesday to everyone else at 1pm GMT ?
How much in american currency?
About 45$!!
Im way excited for this i have read all her books and this will look so nice with my collection
Think they will run out of boxes before they reach the public?? I’ve gotten the past three boxes and am worried because in my account it doesn’t say that I’m currently subscribed to anything. I NEED THIS BOX IN MY LIFE!! plz help
I just ordered one so if you want to try again and check if you are a subscriber.. I am a subscriber 🙂
I can but it from the US? It will ship here?
I’ve contacted you, but I’m still unable to find the place to purchase Chain of Gold box. I don’t see a page or a link or anything anywhere to purchase it. I keep going around and around in cirlces trying to find it. Someone please help!
If you are not subscribed (like me) we just have to wait till it opens to the public.
Where do I go to buy it if I’m not a subscriber ( I want to be a subscriber but it sold out before I could buy it ) because my life is not complete without this plus it will make me happy because I’m a mega huge Shadowhunter fan
I am subscribed but never got the early email D:
I still havent gotten my code – please help!
Will the dust jacket be included?
I can’t find a link to purchase the box! Can anyone please help me?
click the trove link at the top of the page in like one minute.
I can’t bear Please help
I am so sad that I didn’t get my hands on this box.. missed the emails because they were dropped in my junk-mail instead of my inbox. I wished the stack was a lot bigger so more people had the opportunity to get their hands on it.. 🙁
Hoping so hard that there will be a few boxes available after the team has checked all orders etc. and that I will NOT miss out again!