
What the River Knows Readalong: Day 3!


Wonderful photo by @rebireads!

Hi fairy friends!

I hope that you’re all loving What the River Knows so far! It’s now day 3 and things are really getting interesting!

But before we start reading, we have our secret giveaway! What’s that? Oh, just a chance to get your next FairyLoot for free as a reward for reading! Doesn’t really get better than that! And your chances are so good too! We don’t really announce this anywhere else as we truly want the person from the readalong to win! If you’d like to try your luck, all you need to do is follow these steps!

  1. Take a photo of our edition of What the River Knows
  2. Include the hashtag #FairyRiverKnows (very important!)
  3. Do all of this by the end of February 1st.
  4. Mention down below in your comment that you have entered and include your Instagram handle (also super important!)

Good luck!

Today we’ll be reading from CapΓ­tulo Quince (Chapter 15) to the end of CapΓ­tulo Veintiuno (Chapter 21), let’s jump in!

Please be warned, the following section will include spoilers for What the River Knows by Isabel IbaΓ±ez, from CapΓ­tulo Quince (Chapter 15) to CapΓ­tulo Veintiuno (Chapter 21). Please only read on if you’ve finished this section!


I have tunnel vision for this romance blooming right now! Whit (we’re on first name terms now, ok?) hints that calling a girl by her Christian name means something, which is INTERESTING, because Whit has called Inez by hers a few times.

Fincastle is arguing for Inez to leave, but she manages to find her way onto the team as an artist, in place of their photographer. I wish we could go tell Leonara and Amaranta right now that Inez’s painting came in handy!

A storm hits and a few things happen all at once:
✨ Inez finds her mothers journal
✨ It hints again that Ricardo is dangerous
✨ Inez comes to the conclusion that he must have murderd her parents

Could be a sister… could be a lover. Either way he still checks in on Inez.

When they all loop her in on the project, it doesn’t really sound sinister or illicit at all? They record what they find for historical purposes and then cover their tracks so it can all be left untouched.

The more we learn about Inez’s parents, the more it sounds like she didn’t really know them at all. Instead of focusing on that though, Inez is focused on the fact that no one at the table knew her uncle is a killer, except maybe Whit…

We’ve arrived in Philae and it sounds absolutely beautiful! I love that we get to see snippets of Inez’s drawings too. It makes the story feel so much more real!

The TENSION of Whit and Inez having to sleep in a room next to each other is killing me!!! They’re definitely getting closer.

The more the team trusts Inez the more she gets to learn too. Basil Sterling, who stole Inez’s ring, is sick, and thinks finding Cleopatra’s mummu can save him.

Oooh. Time to test who Whit is loyal to! Inez has found something and she can’t hide it from him but doesn’t want Ricardo to know.

Whit is completely trusting of him though. Inez creeps into Whit’s chambers to try convince him not to tell. He feels himself in great debt to him because πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯ Ricardo saved his life. That’s a big deal.

OMG. Ok that kiss completely blindsided me. I didn’t expect that!! I also didn’t expect Whit to come out and say he’s betrothed.

Couldn’t have mentioned that any sooner???

He also tells Inez that he has a day to tell Ricardo what she found, if she doesn’t, Whit will tell him.

WELL. We’ve certainly learnt where Whit’s loyalties lie, haven’t we?

Verdict on the kiss? I feel like they have chemistry!
Do you think Whit will tell Ricardo?
Who do you trust? I feel like there’s so much betrayal coming from different possible angles here I don’t know what to believe!

I’m desperate to see what will happen tomorrow after the ending to this section!





  • Valley

    Oh yes that kiss was excellent. The bombshell of his betrothal? Not so much.

    I think something will happen before he can tell Ricardo.

    Imo Ricardo is set up as the villain too hard to actually be the villain. But he really needs to get on with /communicating/ with Inez. There seems to be a lot of miscommunication/lack of communication going on that makes me want to facepalm.

    I’ll be entering the giveaway @valcellara!

    • Shannon

      Agreed! I think the lack of communication is coming from Ricardo maybe trying to protect Inez? But it’s still super frustrating! πŸ’œ

  • Rachelle H.

    I love Whit and Inez so much, I’m really here for this romance between them! I smiled so hard when they kissed and I am SO UPSET he’s betrothed?! 😭😭 I hope more is revealed on this soon. I’m hoping he doesn’t tell on Inez and gives her the time she needs!

    I don’t trust Ricardo, but I don’t get the feeling he’s the villain. I think ultimately he does care about Inez. I’m so eager to continue!!!

  • Emily

    Loved this book so much. The betrothal was such a surprise at this point. I couldn’t put the book down!!

    Entering the contest under @elfs_bookshelf

  • Goddessmarie Salas

    As said before, I feel like they’re doing too much to make Ricardo look suspicious, and maybe trying to set him up. If so, who is it and why? I love how we get questions answered but then we have more questions after!

    Seriously, the banter between Inez and Whit is great. Except now we know that Whit is betrothed to someone else and keeps his distance. But wait, if he’s arranged to be married, does that mean he’s someone important? We don’t know much about him sooooo that could be interesting.

    And I still say Inez is such a great heroine, she doesn’t take no for an answer and finds her way to stay in situations that they’re trying to keep her out of, even though it seems like they’re really just wanting to record what they find.

  • Goddessmarie Salas

    As said before, I feel like they’re doing too much to make Ricardo look suspicious, and maybe trying to set him up. If so, who is it and why? I love how we get questions answered but then we have more questions after!

    Seriously, the banter between Inez and Whit is great. Except now we know that Whit is betrothed to someone else and keeps his distance. But wait, if he’s arranged to be married, does that mean he’s someone important? We don’t know much about him sooooo that could be interesting.

    And I still say Inez is such a great heroine, she doesn’t take no for an answer and finds her way to stay in situations that they’re trying to keep her out of, even though it seems like they’re really just wanting to record what they find.

    My insta handle is: book_wormer90

  • Nicole Ravs

    I’ll be entering the giveaway as @coleslitjourney

  • Alex Shaffer

    Verdict on the kiss?
    I love these two together! I’m so upset that Whit is engaged. But I think there is more to the story here.

    Do you think Whit will tell Ricardo?
    He did not tell Ricardo about the time in that marketplace where they saw Mr. Sterling. I don’t think he’ll tell him now.

    Who do you trust? I feel like there’s so much betrayal coming from different possible angles here I don’t know what to believe!
    To be honest, I don’t really trust anyone. But I don’t really think Ricardo is the bad guy. I think he’s just trying to survive and is going about it wrong. Like others stated, the book is trying so hard to make you believe that he’s the bad guy. Does that mean I trust him? No.

    • Shannon

      Potential arranged marriage maybe? πŸ‘€ Either way, for the benefit of all of us reading it, he needs to just call it off and get with Inez instead πŸ‘€

  • Alex Shaffer

    Oh, and I’m entering the giveaway. @stardancer2014

  • Vi

    I absolutely agree, Ricardo seems to be set up as the villain too hard to actually be the villain. He really needs to communicate with Inez. There’s a lot of miscommunication going on here.
    Hayes has definitely fallen heads over heels for our girl Inez. Why is he already betrothed???!

    I’ll be entering the giveaway @old.enough.for.fairy.tales

  • Rosemarie Slater

    I suspected he was betrothed or at least in a relationship when he mentioned a girl back in England. He hasn’t mentioned much of her and seems to like Inez, so it could be an arranged marriage considering the time period (??).

    I feel like Ricardo didn’t kill her parents, well not intentionally because her fathers power to sense magic would have helped him find what he wanted. He seems to want to protect Inez, even if that protection is something Inez doesn’t want (e.g. sending her home).

    There’s a chance Whit will tell Ricardo where to dig. He may do it in a way that he doesnt reveal Inez’s secret.

    I have entered the prize draw, my Instagram is @flowerr5311

    • Shannon

      Arranged marriage is a very good theory! That’s what I’m hoping for πŸ‘€

  • birch_library

    β€œBloodyhell” …. !!! Ok I’m a little in love with Whit.

    Check Inez taking charge and going in for a kiss but he is betrothed!?!?

    I dont think Whit will snitch and tell Ricardo and even though he saved Whit, I don’t think he trust him fully himself.

    I feel the same πŸ₯² and I’m not trusting anymore but maybe Whit. Im going to be sooooo disappointed if he lets the team down.

    Oh how exciting. Cant wait to see everyones photos! Ill be entering birch_library

    • Shannon

      He honestly might be my new bookish crush… apart from the whole didn’t disclose his betrothal thing! πŸ’œ

  • susy34633

    So I’m expecting a mega plot twist abou Ricardo. Inez thinks he got her parents murdered, I think there must be something else going on, something big.
    I love the banter between Inez and Whit, but the betrothal just threw everything off course. I’m feeling for Inez, that can’t be easy to learn after the major step she gave to kiss him.
    I’m guessing something is going to happen, but Whit is loyal to Ricardo so Inez really has to make time count in her favor.

    • Shannon

      Oooh, interesting theory! Agreed, I feel sad for her πŸ’œ

    • susy34633

      I’ll be entering the giveaway with my account @susanalima184

  • Julia Smith

    I also found these betrothal a shock 😲

    Entering as @juliasmith_tas

  • tomaskristinak

    I was impatient and finished the book already, so don’t want to spoil anything πŸ™ˆ
    But I had a hard time to trust anyone haha πŸ˜…

    I entered the giveaway with my instagram: tomi.library

    • Shannon

      Eeeeek I hope you enjoyed it! Would love to know what you rated it πŸ‘€

      • tomaskristinak

        I really liked it, I just think Inez should think before acting. Her actions upset me few times and her recklessness as well.
        I love it mostly due to Egyptian theme, I love history of Egypt and Cleopatra ❀️

  • Steph Keays

    BETROTHED !!!!! are you kidding me Whit !!!!
    Awrrrrr my heart for Inez has stop when I read that line !!!! Wtf !!!

    I thought about the girl in England and I wanted the girl to be his sister but well, he can be betrothed to his sister -_- broke my damn heart .

    I’m so frustrated about the fact that we still have no answers. Each time Inez ask something to someone , she’s being turn around. As if she can’t handle the truth, and of course they don’t trust her.

    I think her mother was maybe talking about her father after all and not her uncle ? He stole a ring at a camp he was suppose to “protect” …. and it’s seem that her uncle want to save cleopatra so… that’s the only lead I have for now.. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
    I’m so in !!! I’m writing this and I know in 2 sec I’ll continue to read the next chapters for tomorrow.

    • Shannon

      I WAS SO UPSET 😭😭😭 So glad you’re enjoying it! πŸ’œ

      • Steph Keays

        Forgot to put my insta handle
        @stephkeays 😊✨️

  • Rachel

    The kiss😍 but what Whit said after😱 It must be some type of arranged marriage, he’s got to end up with Inez.
    I don’t think Whit will tell Ricardo. I think (and hope) he’s loyal to Inez.
    I don’t know at the beginning I really thought her uncle was the bad guy but the more I read the more I actually don’t think he is. Especially because Whit seems to know a lot of secrets and I don’t think he would be involved in anything that bad.
    Entering with @minnie_reads_

  • Theroselectory

    Well those chapters were a hell of a ride! As Whit said… bloody hell!

    Verdict on the kiss? I feel like they have chemistry!
    I love the chemistry between them however, I was not expecting a kiss then! That completely caught me by surprise.

    And betrothal!

    Do you think Whit will tell Ricardo?

    As loyal as he is, I think his feelings for Inez will prevent him from outing her.

    Who do you trust?
    At this point I only trust Isadora πŸ˜‚.

    I will be submitting for the giveaway on @theroselectory

  • Karoliina Laakso

    I was first sure Whit was talking about his sister but betrothal!

    I am so confused. I really don’t know who to trust. Ricardo is definitely suspicious but I think he being the murderer would be too oblivious. Then Whit thought about having pulled the trigger for him. Mr. Streling is getting more disgusting! Pulverising and digesting Cleopatra! What the f?!!? Disgusting! My bet is on him being the murderer. Maybe he tried to frame Ricardo and Inez’s mom fell for it?

    • Shannon

      I don’t know if we can trust anyone at this point! 🫣

  • Karoliina Laakso

    Forgot to mention that I will taking part to the giveaway and handle is @aleinaaareads

  • j.iris

    Entered the IG giveaway as

    Why does this book need to hurt me so much? How can we go from *that* kiss to “I’m bethroted” in less than a page. It feels like a betrayal. 😭

    I’m starting to believe that even if Ricardo isn’t the villain here, he might be a pretty bad guy. I liked that we got more character development and a glimpse into his past these chapters. He seems pretty obsessive and he clearly will do anything to keep the secret of the archeological discoveries.

    I like that both Inez and her father can feel the traces of magic. I wonder if they can do it because they had contact with that mysterious ring or if it’s more of a family trait. (also I just noticed the roses on the endpapers of the book and the ring Inez is holding? Amazing!)
    I have a theory that maybe Inez’s father stole the ring from one of the archeological sites and he was murdered for it, since they are all sworn to secrey and can’t take anything from the sites. (maybe this is why Inez’s mother called Ricardo a murderer in her journal).

    At this point I’m not sure I trust anyone to help Inez or tell her the truth. Ricardo has his secrets that he won’t share with her, Whit’s not exactly a friend right now (and I’m pretty sure he will tell Ricardo where to dig, since he made clear he owes him his life), and Fincastle and his daughter seem more and more suspicious after that conversation Inez had with Isadora.

    I just need the rest of the book to be just a cozy fantasy where they go around Egypt, sketching monuments and eating croissants.

    • Shannon

      But the best books are the ones that make you feel all the feels! πŸ’œ

  • sparks2much

    Omg there’s so much chemistry. I’m still haunted by the first kiss underwater. I think Whit won’t tell Ricardo. But if he does, I think somehow he’ll figure out how to make it right with Inez.
    The only one I would trust is Inez herself!

    I will enter the giveaway! IG: @rygurl

  • FinalFantasyLenne

    So I’m a bit behind in the readalong. I just finished this section and omg the kiss and then wait what Whit betrothed. The whole uncle thing is mysterious. Also I feel like Whit won’t tell her uncle the whole truth and maybe just some truth.
    But again really Whit u can do this to us. Ugh

  • Sierra Greatrex

    my Verdict on the kiss is that I think there is chemistry also! and that betrothal that he mentioned to her I felt bad for her.
    Do you think Whit will tell Ricardo – no I don’t think Whit will tell Ricardo maybe Whit will sense that he is up to something and put some sense to it.
    I have entered the giveaway! @seaofworlds

  • Amelia Jayne

    Verdict on the kiss?
    I feel like there is chemistry but I also think there’s something shady going on with Whit. I don’t know, I love them but I think he is defo hiding more than he’s letting on.

    Do you think Whit will tell Ricardo?
    I’m not sure yet. I think he will honour what he is saying and give Inez more time

    Who do you trust?
    Literally no one… I feel like there’s so much happening and everyone has so many reasons why not to trust them. Theres defo heaps more to the story. I think Whit is someone important on the run (otherwise why does he have a betrothed…) I do think he has feelings for Inez but feels like its his duty to someone else.

    I’m actually so excited to find out more on this story. I’m loving the way it is written and the little illustrations throughout.

    My giveaway post is added on cosy_daze

    • Shannon

      Yeah I 100% agree, I feel like he’s been hiding something! πŸ’œ

  • DeeAnna

    Entered the giveaway as @thatbookishbeachgirl

    I’m so upset about him being betrothed! Way to ruin the moment Whit!!! I was cheering so hard before that proclamation.

    I don’t know who to trust. Can anyone really be trusted? Even Whit? I like him, but I don’t know if even he can be trusted. Inez needs to be careful with everyone.
    I’m excited to find out what will happen next!

  • Katie Walsh

    Verdict on the kiss? I feel like they have chemistry!
    -They do but there are so many unknowns!

    Do you think Whit will tell Ricardo?
    -Nah, I think he’s going to honor the one day he told Inez he would give.

    Who do you trust? I feel like there’s so much betrayal coming from different possible angles here I don’t know what to believe!
    -I trust Isadora and no one else

    • Katie Walsh

      Finally posted my photo to IG! My handle is nolifebutbooks

  • evic.lit

    My ig handle is evic.lit

    I was so mad to find out about the betrothal. I feel like I can’t trust anyone 😭

  • Sofie Marsh

    Entered the giveaway. Insta handle is @sofies_books

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7th February 2025

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