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The Half King Readalong: Day 3!


Stunning photo byΒ  @teacrumbsandbooks

Hey fairies!

Happy Wednesday, I hope you’ve been having a great week so far!

Are you ready to be transported back into The Half King by Melissa Landers?Β 

Before we start reading, we have our secret giveaway! What’s that? Oh, just a chance to get your next FairyLoot forΒ freeΒ as a reward for reading! It doesn’t really get better than that! This is only announced here as we would love one of you, who has joined us on this readalong journey to win! If you would like to enter, all you need to do is follow these steps!

1. Take a photo of our edition of The Half King

2. Include the hashtag #ShadowFairy

3. Do all of this by the end of November 7th

4. Mention down below in your comment that you have entered and include your Instagram handle (also super important!)

Good luck!

Today we are reading from Chapter 13 – Chapter 19. Let’s go!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for The Half King by Melissa Landers from chapter 13 – 19.Β Please only read on if you have finished reading this section!

Cerise and everyone had been taught that only the second born servants of the goddess possessed gifts but Nero has revealed a new revelation that his magic was passed down through the generations.Β 

Blue has caused trouble for them all! He kept howling and drew the beasts to them! Cerise goes to protect him and luckily Nina’s pendant saves her as well as Father Padron who arrives just in time! Wow that was intense and I was worried for little Blue!Β Β 

Omg, Kian now materialises by Cerise’s side and it’s been her in her room! Ahhh Kian admits that he likes Cerise a lot, my heart can’t take this! But Cerise is putting her duty first and calls him her friend…

Hmm it turns out Padron has been punishing himself but I wonder if he’s really been doing that? There might be more than meets the eye here.Β 

Nero reveals that umbra sangi means fire blood and that Cerise is a descendent of the goddess! He is also one too but it seems that Cerise’s blood is extremely potent. Cerise’s dream about the Reverend Mother is probably linked to her blood and heritage…

The kings command doesn’t work with Nero’s magic like it does the priests, this is so interesting!Β 

At their camp the next day, Cerise catches Kian staring at her intently and he doesn’t look away, she feels as though he can see her soul! Swoon I just want them to get together! 😍

Their flirting and interactions have me giggling and kicking my feet, is anyone also like this?? Nooo my heart aches when Kian turns into shadows just as Cerise goes to hold him. πŸ₯Ί

For some strange reason Cerise is becoming more unwell on the journey, unable to eat and drink… Cerise refuses to turn back, knowing how little time they have left.

Cerise is dream walking?? She’s become like a ghost outside of her body and follows Kian into the shadow world through a portal that she wasn’t able to see before!Β 

Every time Kian turns to shadows he’s transported into the shadow world filled with all the Mortara first borns who have turned into shadows before him, there’s hundreds of them all still suffering in the shadow world… 

Ahh they’ve finally kissed! Cerise asks Kian why he’s been cold to her and he tells her he knows that he’ll be trapped in the shadow world and her memory will torture him as he spends an eternity missing her. 😭

When she wakes Cerise feels better with the strange feeling gone… I wonder if she’s gained some magic??

Wow Father Padron shames Cerise and says words that he knows are damaging to her, I really dislike him!? Poor Cerise.

Cerise is worrying about losing Kian already or breaking the curse and having to watch him marry someone else as ladies of the temple are not permitted to marry…

They’ve finally reached the Blighted shrine! Nina’s pendant once again saves Cerise but I worry that she’ll use its protection too fast before it came save her from more danger in the future…

The Goddess Shiera found Cerise to be worthy and she was gifted the sunset runes!Β 

The runes tell them in what direction they’ll need to travel tomorrow. Cerise decided she wants to try to see if she’ll be able to follow Kian into the shadows again.

Cerise takes a tonic to put her to sleep but not before Kian helps her put the extra clothes on. She’d worn them so she could take them into the shadow world to give to Kian. πŸ₯Ή Omg my heart actually can’t handle these two!

As they continue on their journey with everyone else, their evenings in the shadow world are for Cerise and Kian only, ahhh!Β 

Cerise doesn’t gain the sight on her claiming day so believes that nothing is holding her back from being with Kian anymore! Although I think her version of the sight is just different to everyone else?Β 

Instead of the sight it looks like Cerise might have gained magic! Kian tells her he swears he saw her glow and Cerise wonders if maybe the maidens are kept that way because the act of love might awaken their magic!Β 

Women possessing the same magic of the priests was unheard of and Cerise doesn’t have anyone she can ask!Β 

Kian promises to protect her and Cerise just knows that she loves him. πŸ₯°

Omg I enjoyed this section so much, I’m loving the quest to find the Petros blade as well as watching Cerise and Kian fall in love!Β 

Do you agree with Cerise and think that love is the real reason the ladies in the temple are forbidden to marry?
What do you think the shadow world is trying to convey to Kian and Cerise?
Do you think Cerise will get any more special abilities?Β 





  • ladymeg

    Okay if the secret is that only virgins can be seers and everyone else gets magic…I just find that hilarious. Surely other people know that though, like maybe Padron, so that’s going to be an interesting conversation when that comes out. And I love that Cerise’s immediate first thing that morning was to drag Kian off.

    I really want to know more about why Cerise’s gift is so seemingly unique. Astral projection is obviously a thing but the way she uses it is new?

    • Isla

      When Cerise dragged Kian off it made me laugh a lot, I love their interactions!

  • Jasmine FaeFolkReads

    Entered!! My instagram is @faefolkreads πŸ™‚

    It’e sweet to hear of them falling in love in their nighttime shadows, but i kinda really wish we were shownnit rather then just told it had happened- it would be nice to be privvy to some of their get-to-know-you convos and banter…. But maybe that’s just me πŸ™ˆ

    I still can’t get a full read on the father- sometimes he seems so kinda and genuine, but other times he’s cruel and appears to be power hungry. I still think its all about control with the order and they don’t like the idea of women being equal or better then them πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

    • Isla

      I would also like to see some more of their moments falling in love! πŸ₯Ή

  • sparks2much

    I mean, the reason they’re not allowed to marry has to be because of how powerful the women would be if they were allowed. I think they’re going to find some way to unlock the shadow world, maybe with some of Cerise’s yet to be seen powers?

    I’ll enter: @rygurl

  • Ashley Arias

    I will be entering the giveaway, my IG name is the_bookwh0re
    Do you agree with Cerise and think that love is the real reason the ladies in the temple are forbidden to marry?
    No, I think it is a way to control the women/seers. It could possibly open up more possibilities and make the women stronger. The Priests fear them.
    What do you think the shadow world is trying to convey to Kian and Cerise?
    The past can be repeated, they will be the ones to break the curse.
    Do you think Cerise will get any more special abilities?
    I think she will be as strong or stronger than Father Padron
    I really loved this segment, I am so happy that Cerise didn’t let her fear control her, that she was able to feel and receive love.

    • Isla

      I agree that it must be a way for the Priests to try and control them… I do wonder why they fear them though! I’m also so happy that Cerise didn’t let fear control her and that she’s finding out what love is!

  • TupaKitty_Reads

    Daily Q&A:
    1.) Do you agree with Cerise and think that love is the real reason the ladies in the temple are forbidden to marry?
    2.) What do you think the shadow world is trying to convey to Kian and Cerise?
    3.) Do you think Cerise will get any more special abilities?Β 
    1.) It makes sense.
    2.) Maybe that their love being real (& building it in the darkness of the Mortara Underworld that is fashionedafter the same place from the Great Betrayal) will play a role in undoing the curses. Has anyone else noticed that there’s a Mortara (Kian), a Calatris (Daerick), a Petros (General), a Solon (Cerise), & a priest (Father Padron) just like in Mother Strout’s drawing? I wonder if Nero being “umbra sangi” with magic without being a priest & Cerise being “umbra sangi” with magic despite being female will come into play, too.
    3.) I think so.
    *I’ve already posted my #ShadowFairy photo under @TupaKitty_Reads 🀞🏼🀞🏼*

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