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The Gods Below Readalong: Day 3!


Stunning photo by @thatbookwormboy!Β 

Happy Wednesday, fairies!

Welcome to day three of our readalong of The Gods Below by Andrea Stewart!Β Today we’ll be covering chapters 24 – 33!

Before we start reading, we have our secret giveaway! What’s that? Oh, just a chance to get your next FairyLoot Adult Book-Only box for free as a reward for reading! Doesn’t really get better than that! And your chances are so good too! We don’t really announce this anywhere else as we truly want the person from the readalong to win! If you’d like to try your luck, all you need to do is follow these steps!

1. Take a photo of our edition of The Gods Below
2. Include the hashtag #TheFairiesBelow (very important!)
3. Do all of this by the end of October 24th
4. Mention down below in your comment that you have entered and include your Instagram handle (also super important!)

Good luck!

And with all that being said…let’s dive in!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for The Gods Below by Andrea Stewart from chapter 24 to the end of Chapter 33. Please only read on if you have finished reading this section!


After what must be the speediest bonded session in history with Utricht, Hakara manages to bond instead to Thassir – with great reluctance on his part, but hey, any cat parent can understand right?
Things get trickier as Hakara spies on Mitoran, adamant on finding another way into Kashan without need of a guide. She’s attempting the same path as Sheuan without the security net…only to land in yet another bargain! If she helps find another corestone, she’ll gain information on her sister. But Thassir is clearly uncomfortable with this and the pair fight, leaving us with more questions than answers. Is Hakara doing too much? Will she get her answers?

We soon see the first of our POVs meeting, with Rasha becoming Sheuan’s advocate and guide. It’s an interesting duo, and through their travels we see them gradually become closer! But is it authentic? Will it cause complications for their journey? Part of Sheuan knows this will help her gain information from Rasha about Kluehnn, though there seems to be some affection there too. Which do we think will win in the end?

Either way, the two land in deep trouble when sneaking in to see the Queen. While carrying the title, the Queen doesn’t seem to be the one actually in charge, and Sheuan is left – after bounding into an interrogation with no holding back – with no answers. The event quickly goes downhill when caught, as Sheuan kills the priest and has to make a run for it. Sheuan and Rasha part ways, not knowing if they’ll meet again.

Mull isn’t having the best time of it either. While his filtered masks seem to be working, there’s one thing they won’t help with – the giant lizards they stumble into in the caverns! A swift argument and literal fight later, Pont has his hero moment and the group just about get away unscathed to continue their journey, though not without a tense vote on whether to continue or not. They do, for better or worse, and once more they delve deeper into the tunnels.

To end our section on a cliffhanger, we see Rasha begin her second godkiller trial. There’s a cave containing a beast with three keys around its neck, keys that they need to collect. And what a place to leave Rasha, waiting at the jaws of a beast! I guess we’ll have to come back tomorrow to see how she fairs…

What do you think of the relationship between Rasha and Sheuan? Is it real, or just a manipulation?

Have Mull and his group underestimated their journey?

How many more tangled bargains can Hakara find herself in?

Tune in tomorrow to find out! See you then!





  • Lindsay Powell

    I love it when POV’s eventually match up 😍 so enjoying this book! I have entered ❀️ @nimzipow_reads

    • Ashleigh

      Isn’t it just so satisfying?! Glad to hear you’re enjoying it!

  • karen.holmes.w

    Hakara is digging herself deeper. If only she knew just to talk to Sheuan and she told her abaout Rasha… but no way it would be that easy!
    I like that she bonded with Thassir, he’s one of the most interesting characters because he is obviously keeping secrets. I also like Sheuan and I’m still intrigued by her and what will she end up doing.
    I have a feeling Mull will find a key ingredients to go on with the plot, but I still don’t know what it will be.
    And there’s still time for Hakara to get into more bargains and troubles. It seems to be her modus operandi to get herself out, but it might prove to be her undoing at some point.

    • Ashleigh

      Hakara’s working herself into a whole tangle of bargains, that’s for sure! I’m nervous she’s signing herself up to more than she (quite literally) bargained for πŸ‘€
      Mull seems to be creeping up on us! What’s his game here…?

  • fatima

    Rasha and Sheuan’s relationship seems genuine with real affection developing, but Sheuan’s ulterior motives/her scheming nature might complicate things more than they already are.

    Mull and co. are worrying me with their decision to continue this journey. They’ve definitely underestimated the danger, but I’m curious to see what they’ll find at the end (or if everyone survives)!

    Also, I wonder who wrote the epigraphs that are at the beginning of each chapter? I love the unreliable narrator element they bring.

    • Ashleigh

      They’re getting into a whole tangle! I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to have any sort of relationship in this world, nevermind a romantic one!
      Mull & Co’s journey is definitely an interesting one – and makes me wonder how long I’d keep journeying if there was no clear end! πŸ‘€
      The epigraphs feel so ominous at times…

  • Emma

    I’m asuming Mull and co are going to have a story pay off later. Not too invested in their side of things yet.

    I really enjoy the rest of the characters. It’s kinda obvious some of them are gods pretending to be Altered and hiding in plain sight.
    Cat daddy for the win. I did love it when earlier Hakara offered to take them to the vets and he didn’t even think about it and agreed. ❀️

    Im not normally a fan of time jumping and the exerts at the top of chapters but these ones are really very well done.

    I’ve entered the competition on Instagram my handle is @emowyn.

    • Ashleigh

      Petition to call Thassir ‘Cat Daddy’ from here on out πŸ˜‚ I respect it though, I think we’d all do the same for our floofs!
      The timeline is an intriguing one for sure, I wonder how it’ll all connect in the end!

  • BjΓΆrk BaldursdΓ³ttir

    I think Sheuan really liked Rasha, and I hope they will meet again! They made a nice pair!
    I think it’s Thassir on the cover of the book, so he will probably end with Hakara, they will keep the bond going.
    And I also have a theory about the cats, I think maybe Thassir is Nioanen and the cats remind him of Irael … πŸ™ˆ that would be so cool if one of the other first gods were still alive!

    I want to enter, my instragram is @b_fyrir_baekur πŸ€—πŸ€—

    • Ashleigh

      Ooooh I like that theory! Although I don’t know how I’d feel about the cats reminding him of people/gods, it makes the cutesy floof babies a bit of an odd concept ahaha πŸ˜‚ Imagine just casually stroking a god πŸ˜‚

  • ladymeg

    HANG ON the gods can shift into cat form? ARE THE CATS THE “DEAD” GODS?

  • SagasLibrary

    I saw someone call Thassir “Cat Daddy” so that’s what I’m calling him too LOL, also there is 100% something going on with the cats, I’m a little suspicious…πŸ‘€

    I wonder how things will go with Hakara and I think the bargaings will be more trouble then she expected. I hope Sheaun and Rasha meet again, I do believe the relationship was real, at least it felt like it to me. Scared but excited to see how this will pan out in the next part!

    I entered the competition, my handle is @sagaslibrary <3

    • Ashleigh

      I kind of hope there’s nothing going on with the cats and he’s just a big fan otherwise the ‘cat daddy’ becomes weird real quick πŸ˜‚

  • karen.holmes.w

    I finally could take some kind of picture with light though it’s still kind of dark. My handle is @karenholmeswriter
    Can’t wait for book 2! β™₯

  • fatima

    I entered the competition ☺️ My handle is @infinitenovels


    What do you think of the relationship between Rasha and Sheuan? Is it real, or just a manipulation?
    I think it’s real for both of them. I do think there is something to be gained from one another but what they did was real.
    Have Mull and his group underestimated their journey?
    Yes! I think this journey is going to be a huge challenge and it won’t work out well.
    How many more tangled bargains can Hakara find herself in?
    She is HORRIBLE at bargaining. It’s a little depressing haha

    • Ashleigh

      Hakara truly is terrible at these bargains, it’s like watching a car crash ahahaha πŸ˜‚


    I forgot to add it to my main comment below but I will be entering the photo challenge. My ig is @mangapenguin

  • Rengetsu

    Finally Hakara and Thassir are bonded, just like I hoped /evil laugh/

    Mill’s journey just became more interesting but I’m waiting to reach the part it will actually become a key part for the plot.

    Rasha had been abandoned again..poor soul. I wonder if the lullaby will have a deeper meaning or relevance for the plot πŸ€”

    Also, crazy theory but what if Thassir is some kind of godkeeper and the cats are actually dormant gods who survived or are reborn??

    I entered the giveaway @rengetsubooksden

    • Ashleigh

      I keep wondering about the lullaby too! It’s such a random detail, it must mean something surely??
      The cats being Gods would make a lot of sense over why he’s so protective over them and calls them his ‘friends’…πŸ‘€

  • sakurablossom95- 黄淑怑

    Entered the photo contest, Instagram handle @sakurablossom95

  • Erica

    I’ve entered the giveaway
    I think the relationship between Rasha and Sheuan is one sided currently but I think they will meet again and it will grow to be something more.
    Mull & his group definitely underestimated their journey, I think they will lose some people.
    I really like Hakara but she is definitely in over her head.

    • Ashleigh

      Do you have any theories about who Mull might lose along the way? πŸ‘€

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