
What the River Knows Readalong Schedule


Stunning photo by @cosycoffeereader!

Hi fairies!

Happy Friday, I hope you’re all doing well!

It’s almost time to kick off our next Young Adult readalong and step into the world of What the River Knows by Isabel Ibañez! We’ll be beginning on Monday January 22nd, reading a section per day until we finish on Friday January 26th. I’m so excited to be reading this one with you all!

If you’re interested in joining the readalong, here is the schedule we’ll follow so that you can plan your reading: 

January 22nd: Beginning – Capítulo Seis (Chapter 6)

January 23rd: Capítulo Siete (Chapter 7) – Capítulo Catorce (Chapter 14)

January 24th: Capítulo Quince (Chapter 15)  – Capítulo Veintiuno (Chapter 21)

January 25th: Capítulo Veintidós (Chapter 22) – Capítulo Veintineuve (Chapter 29)

January 26th: Capítulo Treinta (Chapter 30) – End

As the readalong will take place over 5 days, we’ll read approximately 79 pages a day. If this is too much to fit into your day, don’t worry, you can always revisit the posts when you’re ready to discuss each section! 

There will be spoilers for each section so we can freely share our thoughts for what just happened and predictions for what will follow! I’m very excited to hear your thoughts and opinions! 

As always, there will be a readalong exclusive competition to win your next box for free! We always believe reading should be encouraged! Details on how to enter will come soon! 

Instagram will remain a spoiler-free zone, but please make sure to tag us in your readalong stories when you get ready for a reading session. We often repost these and we love seeing you all cosy and ready to jump into the next part of your adventure! It keeps us and others motivated! 

If you take Instagram photos of the book, you might also find your photo being featured in a post too (with credit, of course!). Just remember to tag your Instagram photos with the #FairyLoot hashtag. 

We’ll also post reminders for the readalong on our Instagram Stories (we know they often come in handy!). 

Are you ready to meet Inez?

Come and introduce yourself in the comments and I’ll see you all for our first day of reading on Monday!





  • jan

    I got to read this as an arc it was amazing you have a blast on this adventure

  • Literary Latte

    I am so excited to join this readalong! This sounds like such a genuinely exciting book that ticks all of my bookish boxes 🥰

  • birch_library

    Hoping to finish my current read tomorrow so I can join in Monday😃Ive heard great things about What The River Knows, so I’m looking forward to this one! Eeeek!

  • Amelia Jayne

    I’ve been waiting what feels like forever to read this as part of the readalong. Can’t wait to get started!!

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