
The Girl Who Fell Beneath The Sea Readalong Schedule!


Stunning photo by @giota_the_reader!

Hello wonderful fairies!

Happy Monday, I hope you’re all doing well!

It’s almost time to kick off our next readalong and step into the world of The Girl Who Fell Beneath The Sea by Axie Oh! We’ll be beginning on April 21st, reading a section per day until we finish on April 25th. I’m so excited to be reading this one with you all!

If you’re interested in joining the readalong, here is the schedule we’ll follow so that you can plan your reading: 

April 21st:β€―Chapter 1 – Chapter 6

April 22nd: Chapter 7 – Chapter 13

April 23rd: Chapter 14  – Chapter 20

April 24th: Chapter 21  – Chapter 28

April 25th: Chapter 29 – End 

As the readalong will take place over 5 days, we’ll read approximately 60 pages a day. If this is too much to fit into your day, don’t worry, you can always revisit the posts when you’re ready to discuss each section! 

There will be spoilers for each section so we can freely share our thoughts for what just happened and predictions for what will follow! I’m very excited to hear your thoughts and opinions! 

As always, there will be a readalong exclusive competition toβ€―win your next box for free! We always believe reading should be encouraged! Details on how to enter will come soon! 

Instagram will remain a spoiler-free zone, but please make sure to tag us in your readalong stories when you get ready for a reading session. We often repost these and we love seeing you all cosy and ready to jump into the next part of your adventure! It keeps us and others motivated! 

If you take Instagram photos of the book, you might also find your photo being featured in a post too (with credit, of course!). Just remember to tag your Instagram photos with the #FairyLoot hashtag. 

We’ll also post reminders for the readalong on our Instagram Stories (we know they often come in handy!). 

Who’s ready to fall beneath the sea? 

Come and introduce yourself in the comments and I’ll see you all for our first day of reading on Thursday!β€―






  • Sara Webb

    Hi I’m Sara (thebookwebb on insta) and this will be the first readalong that I have joined in with. Looking forward to it πŸ™‚

  • julia noller

    Hiiii this will be my first read along! ❀️

    • Shannon

      Hi there! I hope you love your first FairyLoot readalong! ?

  • Sofia

    I loved XOXO, and I can’t wait to read this book and see the discussion this upcoming week!

  • Elizabeth Poole

    I’ve missed every readalong since being subscriber (about 10 months!) but I’m here! I finally remembered! ? can’t wait. Lizzie @lifeonasofa x

  • Tiffany Martin

    I definitely plan to join in! Can’t wait to read this one! It sounds so intriguing!

  • rebireads

    Hiii I’m Rebi (rebireads on instagram) and I am super excited for this readalong! ??

  • Red

    Glad I’m not the only one thats missed or forgotten every single read along lol. I really want to do one so here i am ?

  • marybee

    Hi everyone! I thought the readalong would begin last Monday and since I couldn’t keep up with DOTG schedule (finished the book late), I tried to get a headstart this time so I started The Girl Who Fell Beneath The Sea already and probably wouldn’t be able to stop (I was enjoying it so much!) if the book didn’t slid out of the chair and landed on earth.

    Does anyone have any tips how to get the pages clean from soil without ruining them furthermore?

    My heart hurts. It was one of my favourite special editions that Fairyloot did. ? Any help would be greatly appreciated. (p.s. water as google suggested was not a good idea. p.s.s. sorry for the spam. The pain is real. ??)

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

  • Barbara

    Hello. I’m Barbara and I’m really looking forward to starting this book! I can’t wait to talk with you guys about it!

  • Emily Noble

    Hii!! I’ve been a subscriber for well over a year now and I somehow seem to always miss the readalongs so I can’t wait to join in on this one! I loved XOXO so I’m very excited to read this book ?
    Emily (@emmies_booksta) xxx

    • Shannon

      I loved XOXO too! Hope you love The Girl Who Fell Beneath The Sea as well! ?

  • fureads

    Hello! I’m Chiara (@fu_reads on insta) and I can’t wait to start this book! I have a great feeling about it!

  • Vivian Lu

    Hi everyone! I’m Vivian (@vivis.readingpages on ig) I’m super excited about this readalong πŸ™‚

  • erin.revesz

    Hi! I’ve been a member for a little over a year and I’m excited to join my first readalong. I can’t get over a gorgeous this edition is!

  • sabreenamarie

    I’m Sabreena, @breemarie_3 on Instagram. I’ve been a subscriber for about a year or so now and I haven’t joined a readalong yet so this will be my first one. I’m so excited to read the book and talk to fellow book lovers about it!

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