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The God and the Gumiho Readalong: Day 1!


Beautiful photo by @aaliyahsbookshelf._!

Hello fairy friends!

Happy Monday and welcome to day 1 of our readalong of The God and the Gumiho by Sophie Kim. I’m so excited to be reading this one with you, I hope you all love it!

Before we get into the book, how are we all doing today? I hope you all had a wonderful weekend full of incredible books and good vibes!

Since today is day 1, we’ll be reading from the beginning to the end of Chapter 9. It’s time to get comfy and cosy with our book and get started!

When you’ve finished today’s section, catch up with me in the comments down below so we can discuss the beginning of the book. Happy reading!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for The God and the Gumiho by Sophie Kim from the beginning to Chapter 9. Please only read on if you have finished this section!


The first line of chapter one hooked me immediately, and my curiosity only grew from there. Shops where mortals aren’t allowed? I am SO intrigued!

The protagonist we follow is anything but ordinary. He’s a (grumpy) detective who’s literally ‘fallen from grace’ and has a penchant for coffee. Is it too soon to say I love him?

I love how the moment we switch to our second character, Hani, she immediately expresses her hatred for coffee—a sharp contrast to the first character’s obsession with it. This stark difference feels like a clever foreshadowing of their dynamic, and I’m absolutely here for it.

We discover that the coffee-loving immortal from the first chapter is named Seokga, known as ‘The Fallen’ after being cast out to the mortal realm. He frequents the cafe where Hani works, and they utterly despise each other. I’m all in for these grumpy x grumpy vibes! 😍

It’s hilarious to learn that Hani is the reason Gumiho can’t eat men anymore due to a binge she went on in 1888, which still leaves her full to this day. She’s actually the real gumiho behind the Scarlet Fox legend, though no one knows it’s her. 

Not the fan fiction being called ‘The Smutty Prince: A Dark and Delicious Romance’. (Although, I would not be opposed to reading it if Somi offered…👀)

After being cast out by Emperor Hawanin, Seokga has been striving to return to heaven by completing the Emperor’s task: eliminating twenty thousand unrulies to earn his way back.

Their first interaction is, unsurprisingly, a disaster given their obvious mutual dislike. I can’t help but laugh at Hani dumping way too much sugar into his coffee. Anyone else laughing with me? I love the pettiness!! 

But things get worse for Seokga (but funnier for us and Hani), when she accidentally dumps the coffee all over his face and suit. 

A few new pieces of information about Seokga:

• Has retained a very small amount of his abilities.

• The more sinful a being is, the longer he can retain his hold over them. 

• Was kicked out of the godly realm for sneaking in twenty thousand unrulies from the dark world in a failed coup against the Emperor. 

• He must send twenty thousand unrulies to King Yeomra as part of his punishment. 

I just know Hani is stood there like this when Somi asks her if she knew the Scarlet Fox: 

As Hani heads home, she notices two men following her. Despite her warning, they persist, their intentions clear. When one of them tries to grab her, she retaliates, unleashing a blast of golden power and revealing her claws.

She then pulls out daggers from her purse—the very ones from the Scarlet Fox legends. It’s clear she is now planning on killing the men and giving their livers to Somi. I’m both impressed and disgusted. Anyone else?

Okay but Jack The Ripper being her final kill? Honestly kind of girl boss of her. 

Seokga learns about the two men Hani killed and becomes convinced that the Scarlet Fox is responsible and has returned once again.The next morning, Hani visits Somi’s place to give her the men’s livers, aiming to strengthen Somi’s fox bead and let her try it for the first time. Is anyone else feeling a bit nauseous though?

At work, Hani overhears a conversation revealing that the Scarlet Fox is being blamed for the murders of the two men, and Seokga is leading the investigation. Realizing that she and Somi were seen nearby leaving the grocery store, she knows she must act quickly to ensure the detectives, especially one grumpy god, do not turn their attention toward them.

Luck seems to be on her side! Listening in on Chief Shim’s discussion about the lack of applicants for Seokga’s assistant, Hani steps up and volunteers for the position to divert suspicion away from herself – and of course to misdirect the investigation. Much to Seokga’s dismay, she is promptly hired for the role.

How lucky, or should I say calculated, that there was no camera on the street where Hani had murdered those two men…

On her first day at the precinct, Hani wastes no time in annoying Seokga right off the bat with the news that she’s his new assistant, a decision he has no say in. I can’t wait to see the mischief she’ll stir up! And of course, we’re diving into the forced proximity trope! Who else is excited about that?

She’s at it again folks. Ordering Seokga’s coffee with eight creams and sugars in. So immature – I LOVE it honestly.

There has been an unruly attack, the victim a gumiho, and Seokga and Hani go to investigate it together (after Hani pretty much forcing him to let her go along). Hani’s description of the victim as a ‘baby gumiho’ really tugs at my heartstrings. It’s evident she deeply cares for her fellow gumiho, and this case is hitting close to home for her.

I wonder why Seokga seems to recognise the the black veins Euna has… Could this be linked to something from his past?

Hani elbowing him whilst telling him to shut up is SO funny. I can quite literally picture his dumfounded expression in my mind which makes it 10x funnier.

Anyone else obsessed with their dynamic? I can’t lie, I’m mostly enjoying Hani doing everything to annoy and belittle him whenever she gets the chance.  

Black veins on her body, nightmares leading up to her death and her dying her sleep? Something very sinister is responsible and I’m already a little scared. Poor Euna!
We end today’s reading on a rather mysterious note, with Seokga seeming to know what creature is responsible, and it doesn’t look good… 

Well, that was quite the start! I am living for the grumpy vibes and the fact our two main characters seem to absolutely loathe each other! So much drama, intrigue and banter! I can’t wait for tomorrow’s reading!

What are your thoughts so far?

Do you have any theories on what could have killed the Gumiho? Do you think it’s a coincidence it happened right after The Scarlet Fox has come out of hiding? 👀

What do you think of our two main characters so far?

And lastly, are you loving this world and all it’s creatures as much as I am?
See you tomorrow for another day of reading!





  • Seeri

    I already devoured this book last week but I’m so excited to be talking about it! I loved Hani from the beginning and the fact that Seokga thinks only coffee is good about human world is kinda understandable. Loved the fact the Hani just happens to be the scarlet fox and just casually existing when people are trying to find her. I really loved the mythology vibes in this one and can’t wait to talk more about the book!

    • Jodie

      So happy you loved it! Yesss, Seokga and his coffee obsession is very relatable! 👀 💜

  • esthrane

    I like that the languange is easy to read even though I did not have any prior knowledge on Korean mythology. Sophie Kim explains things so well. I also love that the chapters are short 😍. It was so exciting with the new detective case that I sneaked a peak on some of tomorrow’s chapters as well 🤭.

    • Jodie

      We’re so happy to hear you’re enjoying it so far! 🖤

  • Licia Carlesi

    As a fan of Korean (Asian) folklore and a Kdrama fan I was excited to start this book! I’m liking the 90’s Korea setting so far, and the tropes introduced (forced proximity is one of my favourites.) There was lots of lore and back story at the beginning and I’m looking forward to finding out more.
    Seokga is definitely “grumpy”, he seems irritated or disgusted by everything and everyone. I don’t really understand why Hani dislikes him so much, her motivations aren’t clear to me (to that level.)
    Very intrigued by the Scarlet Fox and the fact that she killed Jack the Ripper. With the two men she killed in these chapters and the Jack the Ripper angle, it really made me think about why women kill – is it mostly self-defense rather than violence for the sake of it? The tonal shift with the livers being fed to Somi was something, I wasn’t expecting this darkness but it helps to set Hani up as a dangerous creature I guess.

    • Jodie

      Yassss! Love the forced proximity trope! 😍 Oooo that’s such an interesting take, I love that! 🖤

  • Adriana Casaburi

    I don’t have any theory yet, but it doesn’t look like a coincidence!
    I like that for once the female is pretty old and that she is an antihero because she like it and not because she is forced! I also like his type of grumpyness!
    I’m a sucker for myth in our wold!

  • sam.manucy

    So happy to be a part of another readalong! I find myself relating to Seokga’s love of coffee and Hani’s irreverent and immature tendencies to get under Seokga’s skin. I LOVE their dynamic so far. As someone with very limited knowledge of Korean mythology, I’m really enjoying how it is portrayed here in such a relatable and believable way. Forced proximity is always fun, especially when there is banter and clashing of wit. I’m a little worried about Hani casually giving the liver to Somi, even if it is to strengthen her fox bead… We will see how that plays out!

    • Jodie

      Yay! I hope you enjoy the readalong! 🥰 Me too, and I’m loving their grumpyness! 👀

  • karen.holmes.w

    I started late this afternoon but it’s so easy to read, you can breathe through the book. Loved the grumpy-shiny dynamic and also it feels a lot like an anime, I could picture all the characters interacting in my mind, and see their reactions in full technicolor which is nothing I can normally do. So kudoz to the writer!
    I love Hami and I love to see Seokga thwarted and his reactions are so much fun.
    Not sure about the Gumiho kill for now and not sure about the coincidence but it feels a bit sus now that you mention it.

  • Giorgia Selva

    i have to confess that I have no familiarity to K-drama or Korean lore (my bad), but I am really enjoying the vibes in this so far. I am LIVING for the banter between the 2 MC: please pour me some more and add some *pumpkin* spice to the mix and I will be gladly satisfied. I have no clue about what will happen next, but Seokga looks (fine as hell) like he know something.

  • Erica

    I am loving the start of this book and Hani’s delightfully funny antics trying to annoy and disrupt Seokga. I have no theories yet but I cant wait to read more!

    • Jodie

      Me too! So happy to hear you’re enjoying it so far. 💜

  • Kyanna Jackson

    I thought I was really going to struggle with the beginning of this book because I don’t know any of the lore. But I was pleasantly surprised that wasn’t the case. I love their dynamic so far. The things Hani does just to irritate him. Like the fake tears when he tried to get rid of her. I love her. She’s going to be great! I can’t wait to see what happens next!

    • Jodie

      Yesss! I am living for the petty vibes! Dumping the extra sugars in Seokga’s coffee had me laughing SO hard. 😂 💜

  • j.iris

    These chapters were so so fun! I already love Hani (I’ll always root for the anti-hero) and her interactions with Seogka are everything. I agree, the scene with Euna was really telling for Hani’s character. I wouldn’t be surprised if, instead of trying to foil his plans, she genuinely starts helping Seogka with his cases.
    Somi is so cute and Hyun-tae having a crush on her while Somi’s completely scared of jeoseung saja is hilarious. I’d love to see them working together at the cafe!

    As for what killed Euna, I have no theories yet, but the question made me think it is very telling that the killing happened right after Hani used her pwers again. I love how the mystery is set up and can’t wait to read more!

  • dnjreads

    What are your thoughts so far?
    I’m really enjoying it, I didn’t want to put it down after those 9 chapters which is always a good sign.

    Do you have any theories on what could have killed the Gumiho? Do you think it’s a coincidence it happened right after The Scarlet Fox has come out of hiding? 👀
    I think it might be some sort of nightmare monster seeing as the victim said she was having trouble sleeping.

    What do you think of our two main characters so far?
    I can’t wait to see more between them. I love that she’s there to annoy him all the time now.

    And lastly, are you loving this world and all it’s creatures as much as I am?
    I’m slightly confused at what some of the creatures are so I need to look them up as I go.

    • Jodie

      Yay! So happy to hear you’re enjoying it so far. Oooo I love that theory! 💗

  • Richelle

    That cinematic opening was just beautiful. I could imagine the cherry blossom petals journey like it was the opening of a kdrama (in early 2000s CGI style). I find Seokgi slightly amusing and I can’t wait to see more of their interactions.

    • Jodie

      I agree, I loved it so much and honestly wanted to transport myself there… 💗

  • Ronan55

    As a fan of K-Dramas and mythology I am curious to see where this book goes! I also enjoy the fact it is the 90s setting.
    Seokga seems like an interesting character but man is he angry at everything 🙁
    The take on the characters being older (as in centuries old) is nice, though at times it feels like they are acting like teenagers xD
    There is definitely something darker at work with the death of the Gumiho.

    • Jodie

      Yesss! I love the 90’s setting, I haven’t read many books setting during that time so I’m super intrigued! 👀

  • Queen Rosemarie

    As a huge fan of K-Drama and mythology, I’m really enjoying the book so far! Living for the banter between Hani and Seokga. It’s so funny how Hani keeps annoying Seokga! Also, loving the fact that the FMC enjoys being the anti-hero. The grumpy-sunshine dynamic and forced proximity are so interesting to read.
    Not sure what killed Euna but based on the last line of Chapter 9, it definitely sets the scene that Hani and Seokga are going to be dealing with something really big. I love that Hani goal was to sabatoge Seokga. However, once she knows the victim is a gumiho, she is really trying to find the victim, showing that she really cares about her kind.
    Can’t wait to read the rest of the book!

    • Jodie

      So happy to hear you’re enjoying it! 🖤 The banter is SO much fun, I can’t get enough of it! 😍

  • Marilag Angway

    Bless Sophie Kim right now for giving us a police procedural manhwa with grumpy sunshine characters who hate each other. I’m already LOVING this.

    Right now, I’m here for the ride, and I’m not familiar with the Korean-inspired mythology being put in here; however, a nightmare-related demon killing gumiho already sounds menacing, and I bet Hani won’t want to botch this particular investigation up. Especially when it’s a gumiho that’s the victim! I’m kind of scared for Somi though if this becomes a pattern!

    Can’t wait to read more!

  • holly

    1 – I adore that we are introduced to the surrounding city and end with the ML by following the journey of a cherry blossom petal floating through the air. It was all so easy to imagine. Then, Seokga flicked the petal off his shoulder in annoyance. I am hooked already!
    2 – I don’t know precisely what killed Euna, but it seems to be something either found in nightmares or something that uses poison to enter her dreams. It’s too early to say it’s targeting gumihos, but I trust Hani to dedicate herself to the hunt.
    3 – I love both of our lead characters. Although they’re enemies now, they have so many similarities in their personalities that it shouldn’t take long to change that once they’ve spent enough time together. I don’t see them ever agreeing on coffee though.
    4 – I adore Asian mythology. I like that Sophie Kim has taken inspiration from Korean folklore while using her artistic talent to create a completely new story. I love looking up all the creatures that are new to me. I was eager to read this book well before publishing as I love stories with gumihos as lead characters.

  • Jessica Bunales

    I am living for the pettiness with the sugars & creamer in the coffee!!

  • Rachel

    Ahh this book is really good so far! I have no idea what killed the Gumiho but its sounds scary and its very suspicious its happening at the same time as the scarlet fox. I love the characters so far and they’ve already been making me laugh. Excited to read on!

  • Bex

    Beautiful visual start! I don’t have any knowledge of Korean mythology so I don’t have any theory’s but I’m excited to learn more. I’m loving both the main characters and enjoy Hani messing with Seokga, she makes things entertaining.

  • claire.ramson87

    I have found the grumpy v sunshine characters to be really interesting.
    I love how witty Hani is, I always picture her with a smug look on her face when she messing with Seokga’s coffee.
    The liver scene did make me feel like… eeew!
    I think that someone seen her killing the men and are trying to set her up.
    I am really enjoying this world and the characters so far, The world building and character design is really well thought out.

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