
Woven In Moonlight Readalong Schedule!


Stunning Photo by @sunflowerreads

Hello Fairy Friends!

Welcome back to another Readalong! This is my first time hosting and I’m really looking forward to discussing this magical book with you all! This is going to be a lot of fun!

The readalong will begin on Monday and this month we are reading Woven In Moonlight by Isabel IbaΓ±ez. Who’s ready to dive into this lush tapestry of magic, romance and revolution? Drawing inspiration from Bolivian politics and history, this book has me very intrigued!

 Be sure to schedule in some well deserved reading time into your calendar next week!

Every day I, your host for this Readalong, will post some discussion points or observations from the section of the book allocated for that day. There is a comment section under each post & we love seeing your thoughts too! This Readalong will last over the course of 5 days, from February 10th-14th The below chapters are inclusive! The reading schedule is as follows:

10th February: Pages start -66

11th February: Pages 67-143

12th February: Pages 145-216

13th February: Pages 217-291

14th February: Pages 293-end

Each day we will tackle approximately 70-80 pages. If this is too much or too little for your usual reading speed, please feel free to adjust to your schedule! There’s absolutely no pressure if you want to read at your own pace and do your own thing. The daily posts will be ready and waiting for you to still join in and discuss!

There will be spoilers for that allocated book section so we can freely share our thoughts for what just happened and predictions as to what will follow! I’m very excited to hear your thoughts and opinions!

As always, there will be a Readalong exclusive competition to win your next box for free! We always believe reading should be encouraged! Details on how to enter to come soon!

Instagram will remain a spoiler-free zone, but please make sure to tag us in your Readalong stories when you get ready for a reading session, we often repost these and we love seeing you all cosy and ready to jump into the next part of your adventure! It keeps us and others motivated!

If you take Instagram photos of the book, you might also find your photo being featured in a post too (with due credit, of course!). Just remember to tag your Instagram photos with the #fairyloot hashtag.

You will, of course, be seeing me pop on Instagram stories every day to remind you which pages we are reading that day. (We know some people like to set a handy phone reminder to get that reading done too!)

Are you ready to weave some magic and join the revolution? Because I am!

Say hello to one another in the comments, whether you’re a returning FairyLooter or a new one, and I will speak to you on Monday!






  • Rebecca

    I’m really excited to read this book with everyone, it sounds so cool! I love these readlongs, they give me some really great community vibes to go along with my memories of the book once I’m finished.

    • Codie

      Yes! I love that too, it makes for a lovely reading experience over all ☺️

  • MoonStar

    I’ve been so excited to read this book. But I’ve been holding out for the readalong ?

  • steph_loves

    Yayyy so excited for this Readalong, not only for the book but because it’s your first one Codie and I can’t wait to read this with you and everyone else.
    It sounds so magical so I’m very excited ??

    • Codie

      Aw thank you Steph! ☺️ so glad you’re excited for this book too!! ?

    • Microbookology

      Super excited for this! This is my first FairyLoot book and I didn’t even know you guys did read-a-longs till today! Even more excited that I get to share my first one with you Codie!

  • Kayleigh Woodland

    This is my first Fairyloot book and first read along so I’ve been waiting for this and really looking forward to diving in to the story with everyone!

  • Vivian Rodriguez

    I’m super excited for this read along. This is my first FairyLoot book and first read along as well. I’ve always wanted to join a FairyLoot read along ever since I came across FairyLoot on Instagram. I’m just super excited for this experience and the book. Looking forward to the tomorrow I hope my classes aren’t tough this week and that I’m able to keep on track with reading with all of you. (:

    • Codie

      So happy to hear you’re excited to join us for the readalong! I hope you’ll have a great week and don’t worry about not keeping up, you can always check back with us later πŸ™‚

  • Julianna Underwood

    Super excited for this read-a-long! This is also my first fairy loot book and read-a-long ?. Ive planned out my week and am pretty sure I can keep up with reading schedule ??This book sounds really interesting too, I love fantasy and magic!

    • Codie

      So happy to hear you’re excited ? I love fantasy too!!

  • Cora Linn

    I am so excited for this readalong! I don’t know much about the book, I’ve purposely not read the description haha. I want to be surprised.
    Cora |

  • kittyclear73

    This book sounds so intriguing and the cover is beautiful ❀

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