Beautiful photo by @onetruedaydreamer
Hello Fairy Friends!
Welcome back to another FairyLoot Readalong! I am so thrilled to join you all in reading our August book; These Hollow Vows by Lexi Ryan starting October 4th. This book is full of court intrigue, angst and of course our favourite… Fae Princes.

Every day I, your host for this Readalong, will post some discussion points or observations from the section of the book allocated for that day. There is a comment section under each post & we love seeing your thoughts too! This Readalong will last over the course of 5 days, from October 4th – October 8th. The below chapters are inclusive! The reading schedule is as follows:
October 4th: Chapter 1 – Chapter 7
October 5th: Chapter 8 – Chapter 14
October 6th: Chapter 15 – Chapter 21
October 7th: Chapter 22 – Chapter 29
October 8th: Chapter 30 – End
Each day we will tackle approximately 90+ pages. If this is too much or too little for your usual reading speed, please feel free to adjust to your schedule! There’s absolutely no pressure if you want to read at your own pace and do your own thing. The daily posts will be ready and waiting for you to still join in and discuss!
There will be spoilers for that allocated book section so we can freely share our thoughts for what just happened and predictions as to what will follow! I’m very excited to hear your thoughts and opinions!
As always, there will be a Readalong exclusive competition to win your next box for free! We always believe reading should be encouraged! Details on how to enter to come soon!
Instagram will remain a spoiler-free zone, but please make sure to tag us in your Readalong stories when you get ready for a reading session, we often repost these and we love seeing you all cosy and ready to jump into the next part of your adventure! It keeps us and others motivated!
If you take Instagram photos of the book, you might also find your photo being featured in a post too (with due credit, of course!). Just remember to tag your Instagram photos with the #fairyloot hashtag.
You will, of course, be getting reminders on Instagram stories every day of which pages we are reading that day. (We know some people like to set a handy phone reminder to get that reading done too!)
Now, let us delve into the world of Faeries, whatever could go wrong?
Say hello to one another in the comments, whether you’re a returning FairyLooter or a new one, and I will speak to you on Monday!

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Heyyyy, so excited to start reading this!!!! I am a returning Fairylooter, always joining in on the readalongs as they are fun !
Hi, welcome back to another readalong, lovely to see a returning Fairylooter ?
I’m so excited for this read along! I’ve had this book on my to buy list since it’s release and couldn’t believe it when it arrived in my box last month 🙂
magical faeries hard at work haha – hope you enjoy the readalong ?
Ohhh I’m already about 15 chapters in, maybe I should wait and join in!
hope you’re enjoying These Hollow Vows ?
This was my first box and can’t wait for the readalong xoxo
yaaay! Welcome to the FairyLoot fam – hope you enjoy the readalong ?
Hi everyone! Can’t wait to start, see you all on Monday! 🙂
Ahh! This book – I absolutely adored it! I was lucky to read the ARC last December so I am more than ready for a reread and what better way than with the gorgeous Fairyloot edition! This will be my first time taking part in the readalong too 🙂
always good to re-read a favourite book ?
My first readalong I can’t wait ????
yay! welcome ?
I’m actually so excited for this ??
it sounds like the perfect read for start of autumn ?
Going to do my best to join in, but 90+ pages a day is a big ask with my current schedule! We’ll see how it goes!
Hi, that’s no problem – you can read as much as you can and the readalong posts will be here for when you’re ready. hope you enjoy ?
Hi Shaz, thank you for arranging the Readalong. Really excited to start reading this book. ?
Hi Samiha, you’re welcome, happy to have you join in ?
Hi everyone! I am ready to start! I don’t really know what to expect this time.
Thank you for hosting, as always.
Hi, thank you for joining – hope you enjoy our these Hollow Vows readalong ?
Hello! I’m excited to start this, it’s my first box too 🙂
Hi everyone! I have been itching to start this book since my box was delivered and while it hasn’t been that long – now it’s finally time! This is my second FairyLoot readalong and I’m so excited to do this again – it’s so fun to actually put the reading experience into words and read what others make of the same chapters.
?? hopefully this time I’ll finally be able to join in on the read-along without work getting in the way! Very excited, Fae books will always be my absolute favourites.
This is my first readalong! I’m super excited to start These Hollow Vows 🙂
This is my first readalong! And my first box! I am super excited to be receiving this box! It felt as though the wait list took forever! I don’t think I can read 90 pages a day with my hectic life- but I’m definitely going to try!
I was so happy this started today!!
I’m so excited! ? On chapter 5 now. Two more and I’m done with day one ?.