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The Wren in the Holly Library Readalong: Day 1!


Beautiful photo by @divingintothepages!

Hello fairy friends!

Happy Monday and welcome to day 1 of our readalong of The Wren in the Holly Library by K.A. Linde.Β I’m so excited to be reading this one with you, I hope you all love it!

Before we get into the book, how are we all doing today? I hope you all had a wonderful weekend full of reading and good vibes!

Since today is day 1, we’ll be reading fromΒ the beginning to the end of Chapter 11. It’s time to get comfy and cosy with our book and get started!

When you’ve finished today’s section, catch up with me in the comments down below so we can discuss the beginning of the book. Happy reading!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for The Wren in the Holly Library by K.A. Linde from the beginning to Chapter 11. Please only read on if you have finished this section!



Kicking off today’s reading with a snowy New York City setting? I love it. 😍

We’re jumping straight in with the action – our main character Kierse is on a job to steal a diamond ring that is believed to be locked in a box in her targets library. She suspects the owner is a monster of some kind due to his mysterious identity.

We learn that there is a ‘Monster Treaty’ which I’m very intrigued about… anyone else?

The fact Kierse enjoys stealing honestly makes me like her more. (Do with that information what you will).

As she enters the Holly Library she looks at the whorls and swirls carved into the frame of the doorway, something tugging at the recesses of her memory… interestinggggg. I wonder why something seems familiar to her?

“All she wanted to do was pull them off the shelves just to smell them. Crack open those perfect spines and devour the contents.” Well this is certainly relatable.
As she begins to open the safe to retrieve the ring she feels something is wrong. Soon after, she hears a voice and knows it belongs to a monster.

Does anyone have any theories on our FMC might not be completely human after all? The way she describes her speed and strength as ‘something else’ has me SO curious. I cannot wait to find out more!

Ooooft. What a way to make an impression on one another: she tried to rob him, he dislocates her shoulder and throws her across the room. OUCH.
We get a little bit of information on their world, and how monsters revealed themselves to humans and essentially took over things.

“His eyes weren’t depthless dark orbs as she had believed. They were swirling grey, as temperamental as the weather and as fatal as standing in the ocean in the middle of a hurricane.” If someone described my eyes in that much detail after we first met, I’d probably fall in love with them to be quite honest.

Kierse grapples with identifying what kind of monster the ‘man’ is, ruling out vampires, werewolves, wraiths, shifters, and more. I wonder if we’ll encounter different creatures throughout the bookβ€”hopefully, we will!

The ‘monster’ asks her to sit down and gives his word that after she answers his questions she can leave.

I’m loving the deep dive into human and monster lore. Are you? We learn the war ended just three years ago with the signing of the Monster Treaty. The war started when a vampire was publicly killed by a werewolf, prompting all monsters to reveal themselves. The treaty imposes limitations on monsters and establishes laws for peaceful coexistence between humans and monsters.

Okay but how did she get past the security system? Do you have any theories yet? πŸ‘€

I definitely shouldn’t be ‘awwing’ at the fact he popped her shoulder back into place for her but here we are.Once she finally sits down and he begins questioning her, he asks who sent her. Eventually, she reveals the sender, and he instructs her to find out who his employer is. Interestingggg.

Why was he so surprised by the Wren necklace? What does the author mean by ‘Like met like. Power met power.’?!Β  AND, him asking her “What are you?” My interest is piqued with a capital P!

He asks how she bypassed the wards to get inside, but she has no idea what he’s talking about. He reveals that magic is real and doubts she is human since she shouldn’t have been able to break the wards without significant powers. He then offers her a job: steal a rare object guarded by an unbreakable security system and the vilest of monsters beneath the city. Naturally, this tempts our thief FMC.

Graves (our Monster man) allows her to leave on the condition that she informs him of her decision by tomorrow and gives her the ring as a sign of good faith.Β  I am wondering why he can’t just steal this object himself… After leaving Graves’ residence, she goes to her boss, Amberdash, to give him the ring. He warns her to watch her back… Ominous, to say the least.Returning to the loft she shares with Gen and Ethan, she recounts her encounter with Graves and his job offer. Suddenly, a gang raid forces them to flee via the fire escape, only to confront a gunman who seems to be one of the Druids. Kierse disarms him, and they escape to a nearby festival. There, a woman attacks her, declaring, “Boss says your time is up.” Our girl just can’t catch a break, can she?

Kierse eventually overcomes the attack, and they seek safety, only to encounter the same Druid man from earlier. It seems she is their target due to being seen leaving Graves’ place. Interestingβ€”how and why are the Druids involved with him, and why do they want to eliminate her?

After escaping their assailants for a third time, they find refuge with alpha werewolf Nate O’Connor in Five Points, who I immediately like. She tells Nate about her situation with the Druids and Graves, learning that while he helped pass the Monster Treaty, he is just as dangerous as the Druids. Kierse instructs Ethan and Gen to stay with Nate while she completes the job.

We also learn more about Kierse’s ex-girlfriend: she was kidnapped by the ‘Men of Valor’ due to a debt. Anyone else wondering if this might become important later in the story? πŸ€”

Oooo, I love the interludeβ€”it definitely adds to the high-stakes feel by giving us insight into the people trying to eliminate Kierse. Why are they against Graves? What’s Lorcan’s history with him? I can’t wait to find out!We end today’s reading with Kierse arriving at Graves’ mansion, agreeing to the job for $10 millionβ€”paid to her friends if she’s harmed. Graves accepts but requires her to stay at his mansion, receive weapons and magic training, and cut contact with her friends for their safety. He also reveals that the object she is stealing is a spear. Eventually they both come to an agreement.Β 

Well, that was quite the exciting start! I am living for the action packed vibes we’re already getting. So much drama and intrigue! I can’t wait for tomorrow’s reading!

What are your thoughts so far?

Do you have any theories about Wren necklace and why Graves reacted to it the way he did?

Do you have any theories on what Kierse really is if she’s not human?

What kind of creature do you think Graves could be?

Why do you think Graves and The Druids have an agreement and seem to be enemies?

See you tomorrow for another day of reading!





  • Seeri

    I’m so excited for this one! I went in completely blind (I mean i knew it was going to be fantasy) but still the monsters and monster treaty kinda threw me off a little bit, but I’m so intrigued. I’m super super sure that Kierse is probably not a human, her abilities just seem so un-human like but i have no idea what kind of monster she would be if she’s not a human. Probably also something that didn’t sign the treaty? but something different than Graves. Super interested to see where this story is going.

  • birch_library

    My last read was a DNF so I am loving the fast pace and how quickly the story has started! I also havent read an urban fantasy since CC, so loving the change.

    Im really enjoying it so far! Great pick FairiesπŸ˜ƒ I definitely think the necklace has something to do with her family… Is she some kind of half monster?

  • Zanda

    I’m surprised at how much I’m enjoying this book! I was a little hesitant going into it, but this is so good so far! I feel like it’s pretty obvious that Kierse isn’t fully human. Maybe she’s some kind of witch, since she can break the wards like Graves said. I’m like 99 percent sure that Graves is a dragon or a dragon shifter. Kierse describes him as being warm in the beginning of the book, she talks about β€œfire in his eyes,” he has a dragon on his door knocker, and he collects things. He has to be a dragon! Or maybe I’ve just been reading to much Zodiac Academy. I can’t wait to continue this book tomorrow! I’m excited to be back doing another read-a-long!

    • Erica

      Yessssss I love the dragon idea!!! ZA is one of my faves.

  • Alexis Tedder

    The story is incredibly intriguing so far and there hasn’t been a slow moment!
    I’m excited to learn more of the world building, back stories, and the power struggles like Graves and the Druids.
    There is no way Torra is dead, I have a feeling she will be an intriguing plot twist later on in the book.
    I think Kierse has magical powers but is still human. I also have no clue what Graves could be! His reaction to her necklace was intriguing as well, maybe he knows her family lineage?

  • ladymeg

    Welcome back to The Comment Box Thinks It’s a Password Box! I never thought id miss autocorrect so much. Watch as my spelling and punctuation slowly deteriorates over the course of the readalong!

    What are your thoughts so far?
    Im really intrigued! And glad Graves jsnt a vampire. Not so into the vampires.

    Do you have any theories about Wren necklace and why Graves reacted to it the way he did?
    HE KNOWS THINGS. Maybe he knows who her dad js?

    Do you have any theories on what Kierse really is if she’s not human?
    No theories since i dont really know what all creatures exist in this world yet.

    What kind of creature do you think Graves could be?
    My guess is some kind of fae.

    Why do you think Graves and The Druids have an agreement and seem to be enemies?
    An agreement to keep the treaty but that diesnt stop them from hatinf each other? Maybe?

    • Shannon

      Hi there! Could you possibly contact us here with a screenshot of the issue please? Our team can look into this! πŸ’–

  • dnjreads

    What are your thoughts so far?
    So far I am very interested and can’t wait to learn more about the treaty and what is going on.

    Do you have any theories about Wren necklace and why Graves reacted to it the way he did?
    I think it’s a powerful talisman and is the thing getting her through his wards unnoticed.

    Do you have any theories on what Kierse really is if she’s not human?
    She’s got to be half human and half monster. Maybe she is whatever kind of creature he is.

    What kind of creature do you think Graves could be?
    I think he could be fae or something along those lines since he’s not a vampire.

    Why do you think Graves and The Druids have an agreement and seem to be enemies?
    It almost sounds like they are each trying to get her to their side and when she goes to one side they will still fighting again.

  • Ashley Arias

    What are your thoughts so far?
    I wasn’t sure if I would like the book, but honestly I am loving it. The snowy city, the fast paced environment, the magical elements and the heist!

    Do you have any theories about Wren necklace and why Graves reacted to it the way he did?
    The wrens must symbolize something, though i haven’t figured what out yet.

    Do you have any theories on what Kierse really is if she’s not human?
    Possibly a witch? Maybe a monster hunter ??

    What kind of creature do you think Graves could be?
    Demon, maybe. So many are frightened of him.

    Why do you think Graves and The Druids have an agreement and seem to be enemies?
    The druids fear him.

  • Marilag Angway

    I definitely went into this book blind, so color me surprised when it reads like an urban mafia fantasy! Not sure how I feel about this yet.

    It’s hard to tell what kind of “monster” Kierse would be so far, because I’m not sure she’d fit in the moniker, especially with the mantra of “monsters not magic.” If Kierse and Graves have some kind of magic, I feel they’re a whole other type of non-human. Though Graves being a shifter dragon–something that Kierse considered herself–would not be surprising, considering how much of a hoarder he is, lol. Graves vs the Druids must have something to do with his ability to perform magic, but there’s too little other info to tell here.

  • sparks2much

    I love how fast paced everything is! Starting off with a heist and entering a huge library definitely captured my attention.

    Obviously, the wren necklace means something to Graves, and maybe points out that Kierse is like him in some way? Kierse is something supernatural, it was hinted at her fast reflexes. Maybe she’s a shifter? Maybe Graves is too?

    Obviously something else is afoot and maybe there’s someone messing around in the Druids and trying to sabotage the agreement. Maybe its the wolves? I can’t wait to find out.

  • arcanelotus1

    Other than this book was fantasy, I knew nothing about it and I am loving it so far. I love Kierse and her love and loyalty to her friends.
    I think the wren necklace may partly be why she can get through wards without realizing it. I’m also thinking it may be a symbol for some other type of monster or group that most don’t know about.
    Kierse has to be at least half monster with her β€œabilities” she has shown so far.
    As for Graves, I’m guessing he’s some kind of fae or demon possibly.
    I haven’t gotten enough info yet to even have a hint of what is going on with Graves and The Druids but I’m looking forward to finding out.

  • Erica

    I have no theories but I cant believe how much I am already loving this story!


    What are your thoughts so far?
    The book started with a bang then slowed down a good bit. I happened to set the book down at that point so it took me a bit to get going with it again. However, since I picked it up I’m enjoying it and intrigued.

    Do you have any theories about Wren necklace and why Graves reacted to it the way he did?
    I think the necklace has something to do with Graves past. It may be someone he knew but he knows the necklace.

    Do you have any theories on what Kierse really is if she’s not human?
    I don’t. But I don’t think she is human.

    What kind of creature do you think Graves could be?
    I read to far ahead and know. Oops.

    Why do you think Graves and The Druids have an agreement and seem to be enemies?
    There is more to this. I’m curious about the history between the different creatures.

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