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The Girl with No Reflection Readalong: Day 3!


Gorgeous photo by @xenatine

Hey fairies!

Happy Wednesday, I hope you’ve been having a great week so far!

Are you ready to travel back into The Girl with No Reflection by Keshe Chow?Β 

Before we start reading, we have our secret giveaway! What’s that? Oh, just a chance to get your next FairyLoot forΒ freeΒ as a reward for reading! It doesn’t really get better than that! This is only announced here as we would love one of you, who has joined us on this readalong journey to win! If you would like to enter, all you need to do is follow these steps!

1. Take a photo of our edition of The Girl with No Reflection

2. Include the hashtag #MirrorFairy

3. Do all of this by the end of September 27th

4. Mention down below in your comment that you have entered and include your Instagram handle (also super important!)

Good luck!

Today we are reading from Chapter 23Β  – to the end of Chapter 30!Β Let’s go!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for The Girl with No Reflection by Keshe Chow from chapter 23 – 30. Please only read on if you have finished reading this section!

Yesterday’s reading session left off with a shock revelation! The mirror people can turn into other forms, into any creature animal or human that they had to mimic in their past life!Β 

The mirror prince was very worried about Ying as he wasn’t able to find her while Ying is feeling very guilty about kissing the other prince.Β 

The mirror prince takes Ying to the dungeon, there Ying sees the corpses of the previous empresses…

Ying ends up finding her maid, Li Ming, but ends up trapped inside the dungeon with the mirror prince by her reflection who’s appeared!Β 

The reflection tells her she’s letting Ying live as she doesn’t have the power to break down the barrier like Ying does.Β 

Ying accuses her of stealing The Book of Alchemy, but it seems that reflection Ying doesn’t know what she is talking about… so strange, if it wasn’t the reflection who could it be??

As Li Ming had been kidnapped as a way for Ying to re-enter the mirror world, reflection Fei Fei had also been dragged away by guards as she had tried to warn Yng of the danger.Β 

Ying is anxious to get out of the dungeon and sees a pail of water and luckily it works as a reflection to enable her to get them all to safety!Β 

Once they are back in the real world, Li Ming faints from shock and exhaustion. Ying takes her to Mei Po, who helps them.Β 

Mei Po tells them that the Imperial family have long been aware of the prophecy and the fish, and have been trying to find her for a long time. They had sacrificed the other empresses to find her; however it was the current Emperor who had put a stop to it after his mother was pushed into the mirror.Β 

It was the Empress and Mei Po who had persuaded him to start searching for the fish again and Mei Po had seen the potential in Ying Yue, so they convinced the Emperor to allow Ying to marry the prince.

Ying is starting to hear strange whispers again and it leads her to Mei Po’s books, where she finds The Book of Alchemy?! Mei Po was the one who had stolen it and she is also a reflection! Wowww interesting!Β 

Ying no longer knows who she can trust after finding out about Mei Po.

As they flick through The Book of Alchemy, Ying realises she cannot understand a word. However Li Ming recognises some of the text and so they are able to get a hint of what might need to be done to close the barrier.

Suddenly they are attacked by monsters from the mirror world! The mirror prince and Ying manage to kill two, only more appear… Then they see the real prince who rushes to attack them, mistaking Ying for her reflection.

The real prince and the mirror prince engage in a fight. The real prince accuses the mirror prince of β€˜stealing his wife’ and he’s furious for some reason! Maybe the real prince likes Ying more than he lets on…?

Ying cares a lot for the mirror prince and realises she would go anywhere for him! Is anyone else a bit suspicious still about the mirror princes intentions??

It turns out the monsters can resurrect themselves and more appear out of the lake. While the real prince and his men are fighting them off, the mirror prince drags Ying against her will back into the mirror! He tells her that it’s safer there and that he can protect her.Β 

Once they are back in the mirror world, Ying sees her reflection. The mirror prince is in league with her and they have been working together to dupe her! To make her break the barrier down on her own and to shun the real prince.Β 

They tell her they don’t need her anymore and try to kill her before shoving her in the lake.Β 

As Ying is sure she’s about to die while floating in the lake, the carp around her transform into dragons!!Β 

Ying flies out of the water on the back of a dragon before heading back into her world to save the prince and his men, just in time!

Poor Ying is now even more confused and hurt after being betrayed but when the dragon flies back by himself to the mirror world, she knows the barrier is fully broken.Β 

Ying returns to the palace and she learns that Fei Fei and Li Ming are a happy couple! She’s very pleased for them but her heart hurts because of how quickly she fell for the mirror prince’s trap.Β 

Remembering the page of The Book of Alchemy, Ying heads to the library to see if she can translate the page of the book the dragon had saved. The real prince finds her and Ying tells him that Mei Po is missing. He also tells her he can read the page of the book!Β 

The page that Ying has contains a recipe that isn’t quite complete…Β 

Wow the prince and Ying kiss again! Ying, like us, is getting whiplash because while she’s still hurt from the mirror prince, she’s definitely drawn to the real prince too.

They argue as the prince accuses her of sending mixed signals, he had tried to protect Ying in his own way. He, like Ying, had believed that he would be able to marry someone he loved!Β 

Poor Ying. I cannot believe the mirror prince betrayed her! I was slightly hoping for them to have a happy ending…

What do we think is the extent of Ying’s powers and how was she able to transform the fish into dragons?Β 

Where do we think Mei Po has gone and what do you think are her true intentions?Β 

I almost couldn’t stop reading and am eager to get back to this world! I’ll see you tomorrow and I hope we are able to get more answers!





  • Emma

    I’ve posted my picture of The Girl With No Reflection for the competition on Instagram with the hashtag, and my handle is @emowyn

    OOH I like kick ass Ying, I honestly thought her being the ‘Fish’ she was going to turn into a dragon, but alas having you’re own dragon mount/friend is also very cool.
    I can totally understand real Princes desire not to get too close to Ying to only form a bond and loose her in a horrible way. It’s not nice to realise the person you are supposed to protect and grow with is the one person who if you sacrifice can save the world. That’s a pretty big ask for someone I assume is of a young adult age.
    It’s a terrible position to be in for Ying obviously, her life was basically not her own from the moment she was born. her destiny is the worst.
    I want to see more of the Queen, she piqued my interest straight away as someone who was dodgy, the King is always drunk and seems not capable of running things, I imagine its his wife that runs things, as the mirror people can shift forms, could this be another mirror person or even mirror Mei Po? She seemed very keen to get the prophecy going!

    • Isla

      Having a dragon friend made it so much better, I loved that moment! Honestly when the prince said that, it made a lot of sense and I feel really bad for them both! It’s a shame that when you have duty, you can’t always have love…

  • ladymeg

    What do we think is the extent of Ying’s powers and how was she able to transform the fish into dragons?
    The magic “system” makes no sense to me but I’m just enjoying seeing what crazy thing happens next LOL. I’m waiting for Ying to start changing shape too.

    Where do we think Mei Po has gone and what do you think are her true intentions?
    I was SO SAD about her! Loved her character. I think she’ll resurface somewhere but I don’t trust her at all anymore.

    • Isla

      I’m sad about Mei Po too but very intrigued to hear more about her story!

  • ladymeg

    If I remember to enter the giveaway it will be as @sonata_ix

  • Dennis Hoenel

    Wow, such a turning point! But honestly, I was suspicious of the mirror-prince since the beginning…. It didn’t feel right. I mean, Ying’s reflection and the mirror-prince have to know each other for a long time, so why shouldn’t they share similar intentions? And if the mirror-prince knew about Ying’s reflection’s interests, he already would have tried to stop her, wouldn’t he? Thus, I am glad that his true nature finally is revealed. Besides, wasn’t it a little awkward how easily Ying fell in love with the mirror-prince? They instantly reminded me of Hans and Anna from Frozen… this love was just destined to end in doom…
    Anyways, I looooooooove the scene with the fishes turning into dragons! Every story gets at least 2x better if dragons are included!

    Lastly, I have entered the giveaway. My Instagram handle is @fairylouisa06

    • Isla

      Dragons always make it 10x better! But yes I am glad that Ying has finally found out the Mirror Prince’s true nature!

  • Kara Lee

    Just added the hashtag to my post to enter the giveaway πŸ™‚

  • Alex Shaffer

    I was not surprised that the Mirror Prince betrayed her. This book is moving so fast.

    What do we think is the extent of Ying’s powers and how was she able to transform the fish into dragons?
    I’m not really sure. There seems to be new information about her power in every section. Now with the book acting mysterious. I wish the author went into more detail about the legend. I’m not failure with the mythology that this was based on. So it kind of feels rushed, and all thrown together.
    Where do we think Mei Po has gone and what do you think are her true intentions?
    Maybe Mei Po is one of the few Mirror People that isn’t evil. She will need to do some explaining though. Maybe she can be in both worlds.

  • Marilag Angway

    That was definitely a lot to unpack. I feel like I’ve been vindicated over not having trusted the Mirror Prince because he was way too helpful with little degree in why he’s so motivated over protecting Ying. I don’t think Mei Po is as bad as she’s shown to be, so perhaps she’s off to find a different path to closing the doors (or getting the other treasures). Still not sure where this dragon came from; I had admittedly expected it because it was mentioned offhandedly near the beginning of the book, but it was such a sudden reveal I felt there needed to be more buildup to connect the pieces. But yeah, so much has happened in these last 90ish pages! Also, I’ve posted my picture on IG! My handle is @marimoosereads

  • Vex Brabazon

    I’ve entered! My handle is @cleric_girl
    I’m not sure how powerful Ying truly is, that perhaps her powers come with her prophecy and that it isn’t her but fate that gives her these kind of powers. In saying that she could end up being quite powerful, especially considering the dragons! And I’m sure Mei Po is around… somewhere. She seems to be on her own side when it comes to this prophecy and war, and that her intentions aren’t all black and white

    • Isla

      I agree that Ying could end up more powerful and I can’t wait to see in what way. Mei Po is quite a complex character so I’m intrigued to see her motives…

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