Exclusive Editions

Two Twisted Crowns by Rachel Gillig


We are so happy to announce a reprint of… the β€˜Two Twisted Crowns’ Exclusive Edition, brought to you in collaboration with @orbitbooks_uk and @rmgillig!

We completely understand your frustration at how quick our Exclusive Edition of Two Twisted Crowns sold out yesterday. We’re so sorry to anyone who missed out and we’re thrilled to be able to announce a reprint.

What is special about this Exclusive Edition?
✨ EXCLUSIVE HARDCOVER EDITION with foil details on the dust jacket
✨ SPRAYED EDGES to compliment the cover
✨ A REVERSIBLE DUST JACKET by @mistilteinn.art
✨ ARTWORK ON THE ENDPAPERS by @mistilteinn.art

This is NOT part of our normal monthly subscriptions and if you wish to order a book, they will be available in the Fairy Trove (we ship to many countries worldwide).

The β€˜Two Twisted Crowns’ Exclusive Edition will be available for Β£22 GBP / $30 USD + shipping and is expected to ship around February/March 2024. Please note, shipping timeframes are subject to change due to printer capacities. If the estimated timeframe changes we will keep customers informed.

On 12th December at 12pm GMT, we will send out a private Early Access link to everyone who received the October 2022 ‘Sell Your Soul’ box. We will then send out an Early Access email to all UK/INT active subscribers at 2pm GMT, and all US/Canada active subscribers at 4pm GMT. If we have any stock remaining, these will be available in the Fairy Trove to the general public on 13th December at 1pm GMT for UK/INT customers and 4pm GMT for US/Canada customers.

Stunning graphic by @blanca.design




  • d.ivy.withers

    Appreciate you guys.

  • Kristi Miller

    Just to clarify because it shows there will still be an Early Access sale, I’m assuming those who already purchased a copy in the first EA sale will not be allowed to purchase a second copy right?

    • Shannon

      That’s correct! Any duplicate orders will be cancelled. πŸ’œ

  • Ariel Birdsong

    When will you bring back One Dark Window?

    • Jodie

      We don’t currently have any plans to reprint One Dark Window. We’re sorry for any disappointment!Β πŸ’œ

  • Jennifer Bates

    Will we be included in the earlier sale than early access at 12pm GMT if we ordered a copy of One Dark Window in the sale in July?

    • Shannon

      Hi there! Yes, you should receive Early Access at 12pm GMT if you bought One Dark Window from the Fairy Trove. πŸ’œ

  • Charlotte Ashley

    Literally haven’t been able to sleep since you guys posted that you’re doing another reprint round!
    So anxious that I’m not going to be able to get one again!
    Just know so many people will buy so that they can resell for silly prices 😭
    Crossing all my fingers and toes I’m lucky this time round!!

  • Vanquan Le

    Do you have separate stock for US and European buyers? Or will European buyers get first dibs since sales are open to them first?

    • Emily

      We have separate stock for Uk/International and US/Canada.πŸ’œ

      • Vanquan Le

        Will you announce when you are sold out?

        • Emily

          Hi! Yes we announce sale updates on Twitter, Instagram and Threads! The Two Twisted Crowns Exclusive Edition sold out during early access. πŸ’œ

  • taylauren01

    I’m not seeing the general sale for this anywhere πŸ™

    • Jodie

      Unfortunately this sold out during our Early Access sale. We’re so sorry for any disappointment!Β πŸ’œ

  • sandraindahl

    I would really love it if you made a re-print of One Dark Window!
    Would be amazing to have a copy to match my edition of Two twisted crowns

    • grace.s.mcgowan

      Same here, I’ve been looking on the 2nd hand market, and the prices people are asking for this are extortionate!

  • Traci Crowley

    Any updates on when these will ship?

    • Jodie

      Hi there! The ‘Two Twisted Crowns’ Exclusive Edition Reprint is estimated to ship in June/July. All shipping updates can be found on our website here. πŸ’œ

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13th March 2025

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