Community Features

The Gods Below Readalong: Day 1!


Beautiful photo by hopelesspocusreads!Β 

Happy Monday, fairies!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend cosied up with a book or two!

Welcome to day one of our readalong of The Gods Below by Andrea Stewart! I’m so excited to be reading this one, and I hope you are too!

With today being our first section, we’ll be reading from the beginning to the end of Chapter 11. Get ready to dive in!

When you’ve finished today’s section, catch up with me – and everyone else – in the comments down below so we can discuss the beginning of the book. Happy reading!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for The Gods Below by Andrea Stewart from the beginning to the end of Chapter 11. Please only read on if you have finished reading this section!


Immediately we’re introduced to an almost dystopian-esque setting, a world which seems near uninhabitable and in need of Restoration. We meet Hakara (15) and Rasha (9), sisters doing everything they can to survive in this world, from ocean foraging to potential sinkhole mining to find goods they can sell.

Pretty quickly we’re met with action as the Restoration approaches – a process seemingly sent by the God Kluehnn to restore this apparent wasteland into a lush, thriving scene. The only problem is, doing so requires an immense amount of matter…matter that can be taken in the form of people. The citizens of Kashan will either adapt or disappear in this Restoration, and who’s to say both Hakara and Rasha will survive? Can you imagine how terrifying that would be? What do you even do in that situation?

Well, Hakara and Rasha try to outrun it…try being the keyword here. In all of the panic, the sisters are separated, and we see Rasha become one of the β€˜adapted’, quite literally seeing the world anew in her new body. The description of the world through her new eyes sounds truly beautiful compared to her living conditions before, and it’s easy to see why some hope for the Restoration to come!

Cut to 10 years later.

Hakara doesn’t know if Rasha is alive or not. All she knows is sinkhole diving, and her desperate need to save money to find Rasha again. The gems she mines for have become a secret side-hustle, and she can’t resist attempting one of her riskiest dives yet to mine a gem bigger than she’s collected before! But Hakara overestimates her ability to hold her breath, sucking in the toxic air before she can escape. Her arms begin to feel strange, stronger almost…what’s going on? Hakara herself has no time to think about this during her escape, but what do you think is happening here? Should we be worried?

Meanwhile Rasha, now 19, begins her calling as a Godkiller. With only three from each burrow making it through the trials, we’re bound to see a competitive streak to Rasha. What do you think these trials will entail? Do you think Rasha is cut out for them?

With the sister’s paths set, we meet more characters; Mullayne, who seems to be on a journey to the centre of the earth, his cousin Sheuan, who is taking care of his workshop in the meantime, and Nioanen, who seems particularly worried about losing his divinity. We’ve only seen a snippet of these characters so far, but they each give an interesting POV for our story outside of the sisters. How do you think their stories will intertwine?

Before we delve too far into their stories though, we snap back to Rasha, who undergoes her first trial and is dubbed a Neophyte! This is the first glimpse we see of just how dangerous the Godkiller trials can be, and leaves us on edge for the end of our first section!

I don’t know about you, but I am so intrigued about all of the characters we’ve been introduced to! We seem to be circling the sisters the most currently – what do you think their part in this story will be? Will they see each other again?

Do you have any predictions for the rest of the book so far?

Come and share your thoughts and theories down below, and until then – I’ll see you tomorrow!





  • karen.holmes.w

    I was happy when it was just Hakara and Rasha and that back and forth from one world to the other made sense. Then I got overwhelmed by so many new characters and no link as of yet with any of them, but I hope we will get more answers in the next section or at least find some ways they cross their paths.
    I love the lush world but I feel like I’d try to flee if I didn’t know what it entailed. It’s too risky to remain. We don’t even know if Hakara would have remained and she seems quite resourcful, though Rasha felt stronger in the last chapter as well!

    • Ashleigh

      It’s definitely giving us a motive to keep reading, to find out how all of these characters are linked! I think I’d run away too, I’m not sure how I’d feel about being ‘restored’ …or not

  • fatima

    Love the introduction to the world, it’s so imaginative! I genuinely enjoyed learning about the lore and can’t wait to learn more about the godgems. I didn’t expect so many POVs, but my favourite was definitely Hakara’s. The fact that she annoys everyone until they give into her is so funny. I hope she and Rasha get to see each other again – I just hope it’s in this book and not the sequel. I also like Sheuan’s POV and the schemes she has up her sleeve!

    I don’t yet have any theories for how the rest of this book will unfold, but I’m strapped in for the ride!

    • Ashleigh

      Annoying people into getting her way is something I can respect ahaha! I wonder how far that will get her πŸ˜‚

  • Rengetsu

    I feel the world building is a bit overwhelming and having so many differents POVs from the beginning it’s not super helpful. But I’m intrigued, I’m liking all the characters so far, Nioanen possibly being my future favourite for obvious reasons (cat). haha
    I liked the way the sisters bond is portrayed but I’m more drawn to Hakara’s story for now. I feel Rasha is walking on a dark path and I wonder if in future she’ll even want to meet with her sister again… time changes lot of things!

    • Ashleigh

      The cats always become a favourite part, it’s inevitable πŸ˜‚ Interesting thoughts about Rasha! We met her so young, and her life changed so much since then…it’ll be interesting to see how she’s grown, for sure!

  • ladymeg

    Huh. That was…a lot of character intros. I’m really just interested in the sisters so far, so it was hard to focus on all the others. I wonder what it will be like when they reunite…Rasha is already so far from the innocent child that Hakara remembers. And what’s up with Hakara and the gems and the gas??

    • Ashleigh

      10 years is such a long time, especially when both were so young when their lives changed! It’ll be intriguing to see if the sisterly bond stays true or if it’s broken after so long!

  • BjΓΆrk BaldursdΓ³ttir

    I really like that the two main characters are sisters! And I believe Hakara will do anything forRasha. But I am afraid Rasha will go in a different direction, a direction Hakara can’t follow her on. Rasha will think Hakara abandoned her.
    I think the stones are intriguing, what do they do and did Hakara ingest one? Does she come from the gods?

    • Ashleigh

      Oooooh interesting theories! I suppose all we can do is wait and see!

  • helly206

    I’m enjoying the story so far and there are plenty of interesting hooks. I preferred just Hakara and Rasha’s POV, as I often feel a bit thrown out of a story with several POVs, but will keep reading. I’m especially looking forward to the sisters’ reunion.

    • Ashleigh

      I wonder if the sisters will remain the main two or if we’ll come to love other characters even more so!

  • Emma

    Woah, the world building is amazing and then its rebuilt and rebuilt in another realm/restoration.
    Its so rich and diverse, when she started out diving then later was a diving the sink holes in my mind I was imaging it also in the water, until i had the realisation they were just holding their breath from the poison air.
    I’m so impressed with the world creation, the magic system and the Gods.
    Loving how diverse the cast are.
    I need more art/fanart πŸ™‚

    • Ashleigh

      Isn’t it just so cool?! I’ve never read a world like it!

  • SagasLibrary

    I was a little overwhelmed with the world building and all the POVs, I enjoy the sisters POVs the most, but I hope as the book continues it gets a little easier the follow along! Hakara is my favorite character so far, and I need to know more about the gems asap!

    • Ashleigh

      It’s hard not to root for Hakara when she’s so adamant on her goal!


    I think all the characters will come together due to the god gets and alcoves.
    I think the book is going to turn into the sisters working against each other without knowing it. I think it will be a shocking ending to have them realize they are fighting one another.

    • Ashleigh

      Ooooh what a theory! Always a difficult one when sisters are fighting opposing sides…

  • Erica

    The story is definitely intriguing so far, but there are two many POVs and a lot to take in so far. I do hope the sisters meet again, I am invested in their stories the most.

    • Ashleigh

      So many characters! I hope you manage to get into it some more!

  • Lisa Spanu (@lisashelves)

    1. What do you think their part in this story will be? Will they see each other again?
    I think they’ll play major roles on both sides, since they are separated. I also believe they will see each other again

    2. Do you have any predictions for the rest of the book so far?
    Not yet, I don’t really know what to expect of the book so don’t have any predictions. I just think the sisters will meet sometime in the future

    I have to say I’m struggling already with this book…. I don’t really understand the world and why restoration is happening? I feel like I’m missing vital information regarding the history and/or world itself to really understand it. Also all the sudden POVs were confusing and I don’t see yet how they contribute to the story

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